Map Thread VI

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From the current map contest.

"Although most Westerners are better acquainted with his illustrious predecessor, it is Gantulga which is generally held by his countrymen to be the true father of modern Mongolia and the Greater Uralic Federation..."

"Some have criticized Gantulga for his dream of accomplishing the reconquest of China, which in the event led to nearly two decades of intermittent and ultimately fruitless warfare against an as yet undecayed Ming China. However, in the process Gantulga created a successful synthesis of gunpowder infantry and steppe cavalry which would play a vital role in the struggle with Russia a century later..."

"Although it would be another century and a half before Korea became firmly integrated into the imperial system, in the long run the absorbtion of this tightly organized, Confucian, agrarian state would have a catalytic role in the transformation of the late Empire..."

- Quoted from From Empire to Federation: the Evolution of the Second Mongol Empire, 1499-1921, by Percival Yamada, University of Shimatter-on-the-Ewey, Dominion of Naypon


Cool map, but I think having random or maybe the seven least populous countries per continent would make things a million times more interesting.

Well, as I said it was originally a map I made for an ASB thread, I basically just made a version set a century into the future following the event.
I like that Panama remains independent on your map :D

I would'nt say remain, more like re-created.

Panama was'nt one of the ISOT'd nations, however do to the need for a canal a special International Authority (separate from UNIT) was put in charge, however after several years of inactivity, and America not wanting to be at the whims of Panama it started construction of a Nicaraguan Canal, so now their are two canals, the Nicaraguan Canal, fully under U.S. control, but also primarily used by Brazil, New Zealand and South Africa and the Panama Canal, under neutral jurisdiction, primarily used by Indonesia, China and Annam.
Everyone else just uses whichever one is more convenient.
Well, as I said it was originally a map I made for an ASB thread, I basically just made a version set a century into the future following the event.

Don't get me wrong, it's still interesting, but almost like, "Ok, we know America's going for Mexico and Canada, China will go for Siberia next, etc."

The parts I would say I would not expect would be Brazilian colonization of Iberia and lots of blank African countries.
Don't get me wrong, it's still interesting, but almost like, "Ok, we know America's going for Mexico and Canada, China will go for Siberia next, etc."

The parts I would say I would not expect would be Brazilian colonization of Iberia and lots of blank African countries.

I suppose the first map wouldve been more interesting then, given New Zealan and the Southern African thing was American and the one above it Brazilian, and the Indonesian attempt at Northern Australia whie Japan was disputed between America and China.
DarkSlavic: interesting. Add names and cities and it would feel more complete.
General_Finley: It looks very good, actually. It is original (original enough in terms of America-centered TLs). While on one hand we have the conqueruing general and his more centraluzed US, it leads to him losing much of the north. And while he soundly defeats Mexico, it is not the typical US-stretching-to-Mexico City premise and he does not gain too much more there, and Carribbean expansionism is measured. In short, the US has both ups and downs, which is good.
B_Munro: Excellent as always. I especially enjoy the "lost and gained" parts of it. Like Finley it shows both ups and downs.
DarkSlavic: interesting. Add names and cities and it would feel more complete.

It is merely a quick practice map, I didn't intend to add names and cities. Sometime though I will probably make a more complete map similar to this one, once I have a clear idea of how I want a "somewhat changed Europe resulting from a more or less conventional WWIII."
I hate to be that guy, but does anyone have a link for the "standard OTL Europe" map thread? Or rather, does anyone have a OTL Europe map before WWII and before Anschluss? I guess 1936 is the target date... My search function isn't working.

I think it is. though I would humbly suggest that you use a more imaginative name for british north america.

Would the Dominion of New England be a better name?

I didn't have it called Canada because most of it is comprised of the New England colonies and I didn't go for New England originally because of the Canadians. What would be a better name?

P.S. For anyone interested I have decided to do a TL based on this concept.
The failure of the First American revolution was not the end of unrest in the New World. In the 1803 during the Napoleonic wars the southern colonies revolted once more. Lead by the "American Napoleon" Andrew Jackson the Americans brilliantly fought off the British (though they failed to seize the New England colonies). After nearly seven years of war Great Britain was forced to recognize the Federal Republic of America. The powerful central government of the FRA was headed by President-Protector Andrew Jackson from his election to his tragic death. During his term as President he would lead the nation against the British again after Americas chief ally France fell in the War of 1815. The war ended with things returning to antebellum. Jamaica and the Caribbean islands which had been seized by the British were returned to the FRA .
In 1830 Jackson would lead the FRA in war against Mexico. The war would end in 1834 with a massive defeat of Mexico by the FRA. The FRA would go on to bully Spain into letting it purchase Florida, Cuba, and its half of Hispaniola. Two year later the FRA would seek to subjugate the nation of Haiti which Jackson saw as a threat to the FRA’s slave holding way of existence. In 1840 the most populated regions of British North America were united into the Dominion of Northern America, in response to FRA expansionism.
Tragically the for the FRA Jackson died in 1845. The map below is the a map of the world of 1850, five years after Jackson's death.

P.s. Is the idea TL worthy?

TL Worthy yes.

BTW, is Hanover an FRA territory? :confused:
I hate to be that guy, but does anyone have a link for the "standard OTL Europe" map thread? Or rather, does anyone have a OTL Europe map before WWII and before Anschluss? I guess 1936 is the target date... My search function isn't working.

Here's one of Europe in 1938, just before the Anchluss. The map will also work for 1936, seeing how the borders are the same.

Europe 1-1-1938.PNG


Eli Whitney successfully invents interchangeable parts causing the United States to do better in the War of 1812. But because of this he never goes on to invent the cotton gin and without that the economic boom in the South doesn't happen so slave owners grow wheat instead. Causing the United States to take a more pro-Southern stance until some of the Northern states seceded to form the Republic of New England.

State names that I couldn't fit in are SD=Springfield and WA=Westsylvania.

Any thoughts, comments, or criticism?

TL Worthy yes.

BTW, is Hanover an FRA territory? :confused:

Sorry about that. When I started on the map it was originally supposed to be a map of a world with a unified BNA where the revolution was unsuccessful, but later during the Napoleonic wars France tried to knock the British out of the war by dropping off revolutionary blacks in the southern colonies who would incite a brutal slave rebellion similar to what happened in OTL Bhatia. Though the slave never managed to gain there freedom the war forced Britain to divert much needed resources to the south to protect their booming cotton industry enabling Napoleon to conquer Europe and knock the British out of the war. The nation with the US like color was supposed to be the Republic of Northern Germany and the grey nation to the south was the Rhineland Republic or some nonsense like that. I decided to not to go with that idea and went with a second American revolution, but I forgot to change all of Europe and by mistake left the two Germanys on the map.
The Pod for this map is that the US pressured Chiang Kai-shek into not trying to push the Soviets out of Manchuria and so like Korea mainland China was divided into the Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of China. The year the map is supposed to depict is 1950.
The Republic of China is on the road to recovery its from civil war and its war with Japan. Though many condemn it as a nationalistic police state on par with Franco’s Spain it is a key ally of the US against Communist expansion into Asia. Even now as Uncle Joe and Kim II Sung look to expand into South Korea the threat of a Nationalist Chinese million man army marching across the border into the DPRC, Mongolia, and even the USSR itself give them pause. Even with the USSR now nuclear capable, the massive armies of China supplemented with US support make the task at hand look incredibly difficult. The Soviets and their allies know that the only hope of preventing a full scale slug fest with the US and China is to launch a flawless Blitzkrieg against the South and Capture the entire peninsula, but a few of the soviets military strategists do not believe that this would be enough to end the war, suspecting the US would US nationalist China as a way to punch into the DPRC and then re-conquer the peninsula from north to south.

A little background information on the DPRC:
The Democratic People’s Republic of China is little more then a puppet state to the USSR much like the communist Eastern European nations. After the DPRC’s creation it was temporarily headed by Mao Zedong. Mao had a number of enemies in the Chinese Communist party and when he began taking political stances that differed from the Soviet Union it was determined that he needed to be replaced. Mao was found dead one morning. Apparently he committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the face.
The DPRC does not suffer from over population like nationalist China. It is also rich in natural resources that give it some advantages over nationalist China. That being said while the Republic of China maybe a an authoritarian regime the DPRC is without a doubt a totalitarian state.

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