
  1. The VT-BAM Project Supplementary Resources

    This is in relation to @VT45's VT-BAM Project. This is to help @VT45, @Klime and many others with the project. The municipal details will flood the forum, but I am not claiming any one of them, just making it easier for anyone who wants to make the claims. So far, Europe has been claimed, as...
  2. kodak

    US Township-BAM

    Back in 2008, Dave Leip made a map of the presidential election results in the northeast and parts of the midwest by township. His map was not very high-quality, and entire towns were left off because they were too small to fit, but here I have made a blank version that is 3x the original size...
  3. Frank

    Benelux-BAM Thread

    In this thread I'll post my current progress on municipalities map of Benelux that I called Benelux-BAM, I started with the Netherlands, now I am making fully the Benelux. Here are my current progress on the map, I hope you like it :]