
  1. In 1896, as a result of an alternate outcome of the Sino-Japanese War in which the Qing Dynasty keeps Taiwan, Japan buys the Philippines from Spain.

    When creating and alternate timeline where the Qing Dynasty modernized its military by 1890, one of the scenarios I accepted after talks with others was to have China keep Taiwan, but loose Korea. Because of this, Japan would need to find a substitute island or two to take Taiwan's place. At...
  2. GameBawesome

    Carlist Spain and a Colonial Empire

    What if, with a POD of 1830s, the Carlists beat the Liberals, and the Isabella family flees into exile in Britain, while the Carlist king, Carlos de Borbón, now Carlos V, becomes King. Now that the Carlists control Spain, what of her once mighty, colonial empire, now reduced to only Cuba...
  3. WI/AHC: Independent (or at least semi-independent) Philippines, c. 1890-1910

    Inspired by this thread, wherein the subject of American intervention in the Philippines and potential alternatives was brought up... Are there any semi-plausible scenarios for the Philippines to attain independence in the late 1890s or early 1900s? In OTL, Philippine rebellions before the...
  4. Best case scenario for the Philippines?

    It's just as the title says above, what'll be the best case scenario for the Philippines, rather than ended up as the Third-world backwater in OTL?
  5. DBWI American Phillipines

    During the Spanish-American War, the forces were able to capture Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam, but the invasion fleet sank in the Philippine Sea in an unexpected typhoon. The Philippines remained in Spanish hands until 1947 after WWII when they gained their independence. What would have been the...
  6. AHC/WI: Sultanate of Sulu survives to modern day

    The Sultanate of Sulu was a Muslim state that ruled the islands in the Sulu Archipelago in what is today is Southern Philippines. Was it possible for Sulu to survive until today or they're doomed to be subsumed under the Spanish and American colonial powers? Assuming Sulu managed to be...
  7. Greater Phillipines?

    OTL Spain's Pacific Holdings were divided after the Spanish American war; The Philippines and Guam initially to the USA, the Marianas, Carolinas, and Palau to Germany. Later the american and German empires were further divided. Could all these islands have plausibly become one sovereign state...