Jesus Walks: A History of the War on Terror, 1979-1992

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: War Pigs

November 4th, 1979. Earlier that day.

President Carter sat at his desk in the Oval Office, fidgeting with a pen. He held his hand to his chin, contemplating what he’d just heard.
“David, please explain that to me again.”

“What part, Mr. President?” asked David C. Jones, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“The part where I start a war.”

“Not a war, Mr. President. We went over this. It’s a police action, a temporary occupation of the capital region intended to destabilize and eliminate the rebels."

“You know, David, I might say ‘police action’ to the people, but they’ll hear ‘war’. We can’t afford another war, we both know that, and the people won’t stand for it. I won’t stand for it.”
“It’s not a war.”

“How? In what concrete way is it not a war?”

“We’ll be going in with a limited objective. We’re still formulating the final plan, but we believe that the best course of action is to break up the chain of succession. Khomeini’s united the various factions in Iran; our plan is to take out enough of the leadership that the various groups will fight with each other over whose representative is the Ayatollah’s legitimate successor. We're calling this first stage of the plan 'Operation Eagle Claw'. We’ll then begin working covertly to ensure that the legitimate successor is one sympathetic to our desires.”

“What if none of them are sympathetic, General?”

“Somebody will be. Or can be persuaded to be.”
Carter rubbed his temples. He looked down at his desk, at the dossier containing the photos of the attack.
“Well, now that we’ve established the ‘how’, let’s discuss the ‘why’. I’m not going to risk entangling our country in another Vietnam without a very good reason.”
“Establishing a friendly government in Tehran is our best bet for getting the oil flowing again, which would stimulate the economy. Having a defined goal, and achieving it, could help us shake this malaise we’re in. The Soviets might use the transition between governments as an opportunity to swoop in and install a communist regime. Or maybe Saddam will swoop in and simply annex the country. And last of all, well, do I need to state the obvious, Mr. President?”
“No, you don’t. The people will be calling for blood. They’ll want vengeance. But that is only what they will want this morning. Tomorrow they’ll remember how much they don’t want a war.”

“Which is why the plan works. It’s a compromise: we’ll give them blood, but no war.”

“I don’t want to give them blood, David.”

“Do you want to be re-elected?” Jones asked.

“At what cost? What shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?” asked the President.
Jones stood up from the desk, opened his briefcase, and removed a sheet of paper. He handed it to President Carter. Printed on the paper was a speech announcing the operation, a call for revenge disguised in the language of justice. Carter felt repulsed, yet resigned. He knew that if the plan failed, the country would be in crisis, and he would surely be voted out of office. Yet he also knew that if he did nothing the country would be in crisis and he would surely be voted out anyway.
“The world, Mr. President. It profits him the world.”

“Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that all to the poor.”

-Black Sabbath​

Deleted member 67076

This is new, subscibed! Oh and welcome to Enjoy your stay
Welcome to!

I think that Carter will win out over Reagan, if Reagan even becomes the Republican nominee.

That's a pretty big assumption. You have to remember that the U.S. military of late 1979 is NOT the force that smashed Iraq in 40 days in 1991. The process of recovery from the depths to which the force fell during the Vietnam War in so many ways is well along, but there are still a lot of institutional problems - the same problems, as I said, that led to the bloody fiasco at Desert One in April 1980. And that was a raid by the most elite troops we had at the time. What happens when several divisions of regulars - who still are dealing with rebuilding morale, discipline, training, officer and NCO cadres, and equipment - get dropped into the middle of Teheran on what's supposed to be a "police action" but get faced with large groups of angry and heavily armed Iranians who are still in the grip of Islamic revolutionary fervor? General Jones - I don't remember just what sort of leader he was OTL, so I don't know how accurate the picture of him is in this chapter, but for now we'll stipulate that what we see is what we get - is making several blithe assumptions here, all of which have to go right for the mission to be a success. Just like the OTL Operation Eagle Claw.

No, I think this is going to blow up in Carter's face. Desert One OTL was deadly enough for his reelection prospects; this has the potential to be far, far worse. I can't emphasize this point too strongly. The OTL operation was planned so hastily, without enough in the way of a backup plan, that it was almost guaranteed to fail, and when it did, and when it came out, it was, for a lot of people, the absolute bottom point for the U.S. in the decade, worse even in some ways than Vietnam. And to this day, I believe that Jimmy Carter was politically a dead man walking from that point; he was already getting primaried by Teddy Kennedy and came close to getting booted out - Kennedy was fighting for delegates right up to the convention - and if John Anderson hadn't run and siphoned centrists disinclined to vote for either Carter or Reagan away, Reagan might have won by an even bigger margin.
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King George wasn't a French puppet.

I meant it in the sense that a completely foreign power was trying to do it, rather than any internal resurgence of the loyalists.


I want one thing to be clear: this is not a story about Jimmy Carter, underrated president and liberal martyr finally getting the appreciation he deserves by saving America from terrorism. This is a story where things go wrong.

Cool, carry on.
Deckhand's analogy is also incorrect in that France actively aided the U.S. in ousting the British, whereas the U.S. tried to support the Shah as long as it could while reaching out to the non-Khomeinite (if I can coin a term) opposition until the Shah was forced to flee. For the analogy to really work, France would, say, have to have basically been backing London while maintaining contacts with more moderate elements in the Continental Congress.

I only meant it in the sense that a foreign power was intervening to try and restore a discredited monarch, i could have easily have picked France or China or Russia as the operator.
No, I think this is going to blow up in Carter's face. Desert One OTL was deadly enough for his reelection prospects; this has the potential to be far, far worse. I can't emphasize this point too strongly. The OTL operation was planned so hastily, without enough in the way of a backup plan, that it was almost guaranteed to fail, and when it did, and when it came out, it was, for a lot of people, the absolute bottom point for the U.S. in the decade, worse even in some ways than Vietnam. And to this day, I believe that Jimmy Carter was politically a dead man walking from that point; he was already getting primaried by Teddy Kennedy and came close to getting booted out - Kennedy was fighting for delegates right up to the convention - and if John Anderson hadn't run and siphoned centrists disinclined to vote for either Carter or Reagan away, Reagan might have won by an even bigger margin.

The next chapter is going to contain the specific details of Operation Eagle Claw, as well as the public's reaction to Carter's announcement. The chapter following it will depict Eagle Claw itself. Without revealing too much, there are critical differences between them that will affect the probability of success which are inherent to the mission's goal.
Sure looks like a total charlie foxtrot about to happen.

In some ways, im almost more worried about Jimmy Carter the man. This could destroy him. Not politically, which is already a given iotl and ittl, but personally and spiritually.

Jimmy Carter was far too good a man for the us presidency, and decisions that lbj or nixon, say, would have made in a minute and then slept the night thru, could just break carter.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Bad Moon Rising
December 23rd, 1979:


"-support for the President beginning to plateau following its November upsurge-"​


"-rter better hope the public is still sold on this come election time, before they realize that all they're getting is Vietnam 2: The Revenge-"​


-"President Carter says that he expects our soldiers will have an easy time of it, unless of course the Iranians deploy swamp rabbits. [Audience laughs]"-​



Jimmy Carter sat in the White House library; documents, an open folder, and a half-empty glass of water on the table next to him. Faint light and spindly shadow danced across the walls of the fire-lit room. The once strong fire would soon be reduced to mere embers. Carter stared into the last flickering flames, resting his head on his left hand. In his right hand, he held one of the documents from the folder.

A sliver of light flooded into the room through the door, now opened. Rosalynn Carter stepped into the room.

"Sorry honey, am I interrupting something?" She asked.

"No, I'm just reading."

"Isn't it a bit dark in here for that?"​

Carter looked at the document in his hand. He couldn't make out anything written on it.

"I guess I... just lost track of time."

"I was just watching the television. You'd think with Christmas so soon they'd stop talking about Iran, if just for one night. Are you coming to bed soon?"

"Yes, soon. You know, I can hardly believe that tomorrow is already Christmas Eve."

"Actually Jim, it's Christmas Eve right now."

"It's that late?"

"Yes, Jim."

The president looked at his watch and found it too dark to read. "Suppose I should go to bed then."​

Carter stood up from his chair, set the document down on the table, and took the glass of water. He walked over to the fireplace, then poured the water over it, extinguishing the last embers. Walking out the door with Rosalynn, Carter glanced back for a moment at the document before closing the door, bathing the room in darkness.



Summary of activities for operation code-named "EVENING LIGHT", first stage of Operation "EAGLE CLAW"
Final draft approved by █████ █. █████

Operational objective: Capture or termination of Ruhollah Mostafavi Musavi Khomeini, hereafter referred to by operation code name "JACKPOT".


Figure 1: Photograph of JACKPOT to be issued to all ground forces for identification of target.

Summary of Operations: A team of soldiers from the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta will be inserted by helicopter into Jamaran, a neighbourhood of Tehran and the location of JACKPOT's permanent residence in the city. Once landed, the operators will attempt to capture JACKPOT and extract him via helicopter. If it is determined by forces on the ground that JACKPOT's live capture is impractical, unlikely, or otherwise infeasible, mission command may authorize JACKPOT's termination. Once JACKPOT is in custody or terminated, the team will be extracted via helicopter.

Complete list of operational assets on page 4.


Operation Sequence:

Stage 1 (ARCHIBALD): 3 MC-130E transport craft, each carrying 2000 gallons of jet fuel in collapsible bladders, carrying a team of 240 operators in total, will fly from an airbase in Oman to a rendezvous location in the Iranian desert, hereafter referred to as "DESERT ONE".

Stage 2 (BENEDICT): 8 RH-53D helicopters will fly from the U.S.S. Nimitz to DESERT ONE.

Stage 3 (CHESAPEAKE): The helicopters will refuel themselves, the operators will board them. Final preparations will be made. Last chance to abort.

Stage 4 (DETROIT): The helicopters will fly to Jamaran.

Stage 5 (ENERGY): Operators will disembark from the helicopters via rope. The helicopters will then land atop nearby buildings.

Stage 6 (FRANKLIN): Operator teams 4-8 will establish a secure perimeter around the city block containing JACKPOT's residence. Teams 2 and 3 will secure the residence itself.

Stage 7 (GERONIMO): Operator team 1 will breach the residence and either capture or terminate JACKPOT.

Stage 8 (HILTON): The helicopters will extract the operator teams, and JACKPOT if he is successfully captured.

Stage 9 (IOWA): The helicopters will return to DESERT ONE and refuel.

Stage 10 (JEBEDIAH): The helicopters and MC-130E's will return to the U.S.S Nimitz.

Further operational specification on next page.


"Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye."​

-Creedence Clearwater Revival​
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Soooo.... OTL Operation Eagle Claw meets Black Hawk Down? This can't go well...

The team might make it to Teheran, and they might seize or kill the Ayatollah, but they're probably not going to get out without a LOT of help, not if the helos have the same mechanical problems they did OTL. This is going to be nasty.
The team might make it to Teheran, and they might seize or kill the Ayatollah, but they're probably not going to get out without a LOT of help, not if the helos have the same mechanical problems they did OTL. This is going to be nasty.

Exactly. My prediction is that they seize the Ayatollah, and then get holed up in a building by an angry mob. As the mob storms in, the Ayatollah is executed by the American troops before they are torn apart. There will definitely be American military bodies dragged through the streets, and anyone even suspected of co-operation with the USA will be immediately murdered. Iran is going to be exceptionally fucked up.
So if a US-Soviet 'alliance' does come to fruition, does this mean that they could actually prevent the Mujaheddin from causing problems in Afghanistan?


Suscribed. There will be blood.

As for Carter, Drew in his Gumbo TL had this to say

A person dropped into a situation where they are over their head, as this might well be, will usually do one of two things, over compensate by trying to seem on top of everything and rejecting any advice that indicates they are not (i.e. the Presidency of Jimmy Carter),
they will rest upon a few bedrock truths they believe in and use these as guides to categorize the complex, fluctuating world they find themselves in.