"What Madness Is This?" - A Timeline

The Black Shadow

Thinking about the violence and blood lust of the Union I came up with my own idea of a pulp hero. This has been submitted to and approved by Napoleon53.

George: What’s the matter? Afraid of guns?
Black Shadow: I’m not afraid of guns. I’m afraid of idiots with guns.

--Black Shadow Talkie Program Episode 110: A cold wind from the North

While American pulp magazines abounded with tales of mystery usually with plenty of violence and sex, one hero stood out in the 1930’s. Initially predicted to not last a year, the Black Shadow would become a cultural icon in print, cinema, talkie and picture box for over twenty years and with reprints and revivals across the world. What made him stand out from the private detectives, super heroes, war stories and adventurers was that instead of gunplay, physical strength or bloodlust the Shadow used his brain and his agility to combat his enemies without a gun. Throughout his run the Shadow never carried a firearm of any sort and refused to use one. Using his powers of hypnotism, martial arts and trickery the Black Shadow portrayed that the mind was the most powerful weapon of all

The Black Shadow background story began as follows. Born into the wealthy Mackenzie family, young Alexander Mackenzie could have had a life many would have dreamed for. However, Alex soon developed chronic asthma and required long periods of bed rest. While resting Alex became a voracious reader and with the aid of private tutors became an expert in archeology especially in the Far East. As Alex continued to grow he started a physical training regimen to build up strength and stamina. Eschewing violence as a tool for the coward and the weak willed Alex studied martial arts, especially in the style of Judo. While attending the University of Faber Alex gained the attention of his close friend Basil and sweetheart Juliet after defeating several attackers. Alex found his calling in fighting the insidious threat of crime and corruption plaguing his native Georgia.

Returning to the family estate near Atlanta after finishing his studies, Alex soon discovers an ancient art of hypnotism that can cloud people’s minds. Using his disguise as Alex Mackenzie, patron of the arts and man about town along with his wife Juliet and sidekick Basil he becomes the Black Shadow, defender of liberty from enemies foreign and domestic.

Humble Beginnings:
The Black Shadow was the creation of Henry Lewis, an illustrator and writer born in Savanna in 1887. Originally an illustrator for local newspapers, Lewis moved into the pulp market in the 20’s after growing weary of the newspaper industry. With the advancement of modern culture and the large amounts of wealth that was being produced crime novels, detective stories and adventure books flooded newsstands across the South. Lewis however was feeling uneasy regarding the violence portrayed in these books. As the father of three boys (John, Robert, Theodore) he saw the rise of violent youth gangs acting out scenes from the books. While the police and local governments curbed the worse excesses with athletic program and crackdowns the problem remained.

While reading Robin Hood to the boys one evening Lewis had an idea, a hero that used skill and smarts to defeat his enemies along with doses of Eastern mysticism, martial arts and culture to provide color. That evening he created the first stories of the Black Shadow and read it to the boys the next evening. The boys, being smaller that some of there classmates and experiencing bullying and fights at school, enjoyed how the Shadow fought bigger and stronger foes and defeated them. After creating a dozen stories for his sons he proposed the story idea to his editor at Action and Adventure Magazine. Skeptical of the idea, calling it a novelty, the editor allowed the publication of the first Black Shadow story “The Gold Dragon” in June 1929.

The June 1929 Action and Adventure Magazine entered the top ten of magazine sales by the end of June according to the trade papers. Newsstands ordered additional issues and subscriptions increased by twenty percent. A&A would start to publish the Black Shadow stories every two months with the first two part and then three part story lines being published in 1930. Lewis had secured copyrights to the Black Shadow and soon devoted himself to writing the stories. In 1936 the Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBC) would hire Lewis to work in the production of the Black Shadow Show. The talkie box program would be broadcasted on Monday evenings and would run from 1936-1949. It would launch the talkie and later cinema careers of Howard Tobin, who would become the first cinema Black Shadow and Jon Castle. The Black Shadow would become a cinema franchise in 1945 and would run till 1957. The weekly serials would later be rebroadcasted on CBC and New Entertainment Network in 1960. Henry Lewis would pass away at the age of 78 in 1965. Lewis’s sons John and Robert would continue the family tradition, creating a small animation studio and the legendary characters of Pinky and the Brain, a comedic pair of crime solving sleuths.

Overseas Reaction:
Translations of the Black Shadow into French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Russian would begin to appear in the early forties. At first unauthorized cheap copies on poor quality paper, official versions approved by Lewis would be printed and distributed by 1945. Stories that parodied authoritarian regimes like the Republican Union and the English Republics would become collector’s items. Since the Shadow professed none of the blood lust of the Union and since Lewis was a strong Catholic, the Union routinely attacked him as the “publisher of vile trash that saps the moral character of our youth”. Lewis would hold up these criticisms and the hate mail from Union supporters as “The Funny Papers” and famously wrote once “The criticism of the Shadow has deeply pained me. I cried all the way to the bank.”

Joe Steele meets with Winston Churchill, 1955

The nations that Joe Steele called the "Friends of Freedom" were in fact mostly opposed to freedom in almost every way imaginable. In 1950, protests in Wales by socialists and anarchists were brutally crushed by the State Security, and over 150 protestors were massacred. This signaled the beginning of the Welsh Resistance, who began a campaign of assassination and sabotage across Britain.

In 1954, the Scottish government banned striking, unions, and requested Imperial troops leave Fort Scotia, virtually the only building standing in the way of Scotland an easy invasion of Ireland. Napoleon VI rejected the request, and Scotland's Greer shut down diplomatic relations with Paris, communicating with Caesar only through England.

In Sweden, King Gustaf VI had taken power upon his father's death in 1950. The man was a solid supporter and friend of Prussia and the Republican Union. His constant antagonizing of Denmark-Norway's king, Frederick IX, led to concern of a possible modern "Great Northern War." In 1953, Sweden purchased 5500 Tiger II's from Prussia, considered the best landship in the world at the time. Swedish troops, resplendent in pickelhauben and dark blue, Prussian-style uniforms paraded regularly up and down Stockholm and trained for "The Big One" they were sure was coming. By the time of Steele's Ultimatum, King Gustaf informed Helmut Wilhelm I of Prussia that he could field 800,000 men for an invasion of Norway, with another 200,000 available for a possible strike on Denmark and a thrust through to the Confederation of the Rhine. With that many men and over 7000 tanks and armored vehicles, Sweden was a formidable military force, but it worried about what side Russia might take. These questions were answered in 1955 when Russia took its own side.


Swedish landship corpsmen monkey with a new Prussian-made Tiger II, 1953


King Gustaf VI Adolf, militarist King of Sweden


King Frederick IX of Denmark-Norway

Prussia and Sweden weren't without supporters in the Bonapartist Kingdom of Holland. There were citizens there they knew would welcome "liberation" from the "French oppressors." The Bonaparte Queen Louise Napoleona herself was a converted Dutch Protestant. Kaiser Helmut Wilhelm and King Gustaf both plotted possible ways to get her to switch camps, and she seemed always on the edge. In the end, Helmut Wilhelm a military invasion would be the only thing to finally make her wake up and stand with her Germano-Scandinavian Protestant brothers of the North. The Dutch Empire was huge, and had a monopoly on Southeast Asia. However, its bloody ongoing conflict in China and Indochina was not going well. In a gesture of good will, Helmut Wilhelm sent Prussian military advisers to Indochina to help get a hold of the situation. By 1955, things were going better, and several detachments of the Prussian Aeroforce gained valuable combat experience in Asia fighting next to the Dutch.


Kaiser Helmut Wilhelm I, 1955

In Italy, Emperor Massimiliano was on the phone for what seemed like days at a time, screaming and shouting about how he couldn't bring brigades up from Venice to reinforce Austria-Hungary and Bohemia while the fascist Prussian-allied Greeks were amassing hordes of troops along the Ionian and Adriatic Seas, clearly aiming for Italy if war broke out.

King Dominic III of Ireland almost had a seizure at the news of Steele's ultimatum, and he withdrew his family and headquarters down into a bunker underneath the Royal Palace in Dublin. There, he and his advisers plotted a strategy for defending against an almost certain invasion by the Scots and English. Imperial and Irish troops advanced to the coast of the Irish Sea.

Caesar Napoleon VI was determined to not show weakness. He thought the only way to get Steele to back down (aside from giving up Canada, which Napoleon was certainly not going to do) was to put on a show of strength. On July 15th, representatives of all the nations tied to the League of the Three Emperors arrived in Paris. With just 16 days until Steele's ultimatum ran out, the leaders spent five of them agreeing to a new alliance. The League of the Three Emperors and the Columbian Economic and Military Alliance were absorbed into one another to form the "League of Nations."


"Together, we have formed the League of Nations. This League, and all its member-states, dedicate themselves to defending one another from all attacks and aggressions. An attack on one nation will be seen as an attack on all. We invite all nations to join this just alliance. Together, we shall go forward to a bright future, where we shall resolve our differences in a court of international law. No longer will we destroy and level each others' cities, but we will live in harmony and peace. Join us, Free Peoples of the World. Join the League of Nations, united now, for liberty and justice!"
-Caesar Napoleon VI

The Union and its "friends of freedom" protested immediately. And by July 25th, representatives met in London to sign a new pact, calling themselves the Grand Alliance. With the last hours draining away until Steele's time limit for the Tripartite Empire ran out, Helmut Wilhelm, Gustaf, Steele, Churchill, and Greer gave a final toast before leaving for their respective countries. War was about to start for the first time since the Reign of Napoleon I.


  • Tripartite Empire
  • Empire of the Two Italies
  • Confederation of the Rhine
  • United Empire of Brazil and Rio de la Plata
  • Kingdom of Denmark-Norway
  • Republic of Virginia
  • Republic of Georgia
  • Kingdom of California
  • Kingdom of Quebec
  • Republic of Maryland
  • Confederation of the Carolinas
  • Vatican State
  • Republic of Jamaica
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Kingdom of Baden
  • Kingdom of Holland
  • Helvetic Confederation
  • Kingdom of Mysore
  • Kingdom of Andorra
  • Principality of Lucca and Piombino
  • Republic of Gran Colombia


  • Republican Union
  • Empire of Prussia
  • Kingdom of Sweden
  • Republic of England
  • Republic of Scotland
  • Republic of Romania
  • Empire of Bulgaria
  • Republic of Greece
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-Joseph Steele, August 1st, 1955

"Joe has a big mustache! Joe has a big mustache!" said the voice at the end of the wireless telephone.

The Quebecois soldier monitoring the signal fifteen miles from the Union-Canadian border bolted from his chair, frantically reaching for the telephone mounted on the wall. He quickly turned the crank and heard his superior pick up. "Joe has a big mustache! Joe has a big mustache!"

"Sacre bleu! I will alert King Pierre at once! Vive le roi!"

Just about half a minute after that phonecall, the Quebec Armed Forces were moving in to confront a Republican Union invasion.


Union troops lob mortars over the Canadian border during the first hours of the war


A Union soldier looks out over the Canadian border as aeroships commence bombardment


A Hannibal-class Union landship destroyer blasts away at advancing Quebecois landships


Canadian militia troops in khaki uniforms retreat across a bombed-out countryside

The Union Army was a well-oiled machine. Despite valiant effort, the Quebecois and Canadian armies mustered at the border were brutally defeated within 48 hours. By early August 3rd, 1955, the battered Quebecois Army was retreating into the homeland, leaving the Canadians to fend for themselves. Bombers flew over Montreal and Quebec City, and within four days, the Royal Palace had suffered severe structural damage due to falling bombs. The King's bunker below the building was dangerously close to collapsing. Over 1,500,000 Yankees were swarming the border and plunging headfirst straight forward with the goal of bringing all of the Canadian Territories under their control by October.

Groups of English-speaking Canadians worked behind the lines to sabotage the Quebecois war effort, and some even outright joined the "Free Canadian Army," consisting of about 100,000 militiamen. Massive Union aerodreadnoughts flew over the battlefields, destroying entire regiments before they could even react. Aerial landing platforms transported bombers and fighters over the rough terrain, where they deployed against forts and the meager Quebec Royal Aeroforce. By September 5th, the Royal Aeroforce was all but wiped off the face of the planet, and Union troops were strangling Montreal to death with unceasing artillery fire for miles around in every direction. On September 10th, 1955, Montreal surrendered to the Union Army, and thousands Yankee troopers marched in in triumph. The Union flag was raised over a large Canadian city for the first time since the War of 1812. Ottowa fell two days later, and heavily-fortified Toronto held out till the 20th.

King Pierre was panicking. He threw all his forces up to Trois-Rivieres and told his general staff, "Pray to God, monsieurs, that Trois-Rivieres holds. Or we are all finished. The Britishers are blocking off the North Atlantic. The Yankee Occultists envelop our western regions. There is no escape. If they break through Trois-Rivieres and reach Quebec City, I will have no choice but to surrender or go down fighting. Pray to God this does not happen."

It did. On September 28th, the 11th Legion, of Guadalajara fame, had their mechanized infantry and heavy support vehicles charge Quebecois positions just southwest of Trois-Rivieres at Yamachiche. In the brutal close-quarters fighting, over 7000 Royalist troops were killed, and over 3000 Unioners. Nevertheless, the Yankees rebounded from their losses and pushed on, clearing the way for General Matthew Reid's 5th Landship Regiment to bombard the walls of Quebec City. American paratroopers touched down on the Plains of Abraham and advanced under intense fire toward the gates. In the three weeks of the Siege of Quebec, 60,000 Union troops were killed in action, with 30,000 more wounded. Over 300 tanks from both sides sat in the streets, burning and sending pillars of black petrol fire up to the skies. 50,000 Quebecois troops were dead, with another 100,000 defenders wounded. 10,000 civilians had perished. The carnage was horrific. As the Yankee troops finally overwhelmed the gates of the city and marched into the city itself, some 1000 ethnic Slavs, supposedly escapees from the Union, were rounded up in the center of the city and shot. Homeless citizens wept in the streets as American soldiers sorted through the rubble of their homes for useful items and weapons. It was proclaimed illegal for any Quebecois to own a firearm. General Reid was installed as military governor. It took a week, but he finally found King Pierre in the catacombs of bunkers beneath the city. On October 31st, 1955, King Pierre of the House of Bonaparte was forced to abdicate his throne. The entire Quebec royal family was sent to Philadelphia to be paraded through the streets like Ancient Rome. Joe Steele said upon seeing them to Chuckie Oswald, "The mighty Bonapartes are humbled. We've put the fear of God into 'em, that's for sure. Execute Pierre's son. We don't want some messy resistance movement wanting to install that old codger's heir."

And thus, as November, 1955, arrived, the Republican Union controlled almost all of Canada and Quebec. But the occupation was just beginning, and the Southrons still remained. Another Union force was securing the Panama Canal and also crossing the border into Gran Colombia. To the west, California stood like a bear, its sizeable army positioned to invade Union territory. Steele moved General Arthur Worth to Oregon Country and ORRA Sky Marshal Lyndon Johnson to Johnson's home state of Texas to keep the Californians from trying to capture it to cut the Union off from the Mexican states. Steele and Oswald were determined to keep off all invasions on Union land. They also determined it was a good time to stir up trouble in the Reservation Lands. On November 10th, the first shipment of high-quality, rapid-fire guns was sent to the Indians.

The World War had started in North America. And it was also unfolding in the Old World, as the Kings, Emperors, and dictators made their moves across the bloody chessboard of Europe...

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The Union Forever! Down with the Bonepartist pigs!

Well Napy, looks like its the beginning of the end for the current world order, and wow, it looks like Canada and Quebec just fell to the Republican Union.

I wonder how things are going down south...

These questions were answered in 1955 when Russia took its own side.

Oh God, don't tell me that the Russians declared war on against both the League and the Alliance!:eek:
I think the number's for Sweden's army... Are a bit high. Though I don't suppose all the men were fully in the army before the outbreak of war and it was just a promise the king made. Shame the Rheinbund couldn't come to terms with the Freedom lovers, as they might have gotten Jutland out of the deal. Good for the Dutch as well, as they might manage to get one or two of the French provinces given to the Rhinebund. Any chance the Swedes wouldget an island or two from the Prussians in Finland?

The start of the war seems promising. Did many think that those in the Republican Union believed in the occult? Is Yankee the term used in many countries for those of the land of Custer or do some call them Americans, Unionists, Republicans, Republican Unionists, Unioners etc? I've noticed quite a few different terms mentioned. Luckilly there shouldn't be much compalining about the term American applying to them in this world, as most other countries claimed to be Columbian. Speaking of Columbia, I do not think you should use the term Gran Columbia. It only came IOTL because of the breakup of the Republic of Colombia, with the portion that was New Granada, sans Panama, not giving up the name.
We only need about ten more posts before this thread reaches 1000 posts! :D Wow, time flies.

Well Napy, looks like its the beginning of the end for the current world order, and wow, it looks like Canada and Quebec just fell to the Republican Union.

Oh God, don't tell me that the Russians declared war on against both the League and the Alliance!:eek:

Yup! I'll put up a map soon, showing occupational zones. :D

We'll see about Russia in the next chapter. It'll be awesome, I can tell you that. :cool:

I think the number's for Sweden's army... Are a bit high. Though I don't suppose all the men were fully in the army before the outbreak of war and it was just a promise the king made.

The start of the war seems promising. Did many think that those in the Republican Union believed in the occult? Is Yankee the term used in many countries for those of the land of Custer or do some call them Americans, Unionists, Republicans, Republican Unionists, Unioners etc? I've noticed quite a few different terms mentioned. Luckilly there shouldn't be much compalining about the term American applying to them in this world, as most other countries claimed to be Columbian. Speaking of Columbia, I do not think you should use the term Gran Columbia. It only came IOTL because of the breakup of the Republic of Colombia, with the portion that was New Granada, sans Panama, not giving up the name.

Sweden has been preparing for this war for over a century, and it's a militaristic Prussian-style monarchy, so they'll conscript a heck of a lot of soldiers if they need to. They probably have 7 million citizens, so the numbers work, I think.

Pretty much everywhere in the world (except in places where the Union is an ally of convenience), they see the Union as occult and crazy.

The Unioners call themselves "Americans," but I try to use different terms in the context of the narration to avoid confusion (there are lots of people on here where English isn't a first language, so I try to keep it easy to understand).

I know about the origins of Gran Colombia, but in this it used to be a monarchy, and then they overthrew the king and left the name. I mainly did it because it differentiates it from "Columbians." :p

And thus it begins... I wonder if Colombia and California can stand against the Union, or will their fate be the same as that of Quebec and Canada?

California has a better chance than Colombia, IMO. The deserts and mountains shield them, while Colombia is on a bottleneck where if the Union breaches over the Isthmus, it's almost certainly too late to stop it.

What happened to the Turks

We'll see about them in Zoid's final updates on Africa and the Middle East. They'll be neutral in this war for now. Other important neutrals are the United Kingdom of Albania and Montenegro, Empire of Egypt, Kingdom of Sardinia, Peru, and Japan. Peru is hugely important because of their resources and manpower, and the UK leans to the League and is smack-dab in the middle of Greece's way. There will probably be talks in Athens of violating Albania's neutrality, ala Belgium OTL WWI. If the Greeks take the UK, they could push the Serbians and Imperials back to Dalmatia, at least, and maybe (if they get support from Bulgaria) a road to Trieste. :eek:
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I'm trying to replicate the RU completely on NationStates. It's darkly entertaining clicking all the options Joe Steele would. :p So far I'd say it's a pretty good likeness. Still working on it.

Serbia would probably be the first to attack Albania, since they controll Serb areas(montenegro)

They do? You mean Montenegrin-majority regions? Albania owns the Montenegro, as part of its United Kingdom of Albania and Montenegro. But Serbia will be really busy trying to deflect attacks from Bulgaria and Romania (Bulgaria's main goal in the war is probably to seize Serbia).
Here it is, the third and last Race for Africa chapter. :D While I noticed the first Africa chapter got some feedback, the second one didn't seem to get any. Honestly, I blame the end of page curse for that one. :p Well, there all on the wiki page if you missed them.

Next will be guest chapters on the Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East. For now, Enjoy :cool:.

Part Three (1890-1920)


Map of Africa: Circa 1925​

By the 1890's, most all of Africa had been colonized by European powers, and most previous colonial border disputes between said powers had been resolved. With a variety of different lands subjugated, the more independent nations on the African continent were open season for a number of different European Powers, both major and minor.


The first of these wars was the Imperial-Abyssinian War. Previously, Abyssinia, also known as the Ethiopian Empire, was a quiet backwater which remained somewhat distant from European influence. This changed in the mid-1880s when the kingdom saw token backing in the forms of military advisers and weapons from the Prussian and Russian Empires. Prussia propped up the African kingdom due to her rivalry with France-Spain (known unofficially by the 1890's as simply "the Empire" due to her large size and imminent expansion via personal union with Austria-Hungary), while Russia felt closely tied to Abyssinia due to their dual Orthodox religious identity. This dual backing caused some tensions between the two empires and the Franco-Spanish Empire, which had her eyes on Abyssinia around that same time. However in the end, the later knew how to take proper advantage of the situation.

In early 1891, a number of minor skirmishes took place between Abyssinian and Franco-Spanish armies in Somalia. "The Empire" used this to their advantage by sending an ultimatum to Abyssinian Emperor Yohannes IV*, which he promptly refused due to the documents disfavor towards Abyssinia's independent status. France-Spain then declared war on Abyssinia on May 6, 1891. Almost immediately, men from all over France, Spain, and even Austria, Hungary, Bohemia and the Illyrian Provinces, some of them men from the Imperial Foreign Legion, came to fight in this seemingly exotic land. Thus, with a large amount of men and resources at her disposal, the armies of France-Spain won victory after victory, with the Ethiopians only making Pyrrhic successes, if that. Finally, on August 29, 1891, with the men of the Foreign Legion and other infantry and artillery units bombarding the walls of Addis Ababa, the Emperor came to his senses and surrendered. Abyssinia officially became a Franco-Spanish Protectorate on September 3, 1891. It should finally be noted that just two months later, the border between the new colony of Franco-Spanish North-East Africa and the Prussian Congo was finally agreed upon as being the portion of the Nile River under the Khedive of Egypt. This final settlement of the border between the two powers' colonies cooled relations between them for quite some time.

(*The Mahdist War never happens ITTL, so Yohannes IV is still Emperor of Ethiopia)


Abyssinian depiction of a battle from the Imperial-Abyssinian War

Next came the Tripolitanian War. Ever since her conquest of the southern Swahili city states the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, under Prime Minister and former colonial war hero Giuseppe Garibaldi, desired to expand her empire further. By this time the colony of Sicilian East Africa had been mostly settled, and now it was time for more. They thought perhaps a slice of the Barbary states from the "sick man of Europe" wouldn't be a bad idea, and France-Spain agreed with this consensus, as they would much rather have the declining Ottoman Empire's puppets in the hands of a friend instead of potential enemy. Not to mention, "The (soon to be officially) Empire" had been in a bitter dispute with the Ottoman Empire as to the status of the remaining Barbary states, Tunis and Tripolitania, and in 1890 promised to the Two Sicilies that they would eventually get some land form the Ottomans. The same promise was made to Sardinia, in an effort to foster better relations with the small, isolationist island kingdom. Two years later, the Empire sent a treaty forcing the Turks to allow them, the Two Sicilies, and Sardinia to jointly occupy Tunis and Tripolitania, with local Ottoman backed rulers still in control. The Turks blatantly refused. This would eventually prove to be a grave mistake.

The Tripolitanian War then officially began on September 24th, 1892. The Two Sicilies and Sardinia immediately landed troops, propped up by Imperial weapons as well as Imperial and international mercenaries, on the shores of Northern Africa. The war began with landings on the ports of Tunis, Medenine, Tripoli, Misratah and Benghazi, all of which were rather impressive victories for the Italians, having caught the Turkish and Arab defenders completely off guard. However after the initial victories, the armies came to a halt as they got farther away from the coast, with the enemy armies resorting to guerrilla warfare (which proved very successful for them due to their superior knowledge of the terrain). With that, a seemingly endless stalemate came about between the Italians and Turks/Arabs.

Despite this, during the first days of the war, an unlikely ally went into secret negotiations with the Empire and Italians about joining the war; the proto-fascist Republic of Greece, a nation whose relations with the Empire had been cordial yet tense to say the least. It is not known exactly what happened during these negotiations, but it was agreed on that Greece, still under the authoritarian and aging Lavrenitos Marinos, would have a piece of the Maghreb pie. So, Greece entered the war on October 19th, 1892, creating a new "Triple Alliance" with Sardinia and the Two Sicilies. While the new Greek reinforcements did manage to help the Italians win a few more battles, the war still remained a stalemate for the most part throughout the end of 1892 and the beginning of 1893. However in the spring of 1893, the Empire agreed to send more reinforcements, which boosted the Alliance's armies and a gradual trend of more successes emerged. By summer, almost every battle against the Ottomans and Arabs was a success once again; the Ottoman army was now badly equipped and with reinforcements from home being too little too late. As if that wasn't enough, one event would soon change everything about the war and bring it to an abrupt and unexpected end.


Italo-Grecian soldiers fire upon Turkish soldiers outside of Jalu; January 23rd, 1893


Sardinian-Sicilian Aeroships bomb Turkish positions in Libyan territory

Throughout the summer of 1893, Sultan Isma'il Pasha of Egypt, an Ottoman puppet, looked on the events just next door very worryingly. If the Italians and Greeks would conquer those territories, what would stop them from subjugating Egypt? Then on August 8, 1893, Isma'il Pasha, as well as his advisers and top generals, declared Egypt, "a new nation and empire, completely independent from Ottoman influence". Almost immediately pro-Ottoman loyalists were violently purged, most of them arrested and then executed en masse. Back in Istanbul, Sultan Abdul Hamid II was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Only a month later, Tunis would be completely occupied and Tripolitania was almost completely occupied as well, save for many inland areas which proved difficult for the European soldiers to trek through. With Tunis and Tripolitania occupied by the Triple Alliance, and the Ottoman armies exhausted of nearly all their resources and morale, the Sultan was forced to come to the negotiating table. On October 17, 1893, the Treaty of Malta was singed, recognizing Tunis as a Sardinian colony (Sardinian Tunisia), Tripolitania and Fezzan as Sicilian colonies (Sicilian Libya), and Cyrenaica as a Greek colony (Greek Cyrenaica), with the pro-Turkish governments in all these lands being declared defunct. Another important part of the Treaty was the recognition of the "Egyptian Empire" under their new "Sultan-Emperor" Isma'il I. Egypt would later be an important regional power in the Middle East, and a relatively modernized nation by the mid-20th century. Meanwhile, the advent of Greek Cyrenaica would be a particularly violent consequence of the Alliance's victory. Over the next few years, the proto-fascist Greek government aggressively encouraged ethnic Greek settlement into the colony, so that in Marinos' words; "The Greek's can regain the lands of our ancient forefathers and also gain new lands for our people to grow prosperous from". During the 1900s and 1910s, the Greek government would actively persecute the native Arabs, with massacres of cities, forced conversions to Greek Orthodoxy and other atrocities not uncommon. By 1940, native Arabs only made up about 45% of the colony's population.

Flag of the Egyptian Empire


Isma'il I, the first Sultan-Emperor of Egypt and Sudan (1893-1895)


Throughout the 1890's, Prussia had colonized a number of small islands in the southern Indian Ocean, and had also founded a number of trading posts in the southern part of Madagascar in an effort to increase her influence in the general area. This did not sit well with the Tripartite Empire, who had had cozy relations (particularity mercantile and business relations) with the local Merina Kingdom since the 1880's. The dispute lasted until 1896, when the Merina Monarchy officially became an Imperial protectorate after a compromise was reached between the Merina Queen Ranavalona III and the leaders of the Imperial militias and mercantile traders, where the Merina monarchy would be under French suzerainty in exchange for increased mercantile benefits from the empire. The island was then immediately divided between between the Imperial protected Merina kingdom and Prussia, with Prussia gaining the south of the island.


Queen Ranavalona III of the Merina Monarchy

Meanwhile, another nation falling under Imperial mercantile and business interests was the Kingdom of Morocco, beginning in the early 1890s. These relations continued to grow stronger and stronger over the years, and then trouble arose in 1899 when rebellion broke out against Morocco's young and somewhat pro-European Sultan Abdelaziz. After the massacre of a number of Hungarian merchants in Tinzit on November 19, 1899 by anti-European rebels, the Empire decided the time was right to react. The Empire gave further support to Sultan Abdelaziz and sent a number of Foreign Legion and Zouve units to help put down the rebellions against him. The rebellions were completely over by the summer of 1901, all the while the Empire was negotiating with the Sultan to submit and become have Morocco become an Imperial protectorate, with him still in power. After some thought, he agreed and on December 30, 1901, Morocco officially became a protectorate of the Tripartite Empire.


Sultan Abdelaziz of Morocco


By the early 1900’s, one medium sized portion of north western Africa remained oddly contested between the Empire, Italy and Denmark-Norway. After some talks between these three powers, it was agreed that a neutral power should take control of the land, as none of the three could agree on how to divide it properly between themselves. Sweden was one possibility, but none of them wanted to see a Prussian-allied nation gain a foothold in Africa. The Commonwealth of England was yet another, but the Empire was not yet comfortable with the prospect. Meanwhile, Lucca and Piombino, Ireland, Scotland and Wales all quarreled with each other over whether they would have the land or not. In the end, Caesar Napoleon III decided that the nation who would be willing to pay the most for the land could have it. That nation would turn out to be the Republican Union.

On October 24, 1902, some months after hearing about the "African Land Sale", First Chief Consul Custer sent a personal letter to Napoleon III asking for the "unclaimed wilderness" and promising to pay a hefty sum for it (with the money needed mostly gained from the sale of resources from the Union's new possessions in Central America) to all three nations currently contesting it. Napoleon III somewhat reluctantly agreed, and on October 31, 1902, a treaty was signed between diplomats from both nations in Halifax, in which the Empire and her allies officially recognized the RU's ownership of the land. With that, the Republican Union officially joined the Race for Africa. Almost immediately after the treaties signing, settlers, adventurers and military units came pouring in from across the Atlantic. The "American Commonwealth of Liberia" (named as such so it would not be seen as a colony, despite the fact that, no matter what the RU said, it was a colony) was officially established on November 14, 1902 with the founding of the colony's first settlement of "Custersville" (OTL's Monrovia). Custersville also served as the colony's capital, with American general Leonard Wood as the colonies first governor.


Leonard Wood, Governor of Liberia

As it would turn out, Liberia would be one of the most infamous episodes of the Race for Africa. While inhumane practices such as subjecting the natives to forced labor, harmful indoctrination of western ideals and subjecting natives to appearing in human zoos were not uncommon in most European colonies, the Union's colony of Liberia took it to a whole new level. As a first measure for securing control of the new land, Governor Wood and the rest of the Union's colonial government decided the natives in "Liberia" needed be to shown who were their new master was by any means necessary. A slew of military units were deployed into the remote wilderness and stationed in as many tribal villages as possible. Those tribes who obeyed were closely monitored, but left alone otherwise. Those that did not had the whole of their villages burned to the ground, the survivors arrested and sent to makeshift military prisons. Next, Governor Wood decided to protect the new settlers from any possible dangers, and ordered a number of military and militia units to protect as many bands of settlers as his men could find. Finally, Wood decided to control the natives through the word of God. Hundreds of AFC missionaries were sent from the new settlements and from the Union itself to the tribal villages to preach "the American Fundamentalist word of God". A large number of natives did end up converting to the AFC, while those who did not either had their villages turned into human zoos (much like what would be later done in Korea), or were put into new "American Boarding Schools" were "American" ideals were forcefully and violently indoctrinated into the natives.

These schools also served the purpose for justifying the colony's existence in the first place, and as Custer famously said at a speech on New Years Eve of 1902; "The Commonwealth of Liberia serves the purpose of bringing the black African into the fold of Protestant American Civilization. We have many an African-American living in our nation, so why should we not bring some of their distant relatives into our glorious nation?" However, this consensus was far from the truth. Not only were the natives badly mistreated in the "boarding schools" but most natives never experienced the "American Dream", but did menial jobs or forms of hard labor. However, only relatively few native Africans were put into hard labor. Most of the hard labor in the colony was done by Slavic, Irish, Italian, Mexican, Korean and Pacific Islander laborers, deported from their respective homes and imported to a new land to work in grueling, disease-infested work conditions. For those who had previously been laborers, these conditions were far worse then their original jobs in the factories, due to the hot climate, easy spread of diseases and just working in an even more unclean environment in general. They worked in factories, plantations and labor camps which all existed to take advantage of the colonies rich resources. By 1910, the colony was under complete Union control. The Office of Racial and Religious Affairs had a number of stations in different settlements, many young natives joined the Custer Youth Brigade, most all natives abandoned their animist past and joined the AFC, and images and propaganda posters glorifying First Chief Consul Custer (and to a lesser extent Second Chief Consul Bryan) were hung in several places, mostly in settlements, villages and along desolate roads.

Nevertheless, the Union failed to keep the brutality of their practices in Liberia completely under wraps. In fact, these practices would be described in detail in the 1909 novel anti-imperialist expose The Jungle, written by Finnish author and journalist Aatos Roope Seppänen, who had lived in the colony for a number of years previously. The novel was a big success in Europe, and remained popular amongst the anti-imperialist thinkers and common folk alike. Virginian anti-Imperialist author, humorist and politician Samuel Clemens claimed it was "the best novel of the decade". Naturally, it was banned in the Union and was famously lampooned by Charles Goodyear II as "cheap anti-Christian lies and propaganda from an otherwise holy protestant nation".


ORRA soldiers camped outside of a native Liberian village, circa 1908

Native Liberians salute an banner of First Chief Consul Custer, circa 1915

In Dutch South Africa, a growing number of Afrikaners continued to call on the mother country for a greater level of autonomy, the number of those wanting so increasing more and more over the years. Finally, Holland's King Louis Napoleon II, as well as several of his advisers, decided the time had finally come to give the Afrikaners some self rule. On September 20th, 1901, Louis Napoleon II announced that in a years time "our brothers in southern Africa will have a self ruling government tied closely to our monarchy and state". As such on May 17th, 1902, the Kingdom of South Africa was declared with Louis Napoleon II as its monarch, while the nation elected its own "self-ruling government" from the capital in Lodewijksville (OTL's Johannesburg). At first however, only the more populated southerly regions of Dutch Southern Africa were a part of the kingdom. The more northerly, less populated land remained a Dutch colony due to the low white population. It would later join the kingdom in 1918 after some more settlement. Meanwhile, tensions with the natives remained tense, though as long as blacks were de-facto second class citizens, neither Louis Napoleon II nor the Prime Minister of South Africa Andrius Botha had any reason to complain.


Flag of the Kingdom of South Africa​

In Portuguese Middle-Africa, the Luanda-Muenda railroad was completed by late-1896 after over six long years of construction, and was officially launched on January 1, 1897. It should be noted that the railroad was the first of its kind on the African continent to span from coast to coast. The Empire and Prussia both attempted to build their own similar "coast to coast" railroads, but in the end, neither of their plans ever got off the ground.


By the 1910s and 1920s, all of Africa had been colonized by western powers, and the Race for Africa was officially over. Yet the effects of foreign imperialism would always be felt by the people of Africa, for better or worse. The debate on the effects of Imperialism continued for years to come. Many argued it brought much needed western values to the African people, while others argued that such values were violently and unnecessarily forced on the African people. As Georgian historian and journalist Abraham Johnson said famously in the intro to his 2006 book "The Hearts of Darkness"; "The natives of Africa were mistreated, some more brutally then others, but still, what difference does it make? Almost no westerner had any true respect for the African that went any farther than a paternalistic sense of duty to 'civilize' them to their standards of living. They never viewed them as equal, and that is the most important aspect to understand."
I mentioned in the update that "Custersville" was TTL's analog for Monrovia.

Custerton or even Custria would be rather cool, perhaps it's a bit too late, but if you would consider renaming Liberia, what would your options be?

EDIT: Considering some early toponyms before Monrovia was chosen, Custropolis could work too.
Custerton or even Custria would be rather cool, perhaps it's a bit too late, but if you would consider renaming Liberia, what would your options be?

EDIT: Considering some early toponyms before Monrovia was chosen, Custropolis could work too.

I have plans for the Liberia name, but I do like the sound of that. Perhaps when I show the Pacific Islands owned by the Union in the war chapters, I'll say one of the largest cities is named Custria. :D Perhaps Majuro.