
  1. The Red Splatter of Europe: A Communist Germany Timeline

    Hello This Is a Sparticist Germany Timeline Currently It will end in the 50s I might Expand if popular demand is there
  2. Gukpard

    How would a KPD led Germany looks like?

    Well, last week video on the timeghost channel showed how the nazis rose in 1933 and how the KPD while influent, was not great enought to be elect. Let's say that Hitler get's killed in the beer hall putsch and most of the nazis remain self exiled, so the KPD takes over Germany, how does Ernst...
  3. AHC: Have the KPD seize power in Germany by 1933 instead of the NSDAP

    Okay, so our goal here is to have the German Communist power get into power in Germany instead of the Nazi party. The POD should ideally be in the late 1920s or even-earlier 1930s, but, for the sake of parallelism, they must seize power in 1933, though the day or even month need not be the same...
  4. Gukpard

    WI the weimar republic collapses into a right wing military dictatorship?

    The PoD is the wall street crash. After the crash Hindenburg and other officers declare martial law and suspend the constitution, creating a wave of white terror restoring the Preußische Geheimpolizei, purging both far right and far left members of the government, both Hitler, his goons and...