
  1. GauchoBadger

    WI: Arab victory in the Six Days' War (1967)?

    What if the Arab countries (mainly Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) had managed to beat Israel in the Six Days' War of 1967 and conclude a peace favourable to their interests, instead of losing large territories to Israel? What would they negotiate for? An enlarged and sovereign Palestine, perhaps in...
  2. lerk

    Gonen Segev: Israeli Prime Minister, Iranian agent Iran seems to confirm that he was their guy. If you can somehow get him to become Prime Minister, how would his policy vis a vis the rest of the Middle...
  3. Tidhar's "Unholy Land" is highly entertaining AH and ASB

    Author: Lavie Tidhar Title: "Unholy Land" Publication: November, 2018 Page Count: 290 POD(s): Multiple Main POD (mentioned in foreword, so not spoiling anything): 1904. Upon his return from the fact-finding expedition, Nahum Wilbusch recommends to the Zionist Congress the creation of a...
  4. AHC/WI The palestinian refugees overtrough the jordanian monarchy take over as East Palestine.

    With a POD no earlier than 1945 have the palestinian refugees overtrough the jordanian government and install the socialist republic of east palestine. It can be either arab socialist or south yemen stile socialist. Would the rest of the refugees migrate or be deported to EP? Would this EP...
  5. WI: No Judaism

    First: this thread has nothing to do with Antisemitism, so please do not report it after reading only the title and if you feel incredibly offended tell me calmly or don't answer at all. 'No Christianity' TLs usually end in something like "A form of Hellenistic Judaism would take its place."...
  6. DBWI: Arafat doesn't join Saddam

    I wasn't even born yet, but I know that during the Gulf War as Saddam kept launching Scuds to Israel and Saudi Arabia, Arafat, a close ally of Saddam, ordered the Palestinian movements to organize an armed uprising against Israel and to help the Iraqi forces in Kuwait. What if Arafat hadn't...
  7. PC - Israel created from german territory post WW2?

    Instead of an arid land (also filled with hostile natives) hundreds of km from the great majority of holocaust survivors what if the allies or the USSR decided to to break germany a little more to create a country for the jews, actually forcing to pay the state that perpetrated the holocaust...
  8. Whiteshore

    Impact of a stillborn Israel

    Let's say that Israel loses the 1948 war (don't ask how and assume the Israelis were unlucky at some bad points in said war), leading to it being nipped in the bud. What happens next with Israel stillborn? How does the Middle East develop without Israel? What happens to the Jews in Palestine...
  9. If the name "Palestine" never was

    Hello everyone, I always wondered about the influence of the name "Palestine" itself, and the consequences thereof. So, let's say the Roman Empire never renamed the province of "Judea" to "Palestina" or "Syria Palestina". Later, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine), continued with the name...
  10. WI: Empress Yodit Restored Israel

    I found out that Empress Yodit of Abyssinia had plans to restore Israel under her rule and abdicate the throne of Abyssinia to become Queen of Israel. She never could because of constant uprisings against having a Jewish Empress by the Coptics in Abyssinia. But what if she'd quelled the...
  11. El_Presidente

    If Israel lost in 1948, how would Palestine be divided?

    So pretty much what the title says. Would Palestine be granted independence? Would it all end in Jordan's hands? Would Syria, Egypt and the rest divide it among themselves?
  12. Livius wannabe

    1967: No preemptive strike

    What happens if Israel leaves the initiative to Egyptians, Syrians et al? Will they attack soon? Later? The next year? And how long is it going to last? Of course I'm assuming alternative sources of oil, but let's handwave that.
  13. AHC/WI: Massive Jewish Emigration from the United States to Israel

    For some reason have a massive exodus of Jewish Americans head to Israel after its formation in 1948. What would get most if not all Jewish Americans to head to Israel? Would it be enough to settle much of Palestine and displace much of the native Palestinian population? How does this affect...
  14. What If: Nazi Germany Successfuly Deports Jews To Palestine

    I know I made a previous thread about this before but I don’t think I made it clear enough. Anyways let’s say that Hitler manages to find a way to control Palestine (maybe Turkey joins the Axis and successfully invaded most of the Middle East) and decides to deport the Jews to Palestine...
  15. lerk

    Six Day War as an ATL

    The Six Day War was in my opinion the strangest war in modern times. How can a small country such as Israel, which barely was 20 years old, defeat most of their neighbors (and even countries that aren't there neighbors), and not only that, manage to capture some land from one of their neighbors...
  16. An Alternate Israel Map

    A map of an alternate Israel. it is based on a plan that was actually considered after the six-day war, where the land in the southern west-bank (Judea) was annexed and the land in the northern west-bank (Samaria) became an independent state (heavily dependent on Israel). it's not set after the...
  17. lerk

    WI: American-Israel War, 1967

    I have always been interested in a TL where America supports the Arabs while the USSR supports Israel, so here is an idea for that scenario: Lehi kills Harry Truman in 1947, leading to George Marshall becoming president. Marshall IOTL was anti-Israel, didn't want to recognize and instead wanted...
  18. 1973 Yom Kippur War with a (much) later ceasefire

    In 1973 the Arab forces achieved stunning initial successes. However the situation turned against them in later phases of the war. What would have happened, if a ceasefire would have come into effect significantly later (lets say a week or two)? scenario: 1) Both Superpowers continue massive...
  19. Where would the Jews go without Israel?

    If there was no Israel where would the Jews go? America? Latin America? Australia?
  20. lerk

    DBWI: Israel in Palestine?

    Israel today is in Central Africa, formerly the Uganda protectorate, but some Zionists suggested that Israel be placed in Palestine. Had that been the case, what would had happened?