south africa

  1. Friedrich der Große

    The Boer Wars, an alternate history

    I’m thinking about a scenario in which the Belgian Revolution never happened. But I was thinking: what will happen to the Boers, the Great Trek and the Boer Wars if this occured. With a Belgian Revolution which never happens, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive and become a...
  2. Friedrich der Große

    A Dutch timeline

    I’m searching for a POD in which The Netherlands keep the Cape Colony, but also in which the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive. Do you have some ideas? Or could I simply say that with the Dutch keeping the Cape Colony in say 1814, the Belgian Revolution would never occure because of...
  3. Friedrich der Große

    Alternate Dutch colonies

    So, if The Netherlands manage to keep Belgium in 1830, is it plausible that they will set up new colonies, especially in Africa or Asia? The Dutch king William I wanted to make The Netherlands a great power again, and he knew that he needed (more) colonies for that. For example: is it maybe...
  4. WI: The rest of BRICS has China-like economic growth?

    What if the other emerging powers in the 1990s and 2000s had experienced economic development similar to that of China in recent decades? How would the establishment react? How could they have affected some international events? Assuming the POD is just after the end of the Cold War, this would...
  5. South Africa abolishes apartheid in the 1960s?

    Let's say that, through a series of PODs starting in the 1950s, such as the Progressive Party not forming and South Africa remaining a monarchy in the 1960 referendum (the margin was quite narrow, after all), the United Party, led by De Villiers Graaff, returns to power in the 1961 election...
  6. South African crisis in the 1940s between Afrikaners and British South Africans

    Background to this scenario. In 1940 Britain makes peace with Germany after the fall of France. One of the terms in the final peace treaty is the return of Germany’s African colonies it lost during ww1. Namibia a former German colony is now under South African rule. South Africa is a fully...
  7. AHC: Reverse Mugabe and Mandela's reputations

    While Nelson Mandela and Robert Mugabe were quite similar in some ways, their reputations couldn't be any more different. Mandela is often thought of in messianic terms, while Mugabe is considered a quintessential "fallen hero". Your challenge is to have it be the other way around.
  8. WI no 1910 Union of South Africa

    Reading online I came across this counterfactual scenario about what would have happened if there was no union in 1910. Thought it would be interesting to see what people thought here
  9. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI White South Africa grants full independence to all twenty Bantustans 1980 - 1990

    What if at any time during 1980 - 1990 South Africa embarks on giving full independence to all 20 Bantustans within its territory and to recognize each one as an independent nation with its own Prime Minister, Parliament and so on regardless of how the international community reacts. Let's say...
  10. Friedrich der Große

    Boers loving the Netherlands

    During the 18th century, Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff, the Dutch governor of the Cape Colony, made plans to let come more pastors to the Colony, to secure a good and better bond with The Netherlands. But these plans were never executed. What if in an alternate timeline these plans were executed...
  11. Friedrich der Große

    Batavian Cape Colony

    What if in an alternate timeline, the Netherlands, or more specific the Batavian Republic, won the Battle of Blaauwberg in 1806? Would the result be that the Cape Colony remains Dutch? Or would the British have set up a new expedition in the Cape Colony? And what would have happened more?
  12. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch Cape Colony, 13th Province

    Good evening, I am searching for a POD, as part of my alternate history of the Netherlands scenario which I want to make. What I want is a POD in which the Netherlands keeps the Cape Colony after the Napoleonic Wars. And a Netherlands which is still a United Kingdom, so with Belgium and...
  13. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch South Africa

    In 1842, the Boer Republic of Natalia was under pressure. They had a conflict with the British, and they were afraid to be annexed by them. As a result, they sent king William II of the Netherlands an offer. They wanted that Natalia became a Dutch colony. But, William II refused. But what if...
  14. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch returns in South Africa

    What if in 1842, the Dutch Empire annexed the Boer Republic of Natalia? After the Napoleonic Wars, the British annexed the former Dutch Cape Colony definitive into their empire. As a result, during the 1830s, the Boers, descendants of Dutch colonists who where unhappy with the British, leaved...
  15. WI: Shaka survives

    What if Shaka hadn't been assassinated in 1828? How might things have changed?
  16. What happens to Swellendam and Graaff-Reinet without Britain?

    IOTL, Swellendam and Graaff-Reinet declared independence in 1795 from the Dutch Cape Colony and briefly became independent Dutch Republics for a few months until the British took over the area later that year. Without the British ever invading, what likely happens with the two Boer Republics...
  17. Could South Africa's National Party be defeated after 1948?

    After their narrow victory in the 1948 election, the National Party of South Africa retained a majority (and later a supermajority) of seats in parliament until the end of apartheid in 1994. Was there any plausible chance for the United Party to return to power through an election, especially if...
  18. Sarthak

    South Africa restores the monarchy after Apartheid

    Apparently this was given extreme serious thought but was dropped so as to not hurt the status quo. The Blacks, and Anglo population of SA was extremely in favor of the monarchy otl, which Mandela back in 1961 even calling the republic an unwanted one. So what if in 1994 when South Africa...
  19. AltoRegnant

    What Would A Surviving Zulu Empire Look Like?

    one state that's always fascinated me is the Zulu empire, a small state on the eastern cape of good hope but one able to inflict one of Britain's most humiliating defeats in the 19th century. However, it was a small kingdom with limited access to more modern weapons and was thusly annexed into...
  20. British Military Intervention in Zimbabwe

    Since the creation the end of the Rhodesian Bush War and the signing of the Lancaster House Agreement in 1979 which led to the transformation of Rhodesia into Zimbabwe relations between the United Kingdom and its former colony have generally been less than friendly. Various sources have...