north korea

  1. AHC: Make more "North Koreas", psychologically 20th century countries survive into the 21st century!

    I remember seeing a BBC report on North Korea a few years ago, about how "North Korea was so 20th century". Analyzing the daily life and infrastructure of North Korea as being a country where Agriculture and Industry make up the GDP of the country at about a 50%-50% ratio, most people are either...
  2. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    DBWI: Kim Il Sung never declares a monarchy

    As we all know, on January 5th, 1992, Kim Il Sung would declare himself God-King of North Korea(technically all Korea, but we all know the South never listened to him). This of course had some rather.... interesting effects as we know, Juche would be transformed into a full on religion...
  3. the Imperium of Canada

    AHC: North Korea is Best Korea

    The challenge here is to make the Democratic People's Republic of Korea a generally more successful and prosperous nation then it's southern counterpart by the modern day. So what would it take to get a world where Best Korea isn't just a meme or delusion of tankies?
  4. BladeRunner2047

    Improve perception of North Korea in the west

    Improve the perception of improve the perception of the North Korea As well as keeping it communist in the process And preventing it from unifying
  5. La Rouge Beret

    AHC: Hot 1994 North Korean crisis

    In June 1994 the United States nearly went to war with North Korea to stop their nuclear weapons program, and the crisis was only averted due to the intercession of former President Carter. How could the war start and how would it unfold? Would a rump North Korea be likely post war?
  6. GauchoBadger

    WI: North Korean civil war in the 90's?

    What sort of conditions could turn a civil war in North Korea, prior to the 2000's, into a distinct possibility? I've read a few years back that Kim Jong-Il was depressed at the death of his father and the pressure put on him to be an effective heir that he was considering suicide for some days...
  7. AHC: Most successful North Korea possible?

    In this alternate history challenge lets discuss on what change needed in history so that North Korea can be as successful as possible. The point of divergent is 1948 after North Korea is created. North korea have to still be a “communist” country whether it be modern Chinese style or if you...
  8. DBAHC: Keep Korea divided

    On 20 December 1991, just six days before the collapse of the USSR, North and South Korea re-unified under a democratic government, forming the united Korean state as we know it today. Your challenge is to find a PoD which will prevent the reunification of Korea. Go!
  9. WI Inverted Korea. South becomes Communist, North becomes Capitalist.

    Imagine, if you will, a scenario where the Soviets and Americans help liberate the Korea Peninsula, but the Soviets take notice of the South Chinese Sea... Knowing that the Soviets wanted to have access to a warm water port for their existence, they then decide to go and take the South for their...
  10. Whiteshore

    No Kim il-Sung: How does North Korea develop?

    In a scenario where Kim il-Sung died before he could take over North Korea, how does North Korea/the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" develop? Who takes over North Korea in lieu of Kim il-Sung? What does North Korea look under his rule?
  11. FalloutNova

    Kim Il-Sung and Syngman Rhee swap

    what if Kim Il-Sung was the leader of the Republic of Korea instead of Syngman Rhee as the Democratic Dictator and Syngman Rhee as the Communist Dictator of the People's Republic of Korea instead of Kim Il-Sung? What would happen to the Kim Dynasty?
  12. "We never went to the moon" - North Korea edition?

    I was wondering, would it be possible for North Korea to fake a moon mission? Not that they could ever fool the outside world, of course, but as far as their own people would go, it might not even be too much of an effort. (I would actually be surprised if this has never been brought up before...
  13. WI Korean Reunification with a 'normal communist' North Korea?

    Let's suppose Kim Il-sung dies before he can consolidate power or simply gets outmanoeuvred by one of the other factions in the Workers' Party of Korea in the power struggle of the early 50s. That means no cult of personality and no Kim Dynasty, as Kim Jong-il is still way a kid and way too...
  14. White Aurora

    DBWI: Not resuming Korean war

    OCC: based on this historical event Assuming it's somehow possible for both sides to calm down and not to escalate the war, What to do you think the Korean peninsula would look like in the 21st century?
  15. The Militant Doberman

    AHC: a “Maoist” North Korea & a “Soviet” North Korea

    During the OTL Cold War North Korea managed to play both China and U.S.S.R. against one another, receiving aid from both without committing itself to a fully to either. However, there were factions within North Korea that wanted to see the nation align with one of its bigger neighbors (I’ve...
  16. Fascism as an anti-colonial ideology

    Fascism's emphasis on nationalism, militarism and the cult of the leader seem to me aspects that could easily make the ideology popular among third-world dictators. Fascism's conception of a national rebirth or recapturing past glories could make the ideology popular among the nationalist...
  17. Implications of a later Korean War?

    In OTL, the US in the late 40s was rapidly disarming and moving to a nuclear-focused vision for her military. When the Korean war broke out in June of 1950, the US lacked enough ships to blockade the Korean coast and the army had to salvage tanks from WW2 battlefields and museums to equip their...
  18. bobbobbins3

    Use of tactical nuclear weapons in hypothetical Second Korean War?

    Something I’ve been thinking about for the past week is whether the United States would choose to use tactical/battlefield nuclear weapons in the event of a North Korean invasion of South Korea. This hypothetical war could occur at any time after the end of the first Korean War, and let’s assume...
  19. Korean detenté

    The idea of a lasting peacefull coexistence on the korean peninsula has been speculated over for some time now. With a POD post 2000, how to make a permanent Korean detenté actually work?
  20. When Is The Latest A Second Korean War Could Occur Without It Leading To Inevitable Nuclear War?

    Since the 1953, we all know that the Korean peninsula has become such a militarized area. And since China got nuclear weapons since its first successful test in 1964, any war in Korea would go nuclear. So the question is, when is the latest year another war on the Korean peninsula is possible...