richard of shrewsbury

  1. A Lancastrian Queen for Edward V

    What if Anne Neville became pregnant during her wedding to Edward of Westminster and gave birth to a daughter after his death?
  2. The many daughters of Emperor Maximilian

    What if both children of Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy (Philip the Handsome and Margaret of Austria) were born as girl and Mary still die as OTL? What Maximilian will or can do for keeping most of Burgundy safely away from the French King?
  3. lolotte34

    John Neville, 1st Marquis of Montagu, fights for King Edward IV

    John Neville, 1st Marquis of Montagu, remains loyal to King Edward IV during the battle of Barnet. After the victories at Barnet and Tewkesbury, John Neville becomes Lord of the North, in the place of Richard of Gloucester. He inherits the titles and property of his brother (Richard Neville...
  4. If Perkin Warbeck takes the throne, what becomes of his "nephews"

    Perkin Warbeck attempted to claim the throne by claiming to be Richard, Duke of York, during the reign of Henry VII. Many believed Warbeck most notably, I believe, Richard's aunt the Duchess of Burgundy. If he had claimed the throne, typical 15th century logic dictates he'd remove all potential...
  5. No Princes in the Tower

    Say that wouldwould-be Princes of Rider fiat from natural cases before Edward IV's death-nothing unusual with sky-high child mortality of the times. Thus Edward left without syrviving sons-would he try to make his daughter heiress? Even if so it is obvious that man would get more support...