Weekly Flag Challenge: Discussion & Entries

Despite its mixture of austerity and absurdity, and its ties to religion in an almost universally secular country, the Swiss flag is in no danger of being replaced. While the Kingdom of Switzerland formally removed the last vestiges of political power from the Reformed Swiss Hussite Church in 1983, the banner which bears its symbols of chalice and goose, and the cross representing the Heavenly Father, remains popular with over 85% of the population. The "Goose and Goblet" is strongly associated with Switzerland worldwide, and is seen in the nation's sports logos, advertisements, and airlines. Political controversy at home can't even harm the people's love for their flag - despite the overwhelming unpopularity of the Swiss occupation of Singapore, the G&G is as popular as it has ever been since its 1948 redesign.

Kingdom of the Swiss

Kingdom of the Swiss
(Italian: Regno dei Svizzero ; German: Königreich der Schweitzer ; French: Royaume de la Suisse)

First Monarchy: 1234-1301 (Union between the Zähringer and Kyburg Houses)
- Conrad II of Zähringer-Kyburg, King of the Swiss: 1234-1278
- Berthold VI of Zähringer-Kyburg, King of the Swiss: 1278-1301

First Regency Period - Beatrice of Savoy: 1301-1303

Second Monarchy: 1303-1375 (Union with the House of Savoy)
- Amadeus V of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, King of the Swiss: 1303-1321
- Humbert IV of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, King of the Swiss: 1321-1368
- Bianca I of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, Queen of the Swiss: 1368-1375

Third Monarchy or Imperial Era: 1375-1438 (Largest expansion of the Kingdom (see map app.))
- Edward of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, Duke of Genoa-Corsica, Prince of Monaco, Duke of Milan, King of the Swiss: 1375-1411
- Eleanor, “the Golden Queen”, of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, Duchess of Genoa-Corsica, Princess of Monaco, Contessa of Pisa, Duchess of Milan, Queen of the Swiss: 1411-1446

Fourth Monarchy or Warring/Decline Period: 1447-1491 (French annexation of Monaco; The 2nd Roman Nation’s invasion of Pisa and Genoa-Corsica; Habsburg control over the Holy Roman Empire & expulsion from H.R.E; Rebellion of Milan; Political instability in the Kingdom)
- Victor Amadeus of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, Duke of Genoa-Corsica, Prince of Monaco, Conte of Pisa, Duke of Milan, King of the Swiss: 1447-1471
- Berthold VII (Philip Emmanuel) of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, Prince of Monaco, King of the Swiss: 1471-1487

Second Regency Period - Thomas III, Count of Turin: 1487-1489
- Ulrich Hartmann, Duke of Aargau: 1489-1491

Fifth Monarchy or Final Monarchy: 1491-1509 (Absorption of Genoa-Corsica and Milan to the 2nd Roman Nation; Franco-Austrian invasion of the Kingdom & Repatriation into the H.R.E; Fall of the Monarchy; Partition of the Kingdom into nations: Duchy of Savoy, The Swissland Federation, State of Baden, Free City of Geneva)
- Hubert of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg, King of the Swiss: 1491-1509

The Four Year Kingdom: 1734-1738 (Realm created by Emperor Franz-Matthias II of Habsburg-Lorraine for his son as a personal fiefdom; ended in the Revolution of 1738 and deposing of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and creation of the Swiss Confederacy)
- Karl-Josef II of Habsburg-Lorraine, King of Swissland: 1734-1738

The Second Kingdom or 27 Year Restoration: 1871-1898 (Re-establishment of the Kingdom under the French-Italian exiled Cadet Branch of Savoy-Bourbon uniting with the Neu Zähringer-Kyburg house; Union of the Genoan city state with Geneva into the Swiss Confederecy, forming the Second Kingdom; Final end of the Monarchy and formation of the Swiss Republic, ending the last Monarchy on continental Europe with the exception of the Empire of Sweden (the other monarchies left in Europe being the United Kingdom of Britannia, Princedom of Munster and Kingdom of Sicily-Tunisia))
- Conrad IV (Louis-Amadeus II) of Savoy-Bourbon & Neu Zähringer-Kyburg, Prince of Savoy, Duke of Genoa, Co-Prince of Geneva, King of the Swiss: 1871-1898

  • Royal Flag of 1871: The Royal Flag of the Second Kingdom bears the French-Italian tri-colour of the House of Savoy-Bourbon (light blue representing its French line, red the Italian), emblossed with the ancient coat of arms of the House of Savoy & Zähringer-Kyburg (the top two quadrants showing the crests of the ancient houses, with the bottom pair showing the union between the 3 main cities of Bern, Zurich and Geneva, enlaid with a central shield of a greek cross over a red field, the standard of the House of Savoy and a Swiss National symbol), the old coat placed inside a coiled rope shield, representing the former maritime power of the Older Kingdom and the new Duchy of Genoa, over the central field of the tri-colour (white):

  • Geographical map of the 3 periods:
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Okay, since I don't believe a new entry is coming up (since the qualification phase ends today), I will up the poll.

Prepare for anonimity!
before ya do, has follow the white rabbit chosen which flag hes using for the comp?...cos even though you can post multiples, one has to be singled out
The People's Republic of New Sicily

The People's Republic of New Sicily

The Japanese words on the flag stand for The Republic.

The colors are taken from the old flag of the Ancient Glorious Empire.

New Sicily is the name for OTL Honshu

Kyoshu: New Sardinia

Shikoku: New Crete

Hokkaido: New Cyprus

Okinawa: New Malta

The Republic.jpg
The Heavenly Republic
Situated in the Baekdudaegan Range a few villages is all that remains of the Heavenly Republic following the Nuclear Devastation of the Eastern Succession Wars.
The current Grand Praetor is failing in health and is implementing the succession of his daughter.
His modest throneroom is still backed with the banner of the HR: the dragons of yinyang (whose eternal conflict and union shape Tree of Life) on a field of imperial bloodred.

Heavenly Republic.png
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The Eastern Roman Empire

Like several other Roman successor states, the Eastern Roman Empire claims to be the sole true heir to the title "Roman Empire", which is its official name. The title at the top is a vague translation of the SPQR, taken by the Chinese Emperor to promote Roman ideals.

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Just the three of us so far?

BTW now I'm at my folks for the time being I'm using Photoshop Elements. It has a nasty habit of "spilling ink" outside the selection when using the bucket or brush tool; any ideas how to stop this will be greatly appreciated!
Just the three of us so far?

BTW now I'm at my folks for the time being I'm using Photoshop Elements. It has a nasty habit of "spilling ink" outside the selection when using the bucket or brush tool; any ideas how to stop this will be greatly appreciated!

For Bucket tool you should find a tick box that says 'anti-aliasing' for the and untick it, as most maps have one line thick borders. Or you can select the area with the magic wand and this means you can't get colour outside of the selected area.
For Bucket tool you should find a tick box that says 'anti-aliasing' for the and untick it, as most maps have one line thick borders. Or you can select the area with the magic wand and this means you can't get colour outside of the selected area.

That works normally. But if I grow a border the colour spills outside the border.

EDIT: Turns out I get the border effect I want if I use "expand" *sigh* Thanks for your help though!
The Christian Empire of Kithty

After the fall of the Roman Empire the north eastern region known as Kithty* was the last outpost of strong Roman influence. Bounded in the south by the Great Wall, the nation had good protection from the hungry refugees fleeing from the radioactive lands in the south. Arxosbishob** Aurieos Lithios and Proconsolor Tadios Milleniveno kept the provinces together, centered around the Cathedral of the Sacred Tree, after the War of Luandain Aggression.

Flag: The blue field is the traditional color of the province of Kithty. The Cross is slightly twisted to represent the Tree of Life. While the black and white colors represent opposites that form a whole (not good and evil as many in OTL would assume.) The wreath represents the line of the Ceasars that still rule the Empire. The burgundy red at the left bounded by gold thread is the connection to old Imperial Rome, but also the gold thread symbolizes the Great Wall and the three times that the Kithty defenders had to repel the starving and dying hordes of the south.

*Kithty got its name because the Romans who first saw the Han Characters for the Great Wall interpreted them as the letters K-T-H-T-I (Y).
** Christianity still developed in this TL but was highly influenced by Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. (to a lesser extent Hinduism, by the Romans were never able to conquer southern India.)

Roman Chinese copy.png
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