ptolemaic egypt

  1. Dividing the Spoils: A Hellenistic TL
    Threadmarks: reader mode

    Demetrius looked out towards the Rhodian Harbor his attempts to take the Rhodian harbor had so far failed the Rhodians had failed he wasn't sure what move to make next he might need to focus more on the land attacks and create a siege engine similar to the one at Salamis one year ago a then a...
  2. Seleucids win at Raphia, conquer Egypt?

    The Battle of Raphia was pretty close, and despite being outnumbered the Seleucids had a good chance to win until the moment Antiochus III failed to seize the opportunity that appeared after he and his cavalry defeated their Ptolemaic counterparts and put them to flight, a mistake he would...
  3. AHC/WI: Stronger Ptolemaic Egypt

    From what I could gather from searching in this forum about the topic and research I've done myself, I think that the best POD would be to have either Ptolemy I or II start to use native Egyptians in phalanxes, giving the early Ptolemies much more manpower to use. Having Cilles win the Battle...
  4. WI: Seleucid Empire focuses on the east, tries to be a "Hellenized Persian Empire"

    After the death of Seleucus I "Nikator", what if the subsequent Seleucid kings gave up on fighting the other Diadochi and instead focused on Alexander's earlier dream of a Greco-Persian state, focusing entirely on the eastern portions of their massive empire? This would include: -Trying to...
  5. SunKing105

    WI: Theodotus assasinates Ptolemy

    In 217 BC, a day before the battle of Raphia, a man named Theodotus attempted to assassinate Ptolemy IV, Theodotus was an Aetolian general who had initially served Ptolemy IV, and expelled the first attack from Antiochus III of the Seleucid Empire on Coele-Syria. Afterward he was recalled to...
  6. WI: Arsinoe IV as Well-Known or as Successful as Her Sister, Cleopatra

    As it says on the tin. Cleopatra's certainly the most famous of Ptolemy XII of Egypt's five children. His two sons, Ptolemies XIII (possibly Arsinoe IV's twin brother) and XIV are remembered as little more than Cleopatra's successive husbands. His other two daughters are likewise reduced to the...
  7. Tempered Zen

    WI: Cleopatra Selene Has a Son by Tiberius

    A while back when I had nothing to do, my go-to pastime was to read bad historical fanfictions on Wattpad. While most of them had little to do with the era they took place in, I recall reading one based on the life of Cleopatra's children after the Battle of Actium. While some of the events were...
  8. Tempered Zen

    Arsinoe IV, Queen of Egypt, escapes to Parthia

    Usually overshadowed by her older sister Cleopatra, Arsinoe briefly got a chance to shine during the Siege of Alexandria, when she killed Achillias and put her tutor Ganymedes in command of the Egyptian army, directly below herself. She proclaimed herself Queen and led the Egyptians to some...
  9. Capital if the Seleucid Empire or the Ptolemaic Empire manage to capture Macedonia and Greece?

    Assuming that either empire manages to capture Macedonia, Greece, and the primary bases of their rivals (essentially creating the old Persian borders for the Seleucids and the borders of Eastern Rome for the Ptolemies) , do they symbolically or actually move their capital? I feel like the the...
  10. DBWI: Ptolemaic Dynasty celebrates 2,322 years on throne.

    As we all know the House of Ptolomy who rule Egypt as Pharaohs today celebrate 2,322 years on the throne officially making them the oldest royal family in existence. How do you think the Ptolemy's have survived this long and were do you think there future lies.
  11. Tempered Zen

    Roman-Egyptian Client Kingdom?

    When Augustus married Cleopatra Selene to Juba and granted them Numidia and Mauretania, could he have given them Egypt? What if he gave her brother, Alexander Helios, Egypt?
  12. LSCatilina

    AHC/WI : Successful Egyptian revolts against Ptolemies

    In the IInd and Ist centuries BCE, you had two (recorded) important native revolts against Ptolemaic rule, leaded by self-styled pharaohs : Herwennefer and Ankhmasis between -205 and -185 being the more successful contenders, taking the main part of Upper Egypt, and Harsiesi between -131 and...
  13. GauchoBadger

    AHC: Wank Ptolemaic Egypt

    With a PoD between 320 BCE and 30 BCE, have Ptolemaic Egypt estabilish control over the Levant, Syria, Cilicia, Crete and Cyprus, while possessing hegemony over Lybia and the greek city-states. Go!
  14. Georgia2003123

    No battle of Actium collaborative timeline

    Hello good people of alternate history gaining inspiration from the 1600 to infinity timeline I wish to start a collaborative timeline all non Asb posts welcome It was a rainy day when a roman spy tried to get out of the pro Antony/Egyptian camp. A camp patrol man walking near the spy's escape...