
  1. Friedrich der Große

    Rule Neerlandia! Another Dutch TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The Kandy War

    Gustaaf Willem baron van Imhoff (1705-1756), governor of Ceylon from 1736 to 1741. Chapter I: The Kandy War Since the Dutch Golden Age, the Dutch East India Company or Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) had territories in Ceylon. It was an important colony for the Dutch trading empire...
  2. Alright. So I’m gonna make an alternate history video on What if the Netherlands Never Existed, and I want it to be as accurate as possible.

    If anyone has any ideas for shifts that may happen as an outcome of this, let me know. How would it affect other nations and wars in Europe? Who would come out on top in the Indian Ocean without the VOC? (So for example, would Portugal have stayed a mighty force in the longrun, or would the...
  3. AltoRegnant

    WI: French Indonesia?

    OTL, France ultimately lost the struggle for India to Britain. in the 7 years war. But sometimes the best way to win a game is not to play. So, what if instead of trying to grab India against the British, Paris focused on getting Indonesia/monopolizing the spice trade against Portugal or the...
  4. "New Holland Company" settles Victoria, Australia and discovers Gold

    The Dutch explored the western part of Australia in OTL and found it pretty uninmpressive and didn't do anything with it. What if Abel Tasman instead of ending up in New Zeeland maps the southeastern part of Australia, the coast of modern day Victoria. The pleasant climate and huge natural...
  5. VOC colonizes Western Australia

    Van Riebeeck stayed in the Cape for a few weeks in I believe 1647 in OTL which made him an advocate of building a resupply station there. What if he was shipwrecked in King George Sound in Western Australia instead? (modern day Albany). It's close to the Brouwer route and could've served as a...
  6. WI: United East India Company

    So what if, during the union between England and the Netherlands under William III, the decision was made to merge the East India Companies of both states? They were each other's first and foremost rivals and together they could pretty much monopolize the East India trade, forcing the Danish...
  7. Earlier independence of Indonesia (Pre-1900)

    In the OTL, Indonesia becomes independent in 1945. So what if in this AH scenario by some event, Indonesia or at least one of the major Indonesian states won their independence against the Dutch rule before 1900s? So, was it possible for Indonesia or any Indonesian state to be independent from...
  8. GameBawesome

    Majapahit Rump State survival

    What if there was never a Demak invasion, and the Majapahit survives as a former shadow of itself. The Majapahit remains majority Hindu, and survives to the European Colonization, but is able to stay independent. How would the Remnant of the Majapahit react to European contact and trade? Note...
  9. GameBawesome

    Which company can survive to modern day? VOC VS BEIC

    Which Charted Company, the BEIC or the VOC, can survive to the modern day? The Dutch East India company went bankrupt and defunct in the 1799 The British East India company survived for a while until the Indian Rebellion and it’s defunct in 1874 Which of here can survive to the modern day
  10. GameBawesome

    AHC: Surviving Companies

    AHC: Have Companies such as the Dutch East India Company, and the British East India Company, and a few minor ones, like the Swedish, French, and Levant Companies, survive till Decolonization
  11. The Dutch Strike Gold: Timeline about VOC exploits in Southern Africa
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Jan Pieterszoon Coen was an officer of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in Indonesia in the early seventeenth century. He was the founder of Batavia, the capital city of the Dutch East Indies. Coen was known in his time on account of strict governance and harsh criticism of people who did...
  12. No Dutch Cape Colony

    In some earlier threads I'd made discussing early discovery of sandalwood in Oceania and Aborigine equivalents to the Native American horse culture developing, other posters suggested that the location of OTL's Perth would have made a useful colony for the Dutch, and that it could have been a...
  13. AHC/WI: the Mughal Emperor bought a large number of shares in the Dutch East India company

    The Mughal Emperors were immensely rich. So, if the Dutch were weakened, indebted, or less centralized (perhaps the Netherlands is occupied by France or some other crisis occurs), and a Mughal emperor was inclined towards risky investments, could the Mughals have bought a large number of shares...
  14. Rome Below the Winds: A Javanese Timeline

    Rome Below the Winds: A Southeast Asian Timeline In the beginning the Great God created Adam and Eve, and their sons and daughters scattered throughout the world. But they did not all go the same way. Some went to the west and became prophets of Islam; these were called the right-hand...
  15. WI: Abel Tasman discovers sandalwood in Oceania?

    Sandalwood was a very valuable trade commodity, and was relatively accessible in multiple places that were not colonized by Europeans until the 18th/19th century, such as Fiji, Vanuatu, and northern Australia. I think Abel Tasman or some equivalent Dutch explorer could have discovered...
  16. Light in the East: Gowa-Talloq's empire and beyond

    For the OP here I'm trying a new type of post - all in verse - mainly to improve my rhyming skills. I hope it's not too bad, though it might well be. So before I begin, I'll just quote a Malay poet from the seventeenth century (Sya'ir Perang Mengkasar, stanza 413): Tidaklah panjang kissah memuji...
  17. Lords below the wind: Palembang-Jambi in the late 18th century

    Ajayeb, subeuhanallah, leungo lon kisah raja. Wonder, listen, for I will talk of kings. ~ Hikayat Pocut Muhammad, Acehnese chronicle, 18th century --- (see notes below if you're unsure what a reference is about) Palembang, 1762. "If Palembang remains so intransigent, sir," said the Dutch...
  18. Open Immigration To The Dutch Cape Colony

    The Cape Colony was founded by Jan van Riebeeck as a re-supply and layover port for vessels of the Dutch East India Company trading with Asia. Much to the dismay of the rulers of the Dutch East India Company, who were primarily interested in making profit from the Asian trade, the colony rapidly...
  19. Does the VOC survive if it loses Indonesia during the War of the Spanish Succession?

    My incipient TL involves Qing China constructing a large European-style fleet (this has Chinese precedent in the 1630s) and conquering the Dutch East India Company's Southeast Asian territories during the War of the Spanish Succession in response to the Dutch harboring and patronizing large...