war of the second coalition

  1. Civil War if America had all British America

    POD is that Britain treats all it's colonies as bad as the 13 colonies. Instead Britain prioritizes Native American rights and Prevents any settlement in their lands from colonists. Along with 13 colonies the delegates from Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island...
  2. Friedrich der Große

    Stadhouder Willem VI

    In 1799, there was the Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland. The British and Russians wanted to free the Netherlands of the French during the Second Coalition War, and restore the stadholder. But they failed. What if… But what if in an alternate timeline, the Anglo-Russian invasion was succesfull...
  3. France doesn't invade Egypt in 1798?

    What would've happened had the French not invaded Egypt in 1798? Let's say one of the higher ups in the Republic realizes that it's impossible to control the place in the long term thanks to the presence of the Royal Navy. Would France have won the War of the Second Coalition faster with...
  4. Effects on Napoleon's Plans in Europe if the Quasi-War Turns Hot

    In OTL, during the presidency of John Adams, the U.S. was involved in naval skirmishing with the French that could have effectively made the U.S. party to the War of the Second Coalition. Assuming Adams takes the country to war, and the Americans successfully secure what would have been the...
  5. WI: Austrian victory at Marengo

    What if it had been the Austrians, not the French, who triumphed at Marengo? How might things have been altered?
  6. Omens on a Bad Wind: a Napoleonic TL.
    Threadmarks: Ch 1, Pt 1

    Chapter 1: The Failure of the Republican Experiment. Part 1: A Bad Wind. June, 1798. Malta. It is unknown what day it occurred. It was in all likeliness a day just like any other, on an island barely different from any other in the central Mediterranean. The year was not much different...