
  1. Paris 1328- French videos about modern Paris in the year 1328.

    Paris 1328 is a a two seasons (and the next one is coming next year ) French YouTube series about modern Paris finding itself in the medieval era (and replacing old Paris) after a mysterious event called the vibration destroys a part of the infrastructure and wounds/kills half if the...
  2. What if Sony made an extended play U-matic instead of Betamax?

    I have recently watched a two part video by Alec Watson on his Technology connections channel on why Betamax failed. In fact it failed harder than most people think. Part one explains that Beta began as a smaller version of U-matic. Whatever Sony did to get the same record time as U-matic in...
  3. Duke Andrew of Dank

    What if Nintendo bought more stake in Rare?

    Personally, I think it'd be better off than in OTL for sure.
  4. WI: Capacitve electronic disc introduced in the golden analog age

    Television broadcasting and video recording seem to be quiet an ample topic for alternative history, and a format called the capacitive electronic disc was introduced unusually late in relation to the technology involved, and paradoxically, after the laserdisc. What if a grooved videodisc...