"What Madness Is This?" - A Timeline

Napoleon might not be the one to lose it. Napoleon is the only great leader I have planned. *cough cough hint hint* ;)

Great! I hereby declare this map to be the official representation of the world before the World Congress.

Hmmmm...Well Empires like this never last long and always die with their creators. Charlemagne, Genghis Khan, etc., build impressive empires that their weak descendants ended up losing embarrassingly. :rolleyes::p Maybe Napoleon II botches things up in the future. Since you said Napo was married to a Halsburg like in OTL, I assume its he same Napo Jr as in our world. Is Napoleon even married to Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma IITL?

Wait, are you lying about the future of you timelines again? :eek::p

Edit: Yes Napo, this map is official. Might as well thank you for decreeing so. :p
Yes, Napoleon II is the same guy and his mother is still Empress.

I should say it will end badly for France and the world in general.

You are welcome. Do you want a title along with that officialness? :p

My knowledge of India during this period is just passable, and it gets really overwhelming with all the princely states and such. If anything here violates geographical plausibility, please let me know, everyone!
I'm basing a lot of this off of a LOT of research and I'm trying to avoid the "space-filling Asian empires" that are the bane of a ton of AH writers and make this genuinely interesting, but I'm sure someone will have quibbles with every detail of this. :p This detailed OTL map will help you get the general picture of the partition going on: http://www.emersonkent.com/map_archive/india_19th.htm


Flag of the Independent East India Company (1814-1825)

The Partition of India, July 16th-28th, 1826:

After the grueling talks over Spain's looming collapse, the Congress brought up the most touchy subject of the entire meeting, India. Napoleon and Ney declared that they had fought and bled for the conquest of India, but they would be willing to "fairly" divide the spoils with their Allies.

Everyone who was anyone
got trading rights with the valuable subcontinent. France had set up its Asian capital in Bombay, and declared the entirety of "Bombay Principality," stretching from the Baluchistan border down to allied Mysore and including Kutch and Kathiawar, to be an official colony of France. The Sikh Empire nearby detested the return of a strong European military presence so near to their country when the French had first sent expeditions in in 1816. The British East India Company, after the collapse of the British Empire, had been essentially abandoned by William and Edward, and they had suffered multiple horrific defeats at the hands of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the fearsome Sikh emperor, and he had tried to expand his borders and faith into Rajputana.


Maharaja Ranjit Singh

France had favored the Muslims of India for quite some time, and after the East India Company destroyed the Hindu Maratha Confederacy in 1818 (their last real conquest), the Muslims of the remnants of the Mughal Empire agreed to submit to being French clients in exchange for protection against the Sikhs and the destruction of the British holdouts still occupying Mughal territory. Thus, by the time of the World Congress, the Franco-Sikh War was well underway. Napoleon II, the baby-faced, half-Austrian 15 year-old "King of Rome," grandson of Kaiser Franz, had volunteered to serve in Bombay during the beginning of the invasion, and there he began to show he had inherited his father's knack for strategy as he worked on mapping under the supervision of the French generals stationed there. Everyone gathered in Vienna expected the Sikhs to crumble before long, and many also expected that Napoleon II would be proclaimed Prince of Bombay once he came of age the next year. At the Congress, Kaiser Franz was proud of his grandson and awarded him the title of Duke of Reichstadt, and a medallion representing his new title was gifted to Napoleon I, for him to present to the King of Rome upon his return.


Napoleon II

During all these events in India, a French force largely consisting of Irish, German, Dutch, and Italian troops had landed on areas of India's eastern coast, where they were met with open arms by the Sultanate of Mysore, which helped them enforce Napoleon's rule in the south. Further north, Bengal, the makeshift capital of the East India Company, put up some stiff resistance in some areas, but in the end surrendered, most in the August of 1825. This effectively ended any real form of English rule in Asia for good. At the World Congress of Vienna, Bengal was proclaimed a principality, and Napoleon offered the position of prince to Ferdinand of Austria, Kaiser Franz's son and the future leader of Austria. Once it was made clear to the mentally deficient Ferdinand that he would not actually be living in Bengal, he accepted gladly. Thus, Bengal fell under Austrian domination and essentially became a colonial administration of the Hapsburg Crown.


Ferdinand, Prince of Bengal

Goa, which had been under Portuguese rule for centuries until the East India Company seized it once British-allied Portugal collapsed in 1809, was under Dutch occupation in 1826. At Vienna, Napoleon announced that the Portuguese Confederation was simply not economically capable of managing the far off colony. Instead, it was given to Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia and Hanover.

Denmark-Norway, desiring to further its efforts in Africa and because they were no longer making a profit in places like Trankebar, on the south-east coast of India, sold all of its Indian possessions to France. The Danish East India Company thereby permanently closed its doors.

The Mughal Empire was known to be failing in Hyderabad in the face of civil unrest and economic collapse. The French announced they were going in, and the Principality of Hyderabad was declared in Vienna on July 27th, 1826. French Prime Minister Michel Ney was awarded honorary title of Prince; as in Bombay, Napoleon and the French military and navy would make day-to-day decisions involved in the running of the colonies- the princely titles were strictly honorary.

Bhutan had been under fire from every Western power in India for decades, and it finally submitted to being a satellite state of France in 1825. It's independence was "guaranteed" by France at Vienna.

The Australia and Malay Archipelago Partition, July 29th-August 2nd, 1826:

The Australian Question was raised by Louis Bonaparte of Holland, who had been in a joint occupation with France of the former British colony since the last year of the Great Wars of the Empire. Louis requested official borders be drawn up. France agreed, and the border disputes were promptly put to rest, though several days of negotiations went on over various nearby islands. The Andaman Islands, a British penal colony, were awarded to the Dutch. The Dutch had long desired a monopoly in the Maylay Archipelago, and the local Spanish outposts were almost all abandoned. Thus, Louis requested sovereignty over all of the Archipelago, including New Guinea. This was agreed upon, as Napoleon had more than enough territory to go around at the present and he was satisfied that Holland was a loyal ally and satellite state.

The Finland Independence Question, August 3rd-15th, 1826:

Since it had been agreed to by Russia and Sweden that Finland would be a neutral independent state, the matter of who would lead the frozen northern country lingered until August 3rd, when Napoleon presented the faithful, elderly, French lapdog Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony and Grand Duke of Warsaw, as a candidate for the new Finnish Crown. Sweden, under the very cooperative Oscar, and Russia, under Napoleon's personal friend the Czar, agreed to this, and the "Fat Saxon" gained yet another hereditary title for himself and his daughter Maria Augusta. Prinz von Metternich called the Saxon monarch "a man with far more titles then he deserves. Three too many, in fact."


Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony, Grand Duke of Warsaw, Grand Prince of Finland


Caesar Napoleon I, Age 57 (drawing by a Prussian diplomat at the World Congress)

The first-ever World Congress continued until October 15th, 1826, though many leaders had gone home earlier. Almost all American diplomats, for instance, had left in early August (with the exceptions of Goodyear and Romney), shortly after Virginia had purchased Bermuda (which incensed Goodyear yet again). Goodyear continued to launch angry tirades almost daily, even when the leaders were discussing matters with little to no effect to the entire North American Continent. This scored him major popularity points back home when the young tycoon returned to a hero's welcome. It was, overall, a civil affair, despite Goodyear, the death of Karl of Sweden, and the fact that many countries being represented hated each other beyond reason. Plans were made to convene again in 1832, and Berlin was voted to be the site of the next Congress. Friedrich Wilhelm III left in an extremely good mood and was already jotting down notes on how he would shock the world with a splendorous militaristic circus of an event when his city's time came.

The Congress had taken up a good part of Vienna, with the troops and guards and horses from all over Europe and America needing food, shelter, and drink. The housing for most of the leaders was beyond extravagant, and the more powerful a leader was, the more luxurious and showy it became. The Czar of Russia, for instance, had a "camp" so large, that Austrian citizens said it was like "some sort of exhibition on life in Moscow." Meanwhile, the hotel being rented by the Republican Union was set up by Goodyear to show off the latest technological gimmickry and machines from his and Eli Whitney's workshop. The highlight was Napoleon, who always claimed to be a "scientist at heart," stopping by to see "Goodyear's Vulcanized Rubber" and the the latest version of the steam engine. One of Goodyear's aides gifted a small piece of "chicle candy," wrapped in a wax paper. to Bonaparte. Unfortunately, Napoleon quickly bit his tongue and broke one of his fragile teeth, and he left the hotel in agony. Rumors flew that Goodyear had deliberately offered the "dirty Frenchman" a stale piece of the sweet, though the Republican Union ambassadors promptly denied this.

Thus, the "Pax Napoleonica" continued. Until the North American and Spanish leaders returned home to find their countries on the brink of all-out war...

Yep, I just turned the Congress of Vienna into this TL's militaristic equivalent of a world's fair. :D
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And here are the flags of the Republican Union as of 1827 (next chapter). The four new stars represent the new states of Iowai and Nova Scotia, as well as the two new states about to be formed out of the Midwest Territory- Chersonesus and Michigania.


Basic summary:

"And here we have the three basic flags in use by the glorious Republican Union in the 1827th Year After Christ: The National Flag, the Army Battle Standard, and the Anchor Jack.

The stars on all the banners represent the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Iowai, Nova Scotia, Chersonesus, and Michigania.

The central star represents their great Anti-Federalist Republican Union and its Sacred National Honor. The Color Red represents the blood shed to create the Union, the Color blue stands for the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes, and, as of 1814, the white officially represents Remembrance of the Canadian Invasion and the Purity of the National Spirit. The stripes themselves and their number are simply for tradition and aesthetics, harkening back to the days of the overthrow of the English Tyrants.

The Cross of Christ on the Army Battle Standard represents the firmly held Protestant beliefs of the Union soldiers and the fact that Jesus is watching over them in battle and on the side of the Union. The Anchor Jack (which also incorporates a cross) symbolizes the might of the Union Navy, which is ready to drop anchor anywhere at anytime to destroy any fools which oppose them."
Man, where is everybody? I think Zoid is the only commenter in the last two updates. I could especially use some advice on the India chapter.

Anyway, I remembered we still don't have a portrait of Willard Crawford, the founder of the Republican Union, which I believe was brought up by Blue. Since he's rather important, I figured it was time he got a face. :p So! Here's the Official R.U. Government Portrait of Willard Crawford:


A dapper gentleman to be sure. :p You can note he is not wearing a wig; they're not a great a fashion in the Union after Liberty Day happened. I'll probably write up a quick bio sometime soon telling what has happened to him. This guy and Burr laid the foundation for the entire Union system of government, after all. I've said this TL will be a dystopia, and without this guy, it probably wouldn't. The odd thing is that he's not actually a bad man or of low moral character. In fact, one could call him a hero for overthrowing the corrupt dictatorship. Multifaceted character.
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Another great update. I swear that this timeline has some of the most awesomely bizarre territorial exchanges I've seen in any work of alternate history. :D As such it was especially fun hearing about the goings on in India. Of course the Congress in general was fun to read, especially the worlds fair esque aspects. Plus I like how the World Congress is essentially an earlier League of Nations/UN analogue. :cool:

Very cool Republican Union flags. The Military Standard reminded me of Jesusland. :p Plus, I like Willard Crawfords portrait.

Yes, I am working on an 1826 map. This one won't be to hard even with all the craziness in India. :p
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A bit OT, but looking at Ferdinand's painting it's really astounding how many artistic licenses were permitted (imposed? :p) to the official portraiters in the Habsburg courts, don't you think? :D I actually would have liked to see His Hydrocefalous Majesty in India, just to know which kind of demon the natives would have associated to their new ruler... And speaking of this: Austrian colonialism! But what kind of colonialism can they operate without a sea access? With Illyria a French province (or am I thinking to the OTL French Empire? :confused:) Austria is now a land-locked nation. Leased Adriatic ports?
I've been catching up on this TL, I can certainly see the train-wreck coming down the way fine enough (BTW welcome back!). I can't wait to see what happens, especially now that the RUA has gotten it's pants kicked but good AND Napoleon seems to be getting things his way.

As an aside, whenever somebody brings up the "Southrons" as a group, do they include Maryland, West Florida and/or the West Indies? I figured the latter would be accurate (seeing as how they're really just Carolinian puppets). Also, Virginia needs islands in the tropics! :p
Another great update. I swear that this timeline has some of the most awesomely bizarre territorial exchanges I've seen in any work of alternate history. :D As such it was especially fun hearing about the goings on in India. Of course the Congress in general was fun to read, especially the worlds fair esque aspects. Plus I like how the World Congress is essentially an earlier League of Nations/UN analogue. :cool:

Very cool Republican Union flags. The Military Standard reminded me of Jesusland. :p Plus, I like Willard Crawfords portrait.

Yes, I am working on an 1826 map. This one won't be to hard even with all the craziness in India. :p

Thanks, man! Messing with colonial cultures is one of the most fun things to do.

Right on; this is like the League of Nations meets the Crystal Palace, meets the World's Fair. :D

Just so we're clear, I'm a non-denominational Christian; the flag isn't meant to insult anyone. ;):p It's meant to show hardline 1600s Germany-level Protestantism ( :eek: ) that the Union is gradually subscribing to (with lots of hypocrisy to be shown in the future).

A bit OT, but looking at Ferdinand's painting it's really astounding how many artistic licenses were permitted (imposed? :p) to the official portraiters in the Habsburg courts, don't you think? :D I actually would have liked to see His Hydrocefalous Majesty in India, just to know which kind of demon the natives would have associated to their new ruler... And speaking of this: Austrian colonialism! But what kind of colonialism can they operate without a sea access? With Illyria a French province (or am I thinking to the OTL French Empire? :confused:) Austria is now a land-locked nation. Leased Adriatic ports?

Hey, I wrote that the princely title was honorary and that he wouldn't live there; I didn't rule out a Grand Imperial Tour of Bengal. :D

I also considered that question: I'm thinking that Austria sails out of leased French ports much like OTL USA is currently sending men to space on Russian rockets since they gutted NASA. Possibly they buy enough coast on the Med. to get by in the future.

I've been catching up on this TL, I can certainly see the train-wreck coming down the way fine enough (BTW welcome back!). I can't wait to see what happens, especially now that the RUA has gotten it's pants kicked but good AND Napoleon seems to be getting things his way.

As an aside, whenever somebody brings up the "Southrons" as a group, do they include Maryland, West Florida and/or the West Indies? I figured the latter would be accurate (seeing as how they're really just Carolinian puppets). Also, Virginia needs islands in the tropics! :p

Glad to be back, Mac!

Any group below the Union border that seceded from the USA during and soon after the Liberty Day Crisis, and all colonies and territories associated with such, are Southrons. :D

Don't worry; Virginia will be getting an- woops! I just remembered I forgot to say Virginia bought Bermuda in the last chapter! I'm going to fix that! But VA will be getting a much greater prize than that in the next chapter.

EDIT: Okay, Virginia now officially owns Bermuda! It's in the Conclusion of the Congress chapter.
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I was really looking forward to this chapter, so I just went ahead and did it. :D

"Remember the Madison!"

- Virginia President Henry Clay

The R.V.S. James Madison explodes into a gigantic fireball in Havana Harbor on All Hallows' Eve, 1826, killing 296 sailors

When Virginian President Henry Clay and his Vice President Daniel Webster were returning home from the Congress, they were met out at sea by allied Carolinian warships reporting that there was a quickly escalating crisis on and around the Spanish island of Cuba. Spain had been attempting to send in troops after Cuba had declared independence and overthrown much of the local garrison. Spain had already been internationally condemned by France and its allies for atrocities and was also infamous for never repaying loans it owed to a large number of powerful countries; in short, almost everyone wanted to punish Spain. Virginian, Carolinian, and some patrolling French and Georgian vessels had peacefully blockaded the island, and no shots had been fired as King Ferdinand's ships dropped anchor about a half-mile out to sea. The tension was high, however, as the enemy admirals stared each other down through spyglasses and waited to see if the other would try something first.

Webster sailed on home to Virginia to make sure someone was in a position of authority there, but Clay insisted on personally taking charge of the situation and sailed down to Cuba. Just hours after Clay arrived in Havana Harbor, the R.V.S. James Madison, a large, expensive frigate, blew sky-high extremely close to Clay's R.V.S. Newport News. Around 296 sailors lost their lives in the horrific explosion that caused several other ships to catch fire. Immediately, screaming about Spanish treachery, Captain Bartholomew Daniels of the R.V.S. Portsmouth ordered his guns to open up on the Spanish fleet. Clay, who would have preferred to make sure that the explosion was not simply an accident, was red-faced, knowing his country was now at war with Spain. But seconds later, Clay was up on the poop deck, bellowing out "Remember the Madison!" Several thousand "For Old Virginia!" "For Georgia!" "God Bless Carolina!" and "Vive César!" cries came after as the Allied fleet broke formation and went full speed ahead at the shocked Spanish navy. Within minutes, the Spanish admiral and most of his officers were floating face down in the deep blue sea, and many of the Spanish sailors were disheartened and simply surrendering en masse. Clay's men whooped cheers of victory and most of the other nations' ships went after the fleeing Spanish, but the Virginians stayed and landed at the docks. They were met with a huge celebration. The locals began acting like Clay was a god of liberty as they raised him and his men on their shoulders and carried them to the Colonial Administration Office. In front of the building where over two hundred surrendered and starving Spanish troops begging for mercy. The Revolucion in Cuba had succeeded.


Celebration in Havana

The weak Cuban government plead for Virginian protection. Clay agreed to this, and began his voyage back to Virginia to muster the armed forces for the coming war. At Christmas Time, thousands of Virginian troops landed on Cuba and the whole "Cuban nation" began to look a whole lot like a Virginian colony. This was deliberate; Clay had drawn up a plan with Webster to gradually ease the island republic from its independence ("as independence for such a place is not tenable in the long run"), and make it an occupied puppet state. With the exception of Bermuda, Virginia had no colonies or territories, but now they found themselves masters of the Grand Prize of the Gulf.


Flag of the Republic of Cuba

When the news reached Europe, everyone blamed Spain for the "act of aggression" and breaching the Pax Napoleonica. Ferdinand VII was already a hated figure, and many countries finally wanted to do away with his entire rule and give it to someone more sane and capable, and also do away with his backwards feudalism and Inquisition tactics. Austria in particular was still seething over unpaid Spanish debts, and Kaiser Franz seemed more than happy with the idea of an Allied Invasion to take Madrid and exile Ferdinand. Caesar Napoleon approved of this plan, and in the April of 1827, French troops stationed in Andorra (of which Napoleon was king) brutally crushed the under-prepared Spanish border garrison and trekked southwards further into the impoverished Iberian country. Austrian troops were sent in not long afterward, followed by soldiers from the German Confederation, Prussia, Bavaria, and other Central European countries. Dutch, Irish, and a few Scottish ships sailed to and reinforced the Portuguese Confederation and the Free City of Lisbon. A small Spanish attack at Corunna was was brutally crushed by the Dutch.

Ferdinand's court was flying into a panic. Just a French invasion would have been bad enough, but in the face of a united European assault, it seemed only a matter of time before the eminent and total defeat.


Spanish militia horsemen clash with Andorran troops


Spanish infantry are scythed down by Napoleon's lancers at Vitoria

Spain's economy went directly down the abyss of no return. Revolts were widespread in New Spain. "Gran Colombia" had just declared independence and was being guarded by the French Navy. Mexico was on the verge of being liberated by French Louisiana and the Republic of Georgia. Spain's side of Haiti was about to crumble. Cuba was lost. The Dutch were moving in on the Philippines, the prized Gateway to the Orient. Gibraltar was being assaulted by Austrian soldiers, ready to capture the Gateway to Africa and the Mediterranean. The Spanish had captured a large portion of the southern part of the Portuguese Confederation, but had to abandon it to return to Madrid to build up defenses there. Louis of the Confederation and Etruria was being told that the pre-1809 borders of Portugal, with the exception of Lisbon (which would remain French), would be restored or even enlarged, a simply terrifying thought to any Spaniard. And the worst thing was that Napoleon seemed to be thinking about a grand unification of the French and Spanish empires, likely in the form of placing himself or a relative, possibly the King of Rome, on the throne. The King of Rome was half-Austrian, and making him monarch of Spain would solidify Southern Europe firmly on the French bloc, maybe even forever.

It was with these thoughts that King Ferdinand retired to his chambers in Madrid on June 8, 1827. That night, he shot himself in the face with the flintlock pistol that always sat in the top drawer of his dresser. The Last King of Spain was dead.


Ferdinand VII (1784-1827), House of Bourbon, Last King of Spain

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Well, now you gone and done made Cuba all Southernized, after that super early S-A War analogue :cool:. I like you you made Virginia bereft of Caribbean land at the start, and now they've got two of the most strategically useful islands in the region in their pocket (at very little cost, might I add). Love it! Also, kudos for the Spain-screw hijinks even in Europe. Would you say that West Florida and Maryland are both at the same level of dependence on their neighbors, or are they still largely self-determining (despite their size)?
Well, now you gone and done made Cuba all Southernized, after that super early S-A War analogue :cool:. I like you you made Virginia bereft of Caribbean land at the start, and now they've got two of the most strategically useful islands in the region in their pocket (at very little cost, might I add). Love it! Also, kudos for the Spain-screw hijinks even in Europe. Would you say that West Florida and Maryland are both at the same level of dependence on their neighbors, or are they still largely self-determining (despite their size)?

Imagine the future as ships modernize and tourism becomes more common. The "national water" are going to become insane. "Whoops, we just sailed out of Virginian waters and are now in a shark-filled bay currently contested by Georgia and Carolina. :D


West Florida is a total client state of Georgia. The lines are already hazy and Georgia does a crapload of business there. Maryland is still very much independent, it's just very good friends with Virginia and the people are almost exactly the same.
Imagine the future as ships modernize and tourism becomes more common. The "national water" are going to become insane. "Whoops, we just sailed out of Virginian waters and are now in a shark-filled bay currently contested by Georgia and Carolina. :D


West Florida is a total client state of Georgia. The lines are already hazy and Georgia does a crapload of business there. Maryland is still very much independent, it's just very good friends with Virginia and the people are almost exactly the same.

So Georgia's playing the heavy-hand game, whereas Virginia and Maryland are more like France and Belgium? Makes sense, the further into the Chesapeake one gets the more alike the two staters get...I still resent having the Potomac being Maryland waters, though :p

As an aside, are you planning for the three republics to stay independent of each other, or are we looking at more unity down the road (not necessarily as a whole country, but more like the EU or a sort of "Triple Alliance")? And what shall become of Louisiana under the Bonapartists?
So Georgia's playing the heavy-hand game, whereas Virginia and Maryland are more like France and Belgium? Makes sense, the further into the Chesapeake one gets the more alike the two staters get...I still resent having the Potomac being Maryland waters, though :p

As an aside, are you planning for the three republics to stay independent of each other, or are we looking at more unity down the road (not necessarily as a whole country, but more like the EU or a sort of "Triple Alliance")? And what shall become of Louisiana under the Bonapartists?

Yep, pretty much. Georgia compensating for its own agricultural backwardness is a major part of the TL so far, and it idolizes France. Hence, it's the most imperialistic of the Southron countries. And that is an excellent analogy of Virginia and Maryland!

I'm not sure for sure :)p). Possibly. Though never a single country. Georgia is the most likely to offend the other Southroners with its massive Catholic population and its increasing Europeanized arrogance (that will become increasingly obvious soon).

Louisiana is something I haven't decided upon yet. Any attempt at Revolution (I don't know why they'd do this, as France is on top of the world and rich as King Solomon currently) would be immediately dealt with. I have tossed around an idea of making it an analogue to OTL British Australia, where they push the Indians into the Nevada-Utah area and march to the coast, leaving the Indians isolated like the Australian Aborigines possibly into the 20th century. Apache warriors roaming the plains in the 1920s? :D
Yep, pretty much. Georgia compensating for its own agricultural backwardness is a major part of the TL so far, and it idolizes France. Hence, it's the most imperialistic of the Southron countries. And that is an excellent analogy of Virginia and Maryland!

I'm not sure for sure :)p). Possibly. Though never a single country. Georgia is the most likely to offend the other Southroners with its massive Catholic population and its increasing Europeanized arrogance (that will become increasingly obvious soon).

Louisiana is something I haven't decided upon yet. Any attempt at Revolution (I don't know why they'd do this, as France is on top of the world and rich as King Solomon currently) would be immediately dealt with. I have tossed around an idea of making it an analogue to OTL British Australia, where they push the Indians into the Nevada-Utah area and march to the coast, leaving the Indians isolated like the Australian Aborigines possibly into the 20th century. Apache warriors roaming the plains in the 1920s? :D

My first thought was that their relationship was more like "having Maryland be Short Round to Virginia's Indiana Jones", but I figured that was none too PC.

I wouldn't call having a largely Catholic outlook as overly offensive to Southroners by itself (there is a precedent for the faith in OTL's Louisiana, Florida and Texas and TTL's Maryland after all). However, I see what you mean about French influence tainting Georgia's stock with their neighbors. Does that mean then that the CoCaros are meant to be the next best thing to the Upper South republics, or not so much?

Fair enough with a Louisianan "Australia" (although I doubt the Comanches and Apaches would appreciate that very much). What of Texas?
My first thought was that their relationship was more like "having Maryland be Short Round to Virginia's Indiana Jones", but I figured that was none too PC.

I wouldn't call having a largely Catholic outlook as overly offensive to Southroners by itself (there is a precedent for the faith in OTL's Louisiana, Florida and Texas and TTL's Maryland after all). However, I see what you mean about French influence tainting Georgia's stock with their neighbors. Does that mean then that the CoCaros are meant to be the next best thing to the Upper South republics, or not so much?

Fair enough with a Louisianan "Australia" (although I doubt the Comanches and Apaches would appreciate that very much). What of Texas?

Lol, yeah, they're not quite the Chinese child sidekick of Virginia. :p

That's pretty much what I meant; it's not just Catholicism, it's Frenchified Catholicism. As decades go by, the growing American countries will probably not like being sockpuppeted by France, and will be friendly but rival powers with the Bonapartes. Georgia will the Wormtongue to France's Sauron. :p And yes, if I get your meaning, indeed.

Hey, this is going to be a dystopia, so my Indian ancestors don't get to break the TL rules just because I want to make them awesome. ;) At least I don't see getting ruthlessly exterminated by France in their near future; France will likely only be interested in the southern areas by Mexico as their bridge to the Pacific, and be willing to leave the Indians alone, without a reservation system. The Great Northwest (OTL Washington, Oregon, Montana, British Columbia) will likely be staked out in the form of legal red tape just for the hells of it by Russia and France, but little will be done there, in all likelihood.

Texas is a secret. :D
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Lol, yeah, they're not quite the Chinese child sidekick of Virginia. :p

That's pretty much what I meant; it's not just Catholicism, it's Frenchified Catholicism. As decades go by, the growing American countries will probably not like being sockpuppeted by France, and will be friendly but rival powers with the Bonapartes. Georgia will the Wormtongue to France's Sauron. :p And yes, if I get your meaning, indeed.

Hey, this is going to be a dystopia, so my Indian ancestors don't get to break the TL rules just because I want to make them awesome. ;) At least I don't see getting ruthlessly exterminated by France in their near future; France will likely only be interested in the southern areas by Mexico as their bridge to the Pacific, and be willing to leave the Indians alone, without a reservation system. The Great Northwest (OTL Washington, Oregon, Montana, British Columbia) will likely be staked out in the form of legal red tape just for the hells of it by Russia and France, but little will be done there, in all likelihood.

Texas is a secret. :D

There's France for ya, sticking their noses where they don't belong and stirring up all sort of hate'n'discontent. And I meant to say that, although Virginia and Maryland will probably be the most "progressive" of the Southron republics, the Carolinas I imagine will be almost as progressive, less likely than Georgia to commit overly imperialistic acts, perhaps more amenable to ending slavery down the road, etc. As an aside, with the Caribe being a Southron lake, does this mean that we can get redneck buccaneers :)eek:) or is it too late for that?

Of course, dystopias mean nobody really lives happily ever after (although perhaps an equilibrium can be balanced, just not for forever). And a Native Northwest is an interesting take to say the least, but then again a piece of land for the Tribes to squabble over isn't necessarily a good thing (in TTL, at least, given the intent of the author :p)
There's France for ya, sticking their noses where they don't belong and stirring up all sort of hate'n'discontent. And I meant to say that, although Virginia and Maryland will probably be the most "progressive" of the Southron republics, the Carolinas I imagine will be almost as progressive, less likely than Georgia to commit overly imperialistic acts, perhaps more amenable to ending slavery down the road, etc. As an aside, with the Caribe being a Southron lake, does this mean that we can get redneck buccaneers :)eek:) or is it too late for that?

Of course, dystopias mean nobody really lives happily ever after (although perhaps an equilibrium can be balanced, just not for forever). And a Native Northwest is an interesting take to say the least, but then again a piece of land for the Tribes to squabble over isn't necessarily a good thing (in TTL, at least, given the intent of the author :p)

Georgia is definitely the most likely to keep slavery for an extended period of time. Maryland has Baltimore, Virginia has Newport News, and CoCaro has Charleston and such, but Georgia doesn't have massive industrial centers, and does rather well with the cotton market (it'll be cheaper shipping across the Atlantic for the European cotton markets than buying French and Austrian cotton from India and Bengal), so I see slavery in their future.

Southron culture will indeed fuse with the spelunking spirit of the Caribbean, but likely not pirates.

Exactly. Perhaps the Indians even proclaim some sort of Northwest Native Republic/Confederacy of some sort, the ancient tribal hatreds are bound to flare up.
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More! I'm on a roll. :D These two medium-length chapters, especially the second, will blow. Your. Minds. Marie Louise manipulating Kaiser Franz?! Could this involvement of yet another mental disorder give even more meaning to this TL's title? These chapters prove the whole world has punched its one-way ticket to Hurtsville. I mean seriously, Napo II is going to be like a freakishly overpowered God of Earth. That is not anywhere near as good as it sounds, for him or for anybody.

"Viva la México!"


Agustín Cosme Damián de Iturbide y Arámburu, "The Mexican Napoleon"

In late 1827, the Mexicans finally overthrew the skeleton crew Spanish army holding the colony down. Ferdinand had been dead for several months, and news had reached New Spain long ago that the young King of Rome was preparing to seize the Spanish Throne. This was the opportune moment for a new independent government to rule in Mexico and join the North American circle of nations. Radicals were moving in from Gran Colombia, and they had already established the "Mexican Republic of Panama" with the expressed purpose of having it be the cornerstone for a new Mexican nation. Georgian and French troops were moving in from New Orleans and establishing camps in Texas. The militarists in Georgia still held high the name of Archibald Bulloch, their first Prime Minister, and the fear was growing that they seemed to be pondering an all-out French-backed invasion to add more territory to their own little "empire." The Mexicans urged Texas to resist peacefully, and it left the Georgians in no position to "give aide" or "militarily assist" the "very independent" Mexico. In other words, Georgia couldn't pull the same trick Virginia had in Cuba. Instead, once the newly forming Mexico City government told the easterners to get out, they had no choice but to do so or look like total aggressors.

The leader of the Mexican revolutionaries was Agustín Cosme Damián de Iturbide y Arámburu, better known simply as Iturbide, and he possessed the mind of a genius. He rallied the ad-hoc army he had assembled, acquired uniforms for the elites, and marched them north to the Louisiana border and held a formal ceremony at the departure of the French and Georgian "allies," to send a message they were not welcome to return.

Iturbide then proceeded to systematically purge his government of all who opposed him, which he cheerfully called "starting out on the right foot." The next move after that was to formally absorb Panama into the "Confederated Empire of Mexico." In mid-1828, he sent troops to fight with the Gran Colombians in South America, in an attempt to finally rid the two continents of Spanish rule forever. It would become a bloody affair, lasting till 1831. The Spanish in South America were being reinforced by the fleeing Spanish loyalists in Europe who desperately wanted to continue Bourbon rule in exile, and they made the going much tougher for the liberators. France at first helped in Peru against their common Spanish enemy, striking out from Brazil, but soon after ceased doing so, becoming increasingly wary of Iturbide's intentions.

In late 1828, Iturbide finally made it known that he was now the Emperor, absolute in power, of all Mexico. He proclaimed that his empire stretched from Texas in the east, to Panama in the south, to southern California to the west. France was horrified, and immediately officially annexed more western territory onto Louisiana, hoping to eventually head off the Mexican Napoleon on the route to the Pacific. The land-race would continue until 1840.


Flag of the Confederated Empire of Mexico

Iturbide faced a civil war in Texas in 1830, led by a local militia leader known simply by the commoners as "Santa Anna." Several violent confrontations occurred, with many Santa Anna supporters being killed by government troops. Iturbide "crossed the aisle" in a gesture of "good will and patriotic camaraderie" and offered to give Texas more local authority and jurisdiction, as well as officially renaming the country as "the Confederated Empire of Mexico and Texas." Texas refused, and in a bloody last stand at an abandoned Catholic mission, Santa Anna's largest force was brutally overwhelmed and massacred by Iturbide's forces. The rebel leader barely escaped with his life.


The Alamo Mission, site of the brutal siege that destroyed Santa Anna's largest army

Georgia finally intervened and sent troops into Texas once again, followed by a declaration of war on the Mexican Empire. The modern Georgian army and navy soon humiliated Iturbide, and he grudgingly was forced to accept a peace treaty that guaranteed Texan independence. The frustrated Mexican Napoleon slunk back to Mexico City to sulk, and continue his plans for northwest expansion.

Santa Anna busied himself forming a slave and agriculture based economy, modeled on Georgia's, and made sure to keep his few soldiers on the Mexican border on guard at all times. In 1832, Texas officially adopted a democratic-republican system of government and fairly elected Santa Anna as its first Prime Minister.


Flag of the Democratic-Republic of Texas


President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna of Texas in full dress uniform

Down in war-torn South America, Peru had declared independence in its capital of Lima. Though a general named Antonio Jose Estevez had tried to initially declare himself prince (as well as an ally of Iturbide), the people rejected and exiled him and drew up a republican system of government, based largely on Virginia. It welcomed Virginian legal advisers to come in and help write the new constitution. The young republic then looked inward and forward to a hopefully peaceful future.


Flag of the Republic of Peru

Chile declared itself independent in 1831, a year after Peru, and based itself on similar ideas and beliefs. However, once a series of Mexican-backed dictators were overthrown in a series of brutal revolts, the smoldering ash-heap of a country lost its independence to Peru, who finally brought in rule of law and stable leadership. The last Mexican troops withdrew as the most recent government was imprisoned, thus ending Iturbide's "Wars of Liberation."

Down in Argentina, the French had taken over in 1828-1829, and all attempts at independence were quashed utterly, ending in the execution by guillotine of rebel leader José de San Martín. The French then made Argentina a colonial administration, and turned it into just another part of the monstrously bloated French Empire.


Emperor Napoleon I of Spain (Napoleon II of France), King of Rome, Duke of Reichstadt, Prince of Bombay, House of Bonaparte

Napoleon II turned 16 in 1827, and he received a most splendorous birthday gift from his father: Spain. All of it. Ferdinand was dead, the Bourbons were fleeing the continent, the Inquisition was on its knees, and the Spanish army was so malnourished and abandoned that many of the Bourbon troops were pledging loyalty to Napoleon II (newly arrived in Iberia). It was over for feudalism forever; the European Alliance had ended the ancient Spanish way of life. The pre-1809 borders of Portugal were restored, Spanish colonies everywhere were confiscated for good, and the House of Bourbon was summarily outlawed from ever holding office or rank in the "Empire of Spain."

The consequences of this moment were great in number and power. With an Emperor Napoleon on the throne of both Spain and France, as well as their assorted principalities and titles, and their grandfather/stepfather on the Austrian throne, and their cousins, stepsons, daughters, stepdaughters, and extended family on the thrones of Italy and Ireland, Southern Europe became the playground of the Bonaparte family. Any questions over Austria's alliance with France were ended when news leaked that the ailing Kaiser Franz was supposedly considering skipping over the mentally incompetent and unstable Ferdinand, Prince of Bengal, in favor of his grandson "L'Aiglon" (which, to differentiate Napoleon II from the the I, was Franz's nickname for the new Spanish monarch). French Empress Marie Louise was supposedly the real power behind her increasingly senile Kaiser-father, making a place for her son to be the greatest monarch and leader the world had ever seen. Upon Napoleon I's death, Napoleon II would be Caesar of the French, Emperor of the Spanish, Kaiser of the Austrians, Emperor of India (likely), King of Rome, Duke of Reichstadt, and the master of all the colonies and territories under the power thereof, while dear old water-on-the-brain Prince Ferdinand would get a far off disease-ridden spice colony, just to add insult to injury.


Kaiser Franz I, Age 60 (1828)

Europe was rocked. Prussia and Hanover flew into a panic. If Austria permanently fell under the Bonapartes, all bets were off. Russia's Czar Nicholas had formed a good friendship with Napoleon II, and treated him like a nephew. Above Prussia was Napoleon's godson, Oscar, sitting on the Swedish throne. Denmark-Norway, very close to Hanover, was leaning more toward neutral on the idea of revisiting the topic of a young Bonaparte once again being in control of the entire Earth's destiny.

Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia wasn't a hateful or vengeful man. Napoleon had treated him well to his face. He just wanted to keep the balance of the Pax Napoleonica in place. Berlin was set to host the next World Congress. All the leaders would be together again. There, the Prussian monarch would offer a deal to Czar Nicholas. The Balance of Europe would be partially returned if Prussia and Russia drew closer together, possibly forming a friendship with the Turks or Danes. If they could do that, there would be a Eurasia divided in two, one side Franco-Spanish-Austrian, the other Prusso-Russo-Turkish. One side Catholic, the other Protestant, Orthodox, and Muslim. Friedrich did not desire war--he prayed against it--but he didn't want to be without oil for his lamp when the master came home to roost. Therefore, he drew up his plans in secret, waiting and hoping the day would never come when he would have to use them.
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Two updates in one day, and both excellent! :D Once again, the shit has hit the fan. :eek::D The Spanish-American War analog seventy plus years early, and the Peninsular War/Latin American Wars of Independence analog twenty plus years late were both simply brilliant.

Also, this timeline once again lives up to its name. The Bourbon monarchy in Spain deposed, untied European invasion of Spain, Peru conquering Chile, French Argentina, senile Austrian Kaiser, and most awesome of all;

Napoleon. II. in. line. to. rule. three. freaking. empires. all. at. the. same. freakin. time. making. himself. the. most. powerfull. man. in. the. freakin. world. :D

This really is madness. This really is. I mean, what madness is this!?!? :p

Speaking of madness, I knew more madness would happen after I read the last lines of that Congress chapter. I can tell more madness is to come from reading the last lines of the last chapter. I pretty much see the Bonaparte kingdoms versus an alliance of Russia, Prussia, Denmark and the Ottomans? I mean two century long enemies, Russia and the Ottomans, on the same alliance? :eek: So this is how the Bonapartes lose it; by getting to damn powerfull. The bigger they are the harder they fall. :p
De-banning really makes wonders for productivity, apparently! And that Texan flag... so awesome-looking in a gross, unrefined way that it's just perfect for such a country! :p