
  1. GameBawesome

    Save one Pagan Religion to the modern-day

    So, in the Ancient Past, before the rise of Monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam, many states such as Persia, Egypt, Rome, all worshiped various gods and goddesses, that by the modern standard, are considered Pagan. When Christianity and then Islam rose, these ancient religions...
  2. GameBawesome

    Save one Historical Microstate

    Microstates are an oddity in the world. Not to be confused with Micronations, Microstates are internationally recognized and sovereign nations, that are tiny. There's been many Microstates in history, most of which get swallowed up by their larger neighbors. If you had to save one Microstate in...
  3. GameBawesome

    Save Historical Lost Cities to the Modern-Day

    There are many famous cities that were once centers for mighty nations, but were later abandoned for various reasons such as War, Soil depletion, natural disasters, sickness, or any other reason. Now, most of these cities became archeological sites, nearly ruins to study, or some bits survived...
  4. GameBawesome

    Save one Wonder of the Ancient World

    There are Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. However, 1/7 only survived to the modern-day, that being the Great Pyramids of Giza. So, if you had to save one of the six destroyed Ancient Wonders, and ONLY ONE, what Ancient Wonder would it be you want to survive to the Present-Day. 1. Temple of...
  5. GameBawesome

    Latest date to save the late Ming Dynasty?

    The late Ming Dyansty, to put it politely...was a mess. Silver inflation from Spain, corruption in the imperial court, economic downturn, incompetent or short-lived emperors, factionalism, eunuchs, peasant revolts, the Japanese, and famines that all showed signs that the Ming Dyansty lost the...
  6. AHC: Save a child/children in history

    Come up with a scenario when a notable child/children were killed or died, and make it so they don't die. What is the consequences of their survival
  7. Duke Andrew of Dank

    What actors/celebrities would you save from an early death and why?

    Simple enough. List any actor you would save from dying too soon, and a reason why.