¡Viva El Chacal!

Part I

Translated and taken from
La Historia de La revolución, by Jesús Diaz, Editorial de [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Herrero[/FONT], 1999.

Who was Victoriano Huerta? On one hand, he and his policies were unnecessarily harsh and brutal. On the other, he stood up to the United States, and brought peace to Mexico. So maybe he wasn't quite as bad as many would have you think. So, let us reveiw the facts first, before we come up with an opinion.

José Victoriano Huerta Márquez was born in Colotlán, Jalisco on the 22 of December in 1850. His father was named Jesús Huerta, an ethnic Huichol Indian. His mother was Refugio Márquez. At age 17, he became the personal secretary of General Donato Guerra. He worked for General Guerra for three years before entering the National Military Academy, where he graduated. During the Porfirio Diaz administration, he rose to the rank of general. His military record included crushing a Maya revolt, and suppressing the Zapatistas. After Madero became president, Huerta swore allegiance to the new administration. However, he was secretly plotting to over through Madero in a coup. Finally, he took his chance, and on the 18 of February 1913, he was sworn in as president.

Under his administration, the laws and rules were brutal, and authoritarian. He inspired much resistance, and on the 14 of July 1914, he resigned the presidency due to public pressure. He then was exiled, and roamed around Spain, where he met German agents...