
  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: The Greco-Turkish War Ends in a Stalemate.

    What sort of circumstances would it take for the Greco-Turkish war which essentially was won by Turkey and was a catastrophic defeat for Greece, to more or less end in a stalemate? I'm thinking Greece keeps East Thrace and keeps some of the hinterland surrounding Smynra in the region (a much...
  2. Texas Bulldog

    Effects of a surviving Ottoman Empire on Arab Nationalism, its affect on the plausibility of a surviving Ottoman Empire

    How would a surviving Ottoman Empire deal with Arab Nationalism? Could 'Ottomanization' continue, or would the withdrawal from Arab affairs be inevitable. Is it even possible for the Ottomans to become genuinely pluralistic as some kind of Federation? Does this require Ottoman neutrality in WW1?
  3. Emperor of Panama

    Constantinople Agreement: Effects of an Imperial Russia controlling the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles from 1919 to the present?

    Let's say that a series of multiple fortunate events mean that today we still have the Russian Empire of the Romanovs existing through reforms, avoiding a bloody revolution and even being part of the European Union, with this we would reach the End of WW1 where Russia finally I would get...
  4. Harshest Sèvres that wouldn't provoke OTL backlash?

    What would a softer ATL Sèvres, that's harsher than Lausanne but just soft enough for the Turks to begrudgingly accept and sign, entail? Keeping Imbros, Tenedos, Hatay, and OTL's Turkish-Syrian border out of the gate? No European zones of influence in de jure Turkey? No internationalized straits...
  5. Time Enough

    The causes and effects of a Cyprus Conflict in the Mid 60s?

    So in the immediate aftermath of Cyprus’s independence, in 1963 - 64 inter communal violence would flare up. In Turkey, the minority government of Ismet Inonu was currently in a coalition with the Nationalist, Republican Villagers Nation Party and under consist threat of coups decided to start...
  6. Basileus_Komnenos

    Effects of Megali/Big Greece On WWII and the Cold War

    How would a "Greater" Greece following the Megali Idea have affected WWII and the Cold War? Assuming Greece won the Greco-Turkish War, or did better in WWI, how would it fare in the Second World War and the later cold war? Obviously there would be internal issues within Greece due to...
  7. Plausibility of, and effects of an earlier Suez Canal

    Once of the major reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Western European Powers was the weakening of the stranglehold the Turks had over trade with Asia. The invention of the caravel made long ocean voyages possible, and Spanish/Portuguese navigators made great strides...
  8. AHC: Larger and/or wealthier Turkey AFTER Treaty of Lausanne

    On the 23rd of August 1923, Turkey officially ratified the Treaty of Lausanne, allowing for the declaration of the Republic of Turkey on the 29th of October that same year. Since then, Turkey's borders have remained mostly unchanged with the exception of the annexation of Hatay in 1939. Their...
  9. Turkey WI: Adnan Menderes died in 1959?

    The first Turkish prime minister not to belong to the until then dominant Republican People's Party, Adnan Menderes ruled Turkey from 1950 until his removal by a military coup in May 27 1960, after which he was executed a year later. As time went on and the economy began to decline roughly...
  10. How Small Could Turkey Get?

    Assuming the following: More Turkish casualties during WW1. Greece achieves Megali Idea. Greater Armenia established. Italian sphere of influence in Southern Anatolia. Syria and Kurdistan established by France/Britain. WW2 analogue leads to Turkish loss.
  11. AHC: Have turkey experience massive economic and gdp growth.

    With a POD starting as early 1992, have Turkey's economy grow substantially greater and larger than irl with a GDP at least at 1 trillion USD.
  12. World Mapping

    WI: Post-WW1 U.S. mandates over Armenia and the Straits?

    IOTL, Britain planned to offer the United States mandates over Wilsonian Armenia and the Turkish Straits post-WW1. These never came to be, but what if they did? How would this affect Turkey, the Entente, and the rest of the world?
  13. Ottoman Empire joins WWI later. Effects within OE? Fate of Armenians?

    In the "mild CP victory" TL I'm working on, I'm having the Ottomans join the war later than OTL, in late February/early March. The sole purpose of this change is the delay/lessening/prevention of the Armenian genocide. With more favourable weather conditions, the Turks don't suffer such a...
  14. Turkey: 2016-like coup attempt in 1997?

    The main PoD is the success of 1993 WTC bombing and War on Terror strating 8 years earlier than OTL. In this world, the US invades Sudan instead of Afghanistan due to the fact that it hosted Bin-Laden at the time. In Turkey, the islamist Welfare party managed to emerge as the biggest party...
  15. Would Kurdistan fall under Soviet Influence in this scenario? If so, how would the Middle East be affected?

    In my alt-history timeline, Turkey joins the Axis Powers during WWII and promptly commits a devastating invasion of southern Russia. I'm not sure if this would prolong the war but ultimately, the Axis is still defeated, the USSR survives and as punishment, Turkey's borders are reduced to that of...
  16. WI: Atatürk Has Biological Children

    Despite adopting thirteen children Atatürk never had any biological children. There are a couple reasons why. 1. Atatürk never found a woman with which he could have children with. He did marry a woman by the name of Latife in 1923, but the relationship was fraught with arguments and fighting...
  17. What if the Soviet connected the Caspian sea to the Persian Sea by flooding the Ararat Plain?

    What if the following depression was flooded by building a dam to block the Aras river? Geographically the aras river flow trought a 10 km wide choke point. You can use the mountains and build a series of 2 km, 1 km, 2 km and 1 km dam to cut the flow of water and create a lake. There is...
  18. GameBawesome

    Effects of an Successful Ottoman Partition

    After WWI, the Ottoman Empire was planned to be partition during the Treaty of Sèvres. The partition plan was to roughly look around this: However, this never occurred, as the Turks under Mustafa Kemal Pasha, fought the Turkish War of Independence and won the war, establishing the Republic of...
  19. Neutral Italy during WW1: Fate of the Dodecanese?

    According to the 1912 Treaty of Ouchy which ended the Italo-Turkish War, the Italians were obligated the return the Dodecanese Islands to the Ottoman Empire once the latter fulfilled its peace obligation. Before the islands could have been returned however, the Ottoman Empire got involved in...
  20. Central Powers seek peace jointly in Autumn, 1918. What happens to the Ottomans?

    Present is the following scenario: A-H doesn't launch the 2nd Battle of Piave, instead it chooses to strenghten its defences behind the river and also send a few divisions to the Balkans to aid the Bulgarians. As a result, neither the Italian, nor the Balkan Front collapses, however the...