non interventionism

  1. US tries to win the Cold War with kindness?

    Okay fine, clickbait title, I know. (This is more about the developing world than taking down the Soviets.) But more specifically, what I'm asking about is the plausibility of a strategy where the US cuts back on the military interventions and coups in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and...
  2. The Silent Flag: A Non-Interventionist U.S TL
    Threadmarks: Introductory Chapter

    This is my first(second) Alt History. I hope it goes well. I want to improve, and I would appreciate if you would help me with that along the way. The Silent Flag The Clay Presidency: An appraisal by Ben Kroft December 4th, 1844 Against all odds, it seemed, Henry Clay had beaten the hawkish...