Alternate world Propaganda

Okay Here is the Challenge in 1917 there is an Alliance between Britain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Belgium. In a WWI where Britain defended Belgium but not France (Britain and France had huge argument over who held seniority on the Battlefield and France wanted full access to British Military secrets. So Britain decided to leave France to fight the Germans in France by itself while Britain drove the Germans out of Belgium.), smashed the Ottoman Empire (Which gave Greece the European parts of the Ottoman Empire plus the Dardanelles and Constantinople), and defeated Austro-Hungary with Italian and Greek help. Then made peace with German and Austro-Hungary in exchange for lots of money from Austria and Hungary and Germany's Africa Colonies,( Italy gained the East Adriatic Coast in the deal). France and Russia are still fighting Germany at this point.

Can we have a Positive and Negative prescriptive on the Alliance and the peace treaty (called the treaty of Antwerp), Please. For negative prescriptive perhaps a French or Russian or American perspective on the treaty and alliance (America is also not liking the British Empire at the moment as Britain have closed the US out of free trade talks, Britain has instead taken up the system of Imperial Preference).

Another Idea

The Suez Canal Crisis explodes as the triple Alliance (Britain, France and Israel) invade the Suez Canal area and the Sinai and kill Nasser. Leading to the death of the special relationship between the USA and the UK, and closer Franco-British Co-operation.

Your challenge is to create create a US propaganda poster condemning the Entente (Accusing them of being freedom hating Imperialist might work) and Entente posters condemning US support of Nasser and opposition to Entente policy (accusing the US of treachery, plotting with the USSR to establish control over the world and not respecting the freedom of the Western countries).

What about my ideas? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Another Timeline-191 propaganda poster. This one was a monster to upload because of the forums KB limit. :mad::rolleyes: But I did manage to copy this from and paste into paint and decrease the size of it there. :)

How did the Maritimes and Newfoundland end up crossing the Atlantic?:confused:

Whoops. :p I didn't even notice those islands were supposed to be the Maritimes and Newfouldnad, and this is from a guy whos excellent with geography. :eek::p Then again, the US occupies Canada in Tl-191, so it works then. :D

@Lord Roem; my favorite of your posters. I was actually thinking of making an AH poster of that guy myself. There's just something about him that just looks evil. He was an arch reactionary I believe, so that makes even more sense.
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I agree, that was an impressive work. I like how the troops pop off the poster. Neat effect.

I made a food add this time:


"We've all been there. You're at an informal party, just sitting there watching First Chief Consul Steele's daily address on the telly, when suddenly that certain STRANGE FELLOW in your circle of friends pulls out the GREEN FAIRIE! You take a step back, refusing to be a PAWN OF SATAN and commit MURDEROUS, TREASONOUS CRIMES under the influence of that FRENCHIFIED IRISHMEN HALLUCINOGEN! And then, as you call the Military Police or the local Office of Racial and Religious Affairs, you take a drink of an ice-cold REPUBLICA BEER, the beverage of the BETTERS of UNION SOCIETY!"
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And another. I really the way this came out. Notice the Unicorn logo I faded onto the glass. It makes it seem a little more "real" having a logo. I have a HUGE version saved I'm going to get printed for my wall. :D


@Lord Roem; my favorite of your posters. I was actually thinking of making an AH poster of that guy myself. There's just something about him that just looks evil. He was an arch reactionary I believe, so that makes even more sense.

Wrangel is an interesting figure, he was certainly one of the most capable commanders on either side of the Civil War because of his ability to actually govern the areas under his control. I enjoyed making this at any rate.

...that's Wrangel...

Great poster BTW Lord Roem!

Glad you liked it! I was just trying out a few techniques and it turned out much better than I was hoping!

Very impressive. Was this made for any particular timeline ?

It's a little bit of a flash forward - indeed, it is well beyond the planned scope of the main timeline - but you can find some early hints at this poster in "Use Your Loaf!" if you are interested. I'm always interested in feedback!

I wonder where the White Russians got the money to purchase US Navy airships from? :)

I couldn't possibly comment...

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