jewish migration

  1. Aluma

    Rosa do Vento - A Portuguese Exploration of the Artic
    Threadmarks: Pela Inglaterra? Não, por ti

    "Where are we going?" "To the Church, there is something I need to do before..." "Before you depart" "I know" "Why is it this late at night though? What could be so important you'd need the sky to be covered in darkness to keep it a secret" "I...I might not come back, not alive anyway...
  2. Refuge of the world
    Threadmarks: I. Independence Day

    Luneta, November 15, 1935 November 15, 1939 President Quezon approached the Independence grandstand in Luneta, Manila accompanied by a Nazi officer. Everyone was surprised that Quezon invited him for the independence celebrations after their meeting. Present were diplomats from many nations...