Map Thread XII

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OK, map for the alt-history wiki's "Toyotomi Japan" , a world in which Japan does not close itself off from the world in the 17th century yet for some reason does not create a giant eternal all-east-Asia empire. :) A couple ideas re alt-country borders for South America and Africa have been stolen from Diamond and SRegan.

It's four decades after the end of the Second Eurasian War, in which the Japanese-Mexican-North American-odds and ends alliance defeated the English-German-Chinese alliance by dint of pluck, smarts, and Russia staying out of the fight until an opportune time arose to attack its German former ally. The world situation is complex and multipolar, with various often overlapping alliance systems. Nuclear weapons are common, but the "atomic arms race" has been less frantic than OTL - so far. China is a sore spot, it's republican regime having gone increasingly radical and revanchist over time. The world is largely post-colonial, with Japan and the European powers having given independence to most of their colonial possessions, and only Russia rules by force over an extensive multinational empire...[1]

A more general note on maps: my map margins and keys are too big. Too many notes, too much information. I am thinking of going back in the future to putting more info in an accompanying block of text the old-fashioned Bruce way. What do people think?

[1] Apparently Russia falls apart by "today", but the details are missing, the TL not going beyond 1946, so I decided to make the map for a period before that happens, since I like messy multinational empires. :)
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And here is the excessively talky map.

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Another excellent map, Bruce! Your comments are as witty as ever. I enjoy highly fragmented, multipolar worlds like this one. I keep on trying to make a Munro-style map, but so far I have been unsuccessful. My current project involves a super-powered, liberal capitalist Zoroastrian Persia, competing with a conservative League of the Goths.
OK, map for the alt-history wiki's "Toyotomi Japan" , a world in which Japan does not close itself off from the world in the 17th century yet for some reason does not create a giant eternal all-east-Asia empire. :)

First off, let me say that you've really outdone yourself on the map proper! Truly one of your best works yet. Some of the notes are truly hilarious and creative such as #3, where the Japanese settlers apparently find the Great Plains creepy. Really makes me curious to see what Japanese Horror is like in this Universe. Is there a Misuri Chainsaw Massacre ITTL? :p

And considering how much of a great map-making frenzy you've been on recently, I can't wait to see what other alt-history wiki scenarios you cover. Would especially be curious to see what you would do with "Viva California" among many others.

A more general note on maps: my map margins and keys are too big. Too many notes, too much information. I am thinking of going back in the future to putting more info in an accompanying block of text the old-fashioned Bruce way. What do people think?

Imo, the thing that would have map this map perfect is an old-fashioned B_Munro block of text. Besides your great map-making skills, you are also one of the best writers on this site, and that really shows whenever you do a block of text. For example, your 28 Days Later write-up is without a doubt one of the best AH/ASB comedic works I've read on this site.

More importantly though, I think block of texts are really important for establishing the proper background. When reading this map's background on the wiki, I was really surprised how many North American wars this TL had in the 19th Century. Unfortunately, you really can't express such important information properly with notes on the map. Still, I would have loved to have read your snarky interpretation of this world's history (Such as Japan expanding all the way to the Mississippi River).

Of course, I still think that your maps still need notes/descriptions for the nations, but perhaps that those notes would be better reserved for snarky "fun facts" that wouldn't really fit anywhere in the narrative while all the important background information is placed firmly in the snarky block of text. :)

And one question on the map proper, is there any discussion of Florida joining LNAS? Thanks!
Do you remember Araldyana? ... No? Yes? Heh? What?

A long time ago I made a map-series (and later a timeline, which I never finished). The most important aspect of it was that the Western Roman Empire survived on the British Isles. The Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain is avoided and the (Britttano-)Romans become the dominant power in Britain until the Viking Age. This period is crucial for the timeline. The Roman Empire in Britain survives the decades of turmoil, wars and conquest but now a ruler of norse descend is sitting on the throne on the west. Like Canute the Great of OTL he rules an empire encompassing large parts of the British Isles, Norway and Denmark. Like OTL the Vikings reach first Island and Greenland and then America. ITTL their colonies survive. The Imperial house of Britain flees its lands after a devastating civil war. Many towns and villages are destroyed and several thousand people try to find their luck somewhere else. Many (including the Emperor) travel to the Americas.
The rest of Europe belives that only some islands lay in the west offering nothing more but fish and wood. But the Celtic and Norse settlers from Europe do not only survive but thrive in the far western lands of Araldyana.

That was and is the premise of Araldyana.

tl;dr: Roman Empire in America

Right now I am working on some concept maps. Including some of my ideas I have for different periods. The first one I would like to share is a map which is set in the high middle ages. It is set before a large part of Eurasia is to be conquered by the ATL-Mongols (ITTL probably Turks from around Lake Aral).

The map is not really finished and everything is work in progress and will mostly work as a base for "prettier" maps.

On the map you will see 3 red boxes which highlight the most important parts of the map:

Araldyana: it was around 100years since the landfall of the first Europeans. Their diseases spread like fire through North America many of the local tribes collapsed and made it easy for the Europeans to expand. They brought with them horses, pigs and weapons. Every year hundreds of settlers arrive but by now the colonies would even survive without them.
Contact with Europe will decline over the centuries.

Arabia: in late Antiquity a Jewish tribe slowly (over nearly a century) rises to power in north-western Arabia and finally reconquer Jerusalem and create an Empire from the Nile (or a western tributary of it) to the Eufrates. The Persians get beaten badly and the (Eastern) Romans decline in power. By the time the map is set the once mighty judeo-arab empire has fractured. An Arabian and an Aramaic empire now fight eachother for the throne of David.
In the meantime a steppe-religion arose in Central Asia with teaching including elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrism, Cristianity and ancient Turkish, Iranian and Chinese beliefs. The Armenians adopted it and Empire centered around the Indus aswell. By the time the timeline is set Zoroastrism is having a revival in Persia and the Romans have conquered Jerusalem once again.

China is a mess. The Era of the Sixteen Kingdoms never ended. Barbarians force their way into China and establish new dynasties every few generations. Several times China had come close to reunification but every attempt failed.
The current states of China still believe in the idea of a united China but the realpolitik forbids for one state to become dominant. The kings and princes of East Asia wouldn't tolerate someone who attempts to concentrate all power over China in his hands. For them their own power is more important than the ideal of unity.
The three most powerful states of China are right now:
-The Southern Han Dynasty (they are not Han-Chinese); the state in the north, south of the Shandong Peninsula
-The Eastern Yang (they are Han-Chinese; south of the Southern Han); having ruled most of Southern China for over two hundred years. There name has prestige.
-The Western Yang (Han-Chinese). they lay to the west of the Eastern Yang (surprise) and they are a fairly new dynasty. Western teachings are popular here and the Emperor gets his legimacy from the divine and not from being related to the (prestigous and older) (Eastern) Yang.

please remember that most is work in progress names, borders and other stuff aren't fixed yet. You will find many states with names like "Oghuz". You see the "" this means the name is definatly not final.

You know what? Why not give show you guys and girls another work in progress ... remember WIP ... neither done nor happy with it yet. Same timeline as above.
The Jewish Empire:
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Arabia: in late Antiquity a Jewish tribe slowly (over nearly a century) rises to power in north-western Arabia and finally reconquer Jerusalem and create an Empire from the Nile (or a western tributary of it) to the Eufrates. The Persians get beaten badly and the (Eastern) Romans decline in power. By the time the map is set the once mighty judeo-arab empire has fractured. An Arabian and an Aramaic empire now fight eachother for the throne of David.
By the time the timeline is set Zoroastrism is having a revival in Persia and the Romans have conquered Jerusalem once again.

You know what? Why not give show you guys and girls another work in progress ... remember WIP ... neither done nor happy with it yet. Same timeline as above.
The Jewish Empire:
Mappy glory

Ooh, I like! Do I detect an alt-Islam in Arabia, or is this another interesting pack of Abrahamic gentlemen?
My crossover between S.M. Stirling's Draka series and Jared's Decades of Darkness. This scenario will be vaguely following the events of both timelines, but not exactly.


Decades of Draka

The British may have lost the American Revolutionary War, but they did claim one prize in that disaster: the Dutch Cape Colony. This colony, renamed Drakia, becomes a refuge for the defeated Loyalists that didn't move to Canada instead. Nobody could have guessed that this war would be the foundation point for two of the world's superpowers in centuries to come.

In the Americas, the new United States expanded, but experienced significant growing pains. Thomas Jefferson, the man who made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, would die in office in 1809. Shortly afterward, the United States would be split in two, and the New England Republic would gain its independence with the aid of the British in 1811. The Americans would fail to reconquer New England in 1833, and instead turned their attention southward and westward. The Americans' fortunes were greater here, and after a series of wars in the 19th century, all of Mexico was brought under American rule. The Americans would steadily expand their reach throughout the Caribbean, Central America, and by the dawn of the 20th century, South America.

In Africa, the Crown Colony of Drakia would grow by taking in refugees from defeated factions all over the world. French royalists, French Bonapartists, and Mexican aristocracy would all find a new place in Drakia. Drakia's Indentured Labor and Master and Servant Acts allow for the practical enslavement of conquered African peoples, something that gained Drakia surprisingly little condemnation until the British attempted to ban the practice in 1815. Seeking to do unto the British as the British did unto them, the Americans supported Drakia's war for independence, which became a Drakian victory. Drakia renamed itself the Domination of the Draka, and it would model itself after its American cousin by expanding throughout southern Africa. Although their expansion was stopped in the mid-19th century by central Africa's jungles, the discovery of quinine and the invention of the machine gun in the 1860s allowed the Draka to claim the Kongo region before the European powers could do so. This led to the Draka becoming even greater rivals of the British, and solidified the Draka-American alliance against the European powers.

By the early 20th century, a series of alliances had the world poised for war. An Anglo-German alliance reigned supreme over Europe and the world, opposed on the continent by a France humiliated in the two Napoleonic wars and a Russia defeated by the Ottoman Empire after the Germans and British supported the Sultan in the Crimean War. Elsewhere in the world, the Americans and the Draka sought to topple the current order, along with the militaristic Japanese. New England forged closer ties with the British, fearing the American juggernaut. In 1910, after the death of the Kaiser, the French and Russians launched simultaneous offensives against Germany in the hopes that the Germans would be caught off guard and defeated quickly. They were not, and the attack only succeeded in triggering the global alliances and plunging the world into war. The Great War had begun.

Ultimately, the Great War would be a triumph for the Allies of the United States, the Draka, the French, Russians and Japanese. The weight of Drakan and American industry was too much for the Halifax Powers to oppose. New England was overrun, British Canada was turned into a puppet, and what remained of independent South America was turned into a series of American possessions and puppets. The final humiliation came when a joint Franco-American invasion of the British Isles definitively defeated what was left of the Royal Navy and subjected the British to American occupation. In Africa, the Draka overran the Halifax Powers' colonial possessions, eventually destroying the Ottoman and Italian empires on its own. Germany was crushed by the Allied juggernaut and broken down into its constituent pieces after what remained of the German Army was destroyed by the world's first nuclear weapons. Japan seized as much of the Pacific as it could before what remained of the British Empire sued for peace with the Allies. By 1918, the world belonged to the Allies.

Naturally, the Allies would not remain so. Just as there is only room in the sky for one sun, there is only enough room in the world for one hyperpower. The Draka and the Americans, which had been allies for decades, turned their nuclear weapons against one another. They were never used, of course, as that would mean the destruction of both empires. By 1923, a cold war was going on in earnest. The Americans had allies in France and Russia, both powers fearful of Drakan expansion, Meanwhile, the Draka had allies in the Poles and Japanese, powers who believe they can gain much in case the American system falls. American and Drakan troops are stationed all over Europe, occupation forces becoming permanent fixtures of the defeated Halifax Powers' societies.

While the two superpowers are very close in power, the Americans are the richer and more secure. Having two major oceans to protect them, the Americans can spend less on their ground forces and invest more in naval and air power. America is a presidential republic, although the system is so corrupted and controlled by moneyed interests that the average citizen really has no say. That's not to include the various second-class citizens in American society, such as those in the occupied territories or those unfortunate enough to be born in a discriminated race, as they cannot vote. While not as brutal as their Drakan counterparts, the Americans do have a system of de facto slavery, where members of certain groups (particularly blacks and those from the former Halifax Powers) must carry "internal passports" and live in company towns owned by America's political elite. Life in the occupied territories is even worse, as the American military tries to root out resistance and make a profit on whatever it can loot.

America's allies in Europe aren't so bad. The Third French Empire is under a Bonaparte again, and is busy "Francifying" the portions of its empire that were once under the Germans. This can lead to students who speak German in class being beaten by their teachers, but many German families have been kicked out and sent to the German states, so it doesn't happen too often. The Russian Federated Empire is a strange Frankenstein-esque state which is actually rather tolerant of its minorities by necessity. Most decision-making power is in the Duma, although the Tsar still has the final say. Some Russians cynically note that Russia is one of the freest nations on Earth, which should say something about the state of mankind.

The Draka are enjoying the spoils of war a bit too much. The Drakan "master race" has expanded their "serfdom" system to all of their conquered territories, creating a massive slave class. A loyalty program has been established for the serfs, to divide them against one another and to encourage compliance, although at the end of the day, a serf is a serf. Drakan neo-paganism, informed by racial supremacism, is imposed upon the conquered peoples, although this has led to a seemingly endless guerrilla conflict with Islamic terrorists. Those communities that attempt to throw off Draka rule are mercilessly destroyed from the skies by the Draka's air patrols, although the Americans continue to risk arming rebellious Draka serfs (just as Draka agents operate in Brazil).

The Draka's allies are much better than they are. The Poles see the Draka as allies of convenience, a tool to use against the Russian bear now that the German wolf has been defeated. Poland is a kingdom, and a good deal of Polish identity is dependent on monarchy, culture and Catholicism, but in truth the power lies in the High Chancellor of the Polish Parliament. The Japanese, on the other hand, eye British and Chinese territories in Asia, but realize that without outside assistance they will be defeated and will likely provoke American hostility. Still under a militarist government, the Japanese government is looking for some sort of victory somewhere, and the people are getting fed up with all of the "glorious victories" against Asian guerrillas.

The Chinese and the "Restored" British Empire stay away from the Protracted Struggle, but know they will be dragged in should the war turn for the worst. The Chinese dictatorship venerates the resistance against Japan and proclaims that China will get its revenge against the foreign invaders one day, but for now it must stay vigilant within its borders. The Restored Empire is, practically, several nation-states welded together in a military alliance, as the British Parliament in Sydney has practically no control outside of Australia apart from the military bases. Desires for autonomy and conflicts between trade rights threaten to tear the Empire apart, but with the external threats so great, they will always stick together.

It is the year 2004. Networked computers only exist in government buildings, military bases and the homes of the powerful. Surveillance drones hover in the skies and cameras monitor the streets, feeding information to security forces that are increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence for enforcement. Most families have television sets provided for them by the government, but only so they can have their daily dose of propaganda and be monitored in their own homes. Telephone conversations are always recorded, and all mobile phones have tracking chips built into them.

About three hundred people live on Mars on a permanent basis, about a thousand live on the Moon, and another thousand are housed in orbital stations. Most arlacs and planes are equipped with high-powered laser weaponry, and the ease of missile defenses has led to increased nuclear proliferation (the Americans and Draka each have over a hundred thousand nuclear ICBMs) and the creation of orbital railguns, and even the establishment of space forces that man "space battleships" armed with a thousand nuclear warheads each. These systems are increasingly placed under the control of artificial intelligence programs, the stability and loyalty of which is called into question by both Washington and Archona. But it is likely that mankind would persist. Both the Americans and the Draka have established continuity of government stations throughout Antarctica, the bottom of the ocean, in orbit, and even in the Asteroid Belt. And in a few decades, the first generation ship will arrive in the Tau Ceti system, much to the surprise of the lizardlike denizens of that star system.

Very nice to see Araldyana back! Quibble: Armenia was Christian by 301 AD and is unlikely to convert several hundred years later to some religion off the steppes.

Edit: BTW, China did reunify by the 1400s in your original scenario. Has that been retconned?
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