
  1. RangrimRumneheim

    WI: An Anti-Appeasement Popular Front in Interwar Britain

    About a month ago I made a post related to my brainstorming PODs for a timeline about pre and post-WW2 Britain. In short that post’s idea ran aground in relation to the premise of...
  2. WI no NDP surge in 2011 Canadian election

    What if the NDP did not get the surge in support they received in the 2011 Canadian election and the Liberals weren't forced into third place and the Bloc Quebecois did not lose most of its seats? I made these changes to the election results: Quebec; NDP -27%, Conservative +5%, Bloc +15%...
  3. What if the PCs did better in the 1993 Canadian election?

    The 1993 Canadian election is a pretty interesting AH topic given how volatile the political environment in Canada was and how there was much potential for different results, in particular the PCs winning or not doing as badly. As the PoD, let's have it that Jean Charest wins the PC leadership...
  4. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Europe? A British Political Timeline

    Britain's long and stored history with Europe is certainly a troubled one. Indeed, ever since Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet fathered the concept of a political union between European nations, based on a desire to keep peace in the continent, British scholars and commoners alike have been at...
  5. WI - Liberals come ahead of Labour in 1931

    The 1931 general election is remembered as having produced the largest majority in British history for Ramsay MacDonald's National Government, while Stanley Baldwin and the Tories won the largest number of seats ever won by a single party at 470. However, an interesting titbit of the election...
  6. Nightingale

    WI: Liberals lead the Red Scare

    OTL, conservatives led the Red Scare, with Joe Mcarthy as its prime figurehead. Now what if New Deal liberals such as FDR, Truman, Johnson, Kennedy and Humphrey led the Red Scare during the 1950s? How would American society fare as a whole? How would Vital Center Liberalism fare? I've talked to...
  7. WI Liberal-NDP coalition formed in 2008

    What if after the 2008 Canadian election, a coalition government was successfully formed between the Liberals and the NDP, with the support of the Bloc Quebecois, as was attempted, and the Harper government was overthrown? A PoD for this could be that Governor-General Michaelle Jean does not let...
  8. AHC: Dystopian Australia

    So I don't think it would be too controversial, on this board, to say that there is all kinds of dystopian potential in my home country of the U.S. -- as explored in CSA victories, 1930's fascist TLs, AWOLAWOT, Rumsefeldia, etc -- in large measure because of the noxious legacy of white...
  9. DBAHC: Make the Labour party primary opposition to the Tories

    Yesterday, Britons voted in an election which elected the Conservative party and took out PM Clegg, with the Labour party loses 30 seats This made me wonder, how could the Labour Party be the primary opposition to the Conservatives?
  10. The Day The Sky Turned Orange: A Collaborative TL by Sanderford and Pericles

    The NDP could wait no longer. Canada could wait no longer. A life-time in third-place was ending. Tom Mulcair, Leader of the Opposition, was going to win first-place for the NDP this time. It wasn't just hope. The polls were swinging to the NDP, they had the lead now. Stephen Harper and the...