Map Thread VI

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a work in progress map for a very large-scale ATL im working on, which is based on/inspired by Code Geass. i just recently changed a little bit of it. the date of the map is around 2032. keep these things in mind when looking at this: theres no nuclear weapons (but nuclear power is present), there were no world wars as we know them, communism never rose to prominence, and colonialism and aristocratic monarchies are still commonplace.

remember, this is still a VERY rough map that im still in the process of developing

  • the United States of North America is shown in yellow
  • the Aztec Empire is shown in dark green
  • the Empire of Britannia is shown in red
  • the Spanish Empire is shown in purple
  • the United Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil is shown in light blue
  • the French Empire is shown in blue
  • the Dutch Empire is shown in neon green
  • the Russian Empire is shown in orange
  • the Saudi Empire is shown in teal (it's roughly analogous to the Arab League and was formerly the United Kingdom of Arabia and Turkey until the Ottomans fell out of power)
  • the Chinese Federation is shown in dark red
  • the Empire of Japan is shown in light green and holds naval dominance over almost the entire Asia-Pacific region
  • undecided or independent areas are shown in white
other powers not shown on the map include the Italian Republic, the Balkan Republic, and Austria-Hungary. independent powers include New Granada (OTL columbia and venezuela), Iran, and Switzerland (Zurich is also where the ATL European Parliament meets)

Copy of Copy of March Towards the End.PNG
Ah, Puritan World! One of the reasons I got an account here was to post my rather crappy worlda of Tony Jones' excellent settings. I love the extra detail on the borders - you've managed to keep it looking like the original whilst toning down the more incredible elements. That Dutch corridor to nowhere in East Africa actually makes sense now!


I'm not hugely happy with this - I decided shortly after finishing the borders that I wanted to add rivers, but the basemap I was using made it frustratingly difficult, so eventually I gave up on it, with the result that it looks a bit bland. The original plan was to add Celtic-style borders, but given that I grossly underestimated the file size with the effects I'm using already, I thought it best to leave it as is. It's an improvement on my previous map of the same world, anyway. This is about as big as I dare make it - if you can't make it out *Slovakia is the Kingdom of Southern Lusatia and *Bosnia is the Kingdom of the Alans.

Very nice indeed, very imaginative and creative! So we have three main branches of Christianity - Petrine in the east, Pauline in the Celtic lands, and "Serapist" in the Med. What's with the Ludes that makes them such scary chaps?

Two nitpicks:
1. The bit about the "geriatric disease" seems a bit unecessary, and raises the question of why it doesn't spread to their neighbors
2. Greece seems a bit short on mapower to make themselves masters of India and kick China's ass - not to mention the problem of the Gibraltar bottleneck! Why not Serapist Egypt? They could even build a canal or something...

Posted this in ASB, because that's what it is (undeniably), but I wondered if anyone would be interested in looking at it. Boring old UCS, but I tried to pretty it up using different conventions and such.

It's a world where the ASB's created a country out of thin air on the Mediterranean coast, called Leyguria (I got the name from a Roman province, if I can remember correctly). In this world, Leyguria discovers the Americas and thus the butterflies fly. Because Leyguria is the total Mary-Sue of countries, it has absolute religious freedom, and intermarrying with different cultures is accepted. You see a political marriage with the Chinese, where Tibet remains an autonomous region. The Aztecs and Incas survived this world with Leygurian help also.

France is Leyguria's biggest rival (British colonialism didn't take off as much ITTL). If you're wondering about the colouring of that country on N. America's east coast, it's because it's an ex-Dutch country and I envisioned the people being quite like South Africans (hence the S. African colour).

ITTL the Ottomans were forced east by the Leygurians at an early stage (I'm thinking early 1800s). Also, Venice is the hegemon in the Balkans and basically controls the trade of the Croatian Empire and Serbia. The duchies in northern 'Germany' identify with the Dutch more than the Germans in this world, because Germany is seen as a French puppet (oh but wait - so are those northern duchies) and 'Germany' as we know it didn't quite form. The Swedes went to war with the Russians early and forced them into a mini empire centered on Kiev and the Crimea, while hesitantly barricading the eastern border against a renewed Mongol Khanate. The Austrians also didn't get very far in this world, with the Hapsburgs not being a very major player, but the the Leygurians certainly played there part in forcing the Muslims out of Europe (it wasn't always a Mary-Sue).

The great power list is as follows:
  1. Leyguria and the Empire
  2. France
  3. Atlantis (French-American country in "Canada")
  4. New Castille (Colombian-coloured nation in N. America - ex-Spanish)
  5. Mongolia
  6. Venice (believe it or not)
And the map:

1Leyguria Magna.png
Nazi attacked Soviets, Draka attacked both. Nazis are currently winning. French, Danish and Dutch colonies are under allied (Canadian and Japanese) occupation. Japan is still trying to take over China though.

Alternate colonisation

I made this map to try some effects on Gimp.

There is no POD, it's just an alternate colonisation. There are ten European imperialist powers and I tried to make their possession of colonies more even then in OTL (for example, GB and France have less colonies, Netherlands and Spain have more). I also gave some Asian and American countries independence.

Notice that I sometimes used "wrong" spelling, for example Sequoia, Hindia or Lybya. This was intentional.

PS: I had to upload it as a .jpg because of the size limit. Hope you can still guess most country names. That Eritrea & Co. thing is "Italian Ethiopia".

This is beta version. Germany after 1936 defeat. This map need little cleaning , and some borders were drown at a guess (Eastern and northern Lusatia border, Carinthia , Burgenland and southern Styria added to Yugoslavia). I found map in German and i were too lazy to translate it.

I had to cut it because of size limit and East Prussia is victim of it (ofc added to Poland).

Just a side project of mine, a map where Aragon (and a few other nations) stand the test of time or stay powerful. Everything should be self explenatory, except for three things: The Mexico-coloured nation is the House of Plantagenet in exile, Scotland recieved the Ireland colour and Russia is obviously evil and still called Muscowy (see Sweden). The year is 1920 btw after the second Global War fought between the Angevines and Castille vs. Germany, Scotland, Portugal and Aragon. Obviously the Angevines lost.

PS: Might to a Munroist version of the map later with additional backstory!

Aragonese World.PNG

tehShifty, Todyo1798 - thanks!


Very nice indeed, very imaginative and creative! So we have three main branches of Christianity - Petrine in the east, Pauline in the Celtic lands, and "Serapist" in the Med. What's with the Ludes that makes them such scary chaps?

Two nitpicks:
1. The bit about the "geriatric disease" seems a bit unecessary, and raises the question of why it doesn't spread to their neighbors
2. Greece seems a bit short on mapower to make themselves masters of India and kick China's ass - not to mention the problem of the Gibraltar bottleneck! Why not Serapist Egypt? They could even build a canal or something...


High praise indeed :) Only the Irish League practice what we would recognise as Christianity (albeit with a rather nasty racial Dominionist streak). The Petrine branch eventually faded away into what is better termed 'Judaism-lite', which bears strong resemblances to OTL Islam - both venerate Jesus as a divinely created teacher and teach that anyone can gain access to the spiritual benefits of the one true religion, provided they observe a strict set of rules. Serapism was influenced by Christian mysticism ITTL (along with Manichaeism) but is a historic faith based around the Greek-Egyptian god Serapis.

The Ludes fill the basic 'psychotic maniacs from the frozen north' quotient - most infamously their chosen method of executing prisoners of war is impaling them on multiple pikes and carrying them through the streets like rather grisly parade balloons.

The geriatric plague was introduced in an attempt to give the League some unusual stresses that would justify their intensely militarised society and paranoid fanaticism. The plague spreads throughout Europe to some extent, although the sakoku-style isolationism of the League means they take the brunt of each outbreak. Given that Europe is spared the Black Death and Bubonic Plague in this timeline it's hopefully not too much of a stretch.

The low population of the Navigator states does indeed mean they lose most of their empires once Asia starts catching up techwise. Egypt is already Serapist and has built/re-built a canal. From my copious notes:

"Cush/Ethiopia holds sway at the Horn thanks to Greek trade through Egypt, dominating the small Somali and Amharic states around it. Egypt is prospering as the site of the most holy places in Serapistic mystery religion (think the Hejaz in OTL) and has constructed a *Suez Canal in conjunction with Greek and Gutan commercial interests - the zone around the Canal is under Egyptian sovereignty, but international law takes precedence with regard to a wide range of activities including shipping."

The Gibraltar issue is more problematic for the Claudmontese, and I might end up giving them the Rif.

SRegan, that TL is incredibly awesome. What does the rest of the world look like?

Thanks - Here's the rough UCS map on which I based my rendering of Europe. I've already changed several things (e.g. the Balearics, Guttaland, Suebia) and Khitan is just plain wrong. Not shown here are the "Romantic Empires" - tiny private colonies around the mouth of the Amazon funded by European nobility, primarily so they can claim loftier titles than those to which they would otherwise be entitled. The ex-Greek Indian Carnatic should be a lot more splintered - the Hindush Vjarat to the north has successfully practiced divide-and-rule on the newly independent states. The big grey blob in Occidens Australis/Sud-Gronland is the R.S.G.:

"The Rio de la Plata was settled by German colonists, convicts and political dissidents, who took advantage of the confusion caused by the unification and partial re-fragmentation of the German states to sever ties with Europe. Sitting on a wealth of coal and metal, they are one of the world's first truly industrial nations and their huge ironclad fleet is feared by every power in the New World."

The Strong West Wind UCS Map Basemap.png
The geriatric plague was introduced in an attempt to give the League some unusual stresses that would justify their intensely militarised society and paranoid fanaticism. The plague spreads throughout Europe to some extent, although the sakoku-style isolationism of the League means they take the brunt of each outbreak. Given that Europe is spared the Black Death and Bubonic Plague in this timeline it's hopefully not too much of a stretch.

Not that there would be an alt-nastyass disease, but that its outbreak seems to be centered in the League every there an animal carrier endemic to League territory?

The low population of the Navigator states does indeed mean they lose most of their empires once Asia starts catching up techwise.

With steam iron clads and repeating rifles (looking at the other post), even with its small population Greece might well carve out an Indian empire...but they're losing it _now_. May we presume that the "technological revolution" has been drawn out and the Greeks have had such a tech advantage for a while?

BTW, OTL I wouldn't say Europeans had much of a tech advantage over Indian before the end of the Napoleonic Wars, but the British took over quite a bit of India before then, due to organizational (professional military & bureaocracy, a sophisticated command structure, etc.) and what might be called "ideological" advantages (breaking away from Britain and establishing yourself as the independent ruler of Bengal Just Wasn't Done). Did Greece have similar advantages?

Egypt is already Serapist and has built/re-built a canal.

Didn't mean to imply they weren't. :confused:

From my copious notes:

"Cush/Ethiopia holds sway at the Horn thanks to Greek trade through Egypt, dominating the small Somali and Amharic states around it. Egypt is prospering as the site of the most holy places in Serapistic mystery religion (think the Hejaz in OTL) and has constructed a *Suez Canal in conjunction with Greek and Gutan commercial interests - the zone around the Canal is under Egyptian sovereignty, but international law takes precedence with regard to a wide range of activities including shipping."

Hm. So they have been letting the Greeks go back and forth through their canal to gather the riches of the orient? One would think they'd want to dip their beak, international law or not.

German United States in Argentina?!:eek:

SRegan, you must turn this into a proper TL!

A bit more seriously, you really know your religion. Is this how it all started?

Edit: What's that nation in OTL Mexico? Super-Aztecs?

Nazi attacked Soviets, Draka attacked both. Nazis are currently winning. French, Danish and Dutch colonies are under allied (Canadian and Japanese) occupation. Japan is still trying to take over China though.
Looks like the Draka got the stupid virus instead of everyone else. Why attack them both at the same time? That's what lost Germany both World Wars!
Just a little something from an old scenario by Carlton Bach - a world where the UK takes Lousiana from Napoleonic France rather than it being sold to the US.

There have been wars and long periods of hostility, but nowadays, having gone through two world wars on the same side, and tied ever closer together economically, Canada and the US are on cordial terms. The 120 million people of Canada and the 220 million inhabitants of the US between them form the most energetic economic block on the planet, although there is still occasional friction when one side is seen as following "unfair" trade practices (say, when Canadian cars cut into the US market...)

(Mexico? After losing a bloody war trying to drive the Canadians out of the lower Mississippi, the US redirected its energies to southern filibustering, initially at the expense of the Mexicans, who they felt betrayed them by changing governments and ducking out of their alliance mid-conflict... the British were happy enough to let the US expend its surplus energies somewhere _other_ than the Mississippi river valley...)


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