tsardom of russia

  1. WI: Pugachev's Rebellion Suceeded

    Ever since Peter I rights of the Russian serfs continuously degraded and eventually boiled over in 1773 when Yemelyan Pugachev claimed to be the deposed Peter III and promised land redistribution for the peasantry. What if he succeeded? On the one hand, he seemed to be genuinely intending to...
  2. AHC: Jewish-Friendly Russia

    This is a fairly short challenge. With a pod after 1500, how can we get a Russia that by 1900 doesn't treat Jews like servants of Satan? Were there ever any influential Russians who went "Maybe we shouldn't be murdering our Christ's people" or was the Christ-killer accusation (along with the...
  3. 1613 Russia: Democracy elected by Zemsky Sobor

    what if Zemsky Sobor of 1613 elected a democracy instead of the Romanov monarchy and retained power for itself taking power as the governing body of russia
  4. WI: Tver Unification of Russia

    A while ago I asked about alternative unifiers of Russia other than Muscovy, with the most reasonable option being the Principality of Tver. Tver was the most powerful state in medieval Russia until the Golden Horde back Muscovy against them in the 14th century. If the Tver princes were more...
  5. PC: Alternate Russian Unifiers

    In 1478 the duchy of Moscow conquered Novgorod and established the tsardom of Russia in 1547. During the middle ages however, there were a lot of states to Novgorod's south. Including but not limited too: Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Volhynia, Halych, Polotsk, Smolensk, and Ryazan. Was there...
  6. A bigger Russian presence in North America?

    Could Russia, with a POD after 1600, get a bigger slice of western North America than it did IOTL - one that stretches from, say, Alaska to northern California? I realize the difficulties with this WI are considerable, given the country's vast territory and the fact Siberia is already much...
  7. A better reign for Ivan the Terrible?

    The last Grand Prince of Moscow and first Tsar of Russia, Ivan IV's reign started on a promising note, with the conquest of the khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan, before taking a turn for the worst with the outbreak of the Livonian War and ending with self-harming actions like the Massacre of...
  8. No Livonian War?

    The Livonian War was a 25 year long conflict caused by tsar Ivan IV's ambition to expand Russia's territories in the Baltic Sea, which pit it against Sweden, Denmark and Poland, and eventually ended with a Russian defeat. What if war never broke out? According to wikipedia, one of the events...
  9. Wank Timur conquers India , Russia, Egypt, Turkey aka Delhi sultanate, Ottoman Empire, Golden horde and Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt

    what if Timur conquered Delhi sultanate, Ottoman Empire, Golden horde and Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt ? how would this affect history ? OTL Timur defeated ,Sacked and sent in to civil war all of them He could've easily conquered them by exploiting those civil wars this time does that and...
  10. A Jagiellon Russia?

    Assuming Sigismund II Augustus has a son or two and Russia goes through the Time of Troubles like IOTL, could a member of the Jagiellonian dynasty win the support of enough Russian boyars to become Tsar? IIRC Wladyslaw Vasa had at least a few supporters IOTL, but Sigismund III's...
  11. Max Russian population

    What is Maximum population Russia can achieve by today? POD after 800 With earliest abolition of serfdom Mass settlement US style Industrialization Borders: incl light green
  12. Ivan IV becomes king of Poland in 1572?

    Could Ivan IV, tsar of Russia, somehow be elected king of Poland and grand Duke of Lithuania after Sigismund II's death in 1572? Assuming the answer is yes, could such an union spark a war in Eastern Europe? I doubt states like Sweden, the Habsburg dominions and the Ottoman Empire would like...
  13. WI: Anastasia Romanovna not poisoned

    I think it goes without saying that Ivan the Terrible was a complicated man. On the one hand, he was intelligent, devout and strong-willed. On the other, he was prone to paranoia, rages, and bouts of mental instability. While he certainly accomplished a lot, his achievements are overshadowed in...
  14. How Different Were The Stalin's Soviets From Tsardom?

    For the sake of simplicity let's reference the Tsar in the 1900s and the Soviets in the 1930s, how similar were they institutionally and ideologically? I admit that I'm just getting into Russian history but there seems to be so many similarities between the two. Sure the Tsar claimed divine...
  15. GauchoBadger

    WI: More successful Stenka Razin?

    What if the Cossack revolt led by Stenka Razin in early 1670's Russia had been much more successful in its scope? I don't think Razin could have succeeded in utterly destroying the tsarist government -- the boyars, the tsar and the patriarchate were against him for the entirety of the rebellion...
  16. Ed of the Pueblos Libres

    ¿What would have happened if the Russian Tsardom won the Livonian War?

    (Sorry but the english is not my mother lenguage) *Parts of the Pod (like rules or something, or possibilities for the PoD what I propose) -Russia wins over Sweden and Poland-Lithuania, and maintaining its conquest (at least a few years) - Talk about the effects in Russia (in short, medium and...
  17. Tom Colton

    The Ultimate "Continuations of the Roman Empire" Poll

    This is the poll to end all polls concerning this subject, and to consolidate all opinions on these various polities. Vote for as many options as you think are appropriate.