spiro agnew

  1. Valenca

    ABYSS -- Spiro Agnew, Frank Church, and the Beyond.
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    "In all the decisions I have made in my public life, I have always tried to do what was best for the Nation. Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me."...
  2. Gnomepilled

    Nixon finds a southern republican for vice president

    I just learned that Agnew wasn't his first choice. He specifically chose Agnew because he was a moderate that could unite both the north and the south. He originally wanted to pick a southern candidate as he wanted them to be represented. But for some reason he couldn't find anyone suitable. He...
  3. peytonkw

    A penny for your thoughts! - Richard Nixon assassinated in 1972
    Threadmarks: Repeating this bulletin: President Nixon shot while driving from the airport in Ottawa, Canada

    April 10th 1972. Viewers tuning into Gunsmoke at 8 P.M. Eastern Time are interrupted by a CBS News Bulletin bumper at 8:10 Walter Cronkite: "Here is a bulletin from CBS News: In Ottawa, Canada, five shots were fired at President Nixon’s motorcade. The first reports say that President Nixon...
  4. The Shadow of the Eagle, TL
    Threadmarks: The Birth of the Eagle

    "RFK announces presidential candidacy" - Headline of the Washington Post, 11th December 1967 "Kennedy is plausible. He's not a Johnson or Humphrey, he's not tied to that [Johnson's] administration, the American people will rally around him, he is the one of the few men in this campaign to lead...
  5. TheDoofusUser

    Spiro Agnew Resigns in Late 1971, Brooke Replaces him, Nixon dies in early '72, What happens next?

    Alright, so I did do some research and lurking on this site and on Wikipedia and I found out that in 1974, Richard Nixon briefly considered replacing then Vice President Spiro Agnew with Massachusetts Senator Ed Brooke, who would lose re-election to the Senate in 1978. The only times i've seen...
  6. Texas Two-Step: Nixon nominates Connally as VP in 1973

    It has been well documented over time how much Richard Milhous Nixon, the unloved, unhappy 37th President of the United States, admired John Connally. Admired? Nay, adored Connally. John Connally was everything Nixon was not, a brash, outspoken, smooth Texas cowboy with cojones that Nixon...
  7. What if Spiro Agnew never resigned and thus as President after Nixon's resignation?

    To make this possible changes against either are never found out or he never commits them in the first place. Would he have been successful with him winning the 1976 election. What would today look like with a Agnew seventies?
  8. Chapman

    WI: Nixon Assassinated?

    As has probably been discussed before, Arthur Bremer, the man who would later shoot and paralyze Alabama Governor George Wallace, had initially plotted to kill then-President Richard Nixon. On April 13, 1972, Bremer traveled to Ottawa, Wisconsin with a revolver tucked into his jacket pocket...
  9. Chapman

    WI Spiro Busted Earlier?

    Richard Nixon's Vice President, Spiro Agnew, had a long history of alleged corruption even before he was brought down in 1973 and forced to resign. Democrats and journalists alike accused Agnew of the very behavior that lead to his downfall, but never had any substantial proof. So let's say...
  10. Better Hubert Humphrey Running Mate

    Vice President Hubert Humphrey almost selected Senator Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma as his vice presidential nominee, however, Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine's age, governmental experience, and quiet temperament convinced Humphrey to select him instead. Muskie was surprised to have been nominated...
  11. Chapman

    President Spiro Agnew

    This has been asked a few times before, but let's say Vice President Agnew was never exposed for corruption, and continues to hold his office. Does this impact Watergate at all? Or does it happen basically the same way as it did IOTL? And if Nixon does still resign, would Agnew likely choose...
  12. Jaguars4life

    WI:Nixon chooses Kissinger instead of Ford

    Something I thought of today. What if instead Nixon went with Henry Kissinger for VP instead of Gerald Ford? What are some minor and major changes?
  13. The Policeman's Truncheon: A Collaborative TL

    Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb. - Spiro Theodore Agnew ---- Hello and welcome to a new collaborative timeline! This one will work like my old ones and other previous ones on this forum. You are encouraged to...