
  1. phil03

    AHC/WI: Make the Great Turkish War as Disastrous as Possible for the Ottomans

    What it says on the title. In OTL The Great Turkish War was the Ottomans' first significant and it is fair to say they never truly got back to where they were before the Second Siege of Vienna but they nonetheless managed to recover well enough from it and remained very much a great power until...
  2. kasumigenx

    WI: Habsburgs promote the Venetian language

    From what I have read the old area where Venetian is spoken is at one point called Austria, I think the Habsburgs could take advantage of this in some way.
  3. Count

    Consequences of a surviving Venetian democracy?

    Now as we all know the Venetian Republic once ruled over a not insignificant empire in the Aegean and Adriatic seas, as well as controlling a vast mercantile sphere of influence before being pushed out by the Ottomans and entering a steady decline until 1797, when Napoleon occupied it without a...
  4. Venetian-Greek / Catholic-Orthodox relationship. 9th to 16th century
    Threadmarks: Venetian-Byzantine

    I had an Idea, but needs a few pointers to finalize what I had envisioned: Earlier and more 'fair' greaco-venetian trade before the first crusade, no Greek Massacre of the Latins 1182 - no Fourth Crusade in 1204 aimed at orthodox Byzantium, more east-west christian cooperation against Muslim...
  5. WI: the Ottomans founded a citadel at Sparta?

    What if the Ottomans built a new citadel, and supporting settlement, at the site of ancient Sparta upon the conquest of the Morea in the 1400s? How could this settlement develop over time and what role would it play in the development of Ottoman Greece or in the Ottoman-Venetian wars?
  6. The City of Water:A Venetian TL (Discontinued: See V2 in Industrial Progress: A Story Of Venetian..)

    The City of Water: A Venetian TL The flag of the Most Serene Republic of Venice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Never in Venetian history was there so traumatic an event as those of 1380 in the very heart of the city, events which...