
  1. Jesus conquers Rome and Parthia

    Muhammad founded Islam in Arabia. This was when the Byzantine Empire was in a civil war and the Sassanid Empire reigned destruction upon it. But the Byzantine Empire recovered and repelled the Sassanid invasion. This defeat resulted in a Sassanid civil war. Both the Byzantine and Sassanid...
  2. Triple Assassination at Saqifah - An Islam alternate timeline
    Threadmarks: Succession to the Prophet Muhammad

    June 8th, year 11 after the Hijrah (AH). The prophet Muhammad has died after spending his last days bedridden in Aisha’s home. It is there, in his wife's bedroom, where he is buried. The Muslims and especially the Sahabah are shocked and distressed by the loss of the prophet. However, moves are...
  3. Muhammad flees to Ethiopia, converts it to Islam? During the early days of Islam, in 613 AD, a group of Muslims fled to the kingdom of Aksum in order to escape persecution by the Quraysh. The king, Najashi, not only gave them shelter but also rebuked a Quraysh delegation calling for their...
  4. WI: At least one of Muhammad's sons outlives him

    What if one or more of Muhammad's sons had lived longer than he did?
  5. WI: Muhammad born female

    Inspired by this thread, what if Muhammad had been a woman?
  6. SunKing105

    Muhammad in a Byzantine Hejaz?

    While Muhammad(SAW), is alive, the Byzantines somehow wrest control of the Hejaz region and install a governor there. Let's also assume that he still has his revelation like OTL. How is the development of Islam affected? How is the message changed? Would the early wars of conquest fail? How...
  7. DBAHC: Make Jesus a less common Christian name and Muhammad a more common Muslim name

    Your challenge is simple: have Jesus be a less common name among Christians and Muhammad be a more common name among Muslims.
  8. Why is Muhammad a common Muslim name, but Jesus not a common Christian name?

    Forgive me if the answer is obvious, I belong to neither religion, but why is that the case?
  9. WI one of Muhammad's sons survives to adulthood?

    Let's say it's Abdullah, who was born after Muhammad began preaching Islam. Assuming Muhammad still dies at the same time, Abdullah would be about 17. Muhammad declared Ali his successor, but the Muhajirun chose one of their own, Abu Bakr. If Muhammad instead chose Abdullah as his successor...
  10. WI: Jewish Muhammad

    Islam and Judaism are very theologically similar. There are only a handful of differences: Islam asserts that Muhammad is the last prophet, but Judaism claims that the age of prophets had ended with the Temple's destruction and would not resume until the Messianic Age; Muhammad proclaimed a new...
  11. IchBinDieKaiser

    WI: Ali violently resisted Abu Bakr's claim to the Caliphate

    After the death of the Prophet Muhammad IOTL one of his close followers, Abu Bakr, was chosen by a small group of leading Muslims to succeed Muhammad as the political leader of the Muslim Community. Muhammad's cousin Ali, however, was also favored by many to succeed the Prophet. Despite this...
  12. Whiteshore

    DBWI: Muhammad founded a new religion

    In the 7th century, Muhammad united the Arab tribes under the banner of Nestorian Christianity after a vision he had in 610 AD but what if he interpreted his vision differently and established a new religion. How successful would this new religion be? Would the Arabs have had the same success...