
  1. Why were the Inuit the only Native American civ with Iron prior to Columbus?

    Why were the Inuit the only Native American civilization with iron working prior to Columbus? Was it due to the Old Norse? It seems almost no other Native American civilization had iron prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1492? I'm wondering. Iron working was widespread in the Old World, but...
  2. Could the Inuit have reached Iceland?

    Would it have been feasible for the Inuit to reach Iceland?
  3. AHC: Greater Inuit Nation State

    Your challenge should you accept is to create, or discuss a scenario where a Inuit nation state covering Greenland and most of the Canadian Inuit lands. Bonus if you can add Northern Alaska. For my part i think the most likely path is a Danish/Norwegian/Swedish dominated Arctic. Still, i am not...
  4. WI: Norse Greenlanders learn how to live like Inuit

    While it's not clear exactly why the Norse settlements in Greenland eventually failed, the fact that the Norse never adopted Inuit techniques for surviving in the Arctic can't have helped. They never learned how to hunt ringed seals or navigate in kayaks. Since they couldn't do these things...
  5. Bobbbcat2

    AHC: Muslims in the Arctic

    With any POD, have an Arctic people (Inuit, Chukchi, Sámi, Nenets, Dorset, Yukaghir, etc) be majority Muslim. Settling the Arctic with Muslims from other areas doesn't.
  6. Bobbbcat2

    Inuit in the Antarctic and Subantarctic

    What if a European nation, wanting to strengthen claims on a part of Antarctica or a Subantarctic island like Kerguelen, South Georgia, the New Zealand Subantarctic Islands, Heard and Mcdonald Islands, Bouvet Islands, the Crozet Islands, the South Sandwich Islands or the Prince Edward Islands...
  7. Bobbbcat2

    Could Dorset people from Greenland settle in Iceland?

    The Dorset were the pre Inuit inhabitants of northern North America, could they succesfully colonise Iceland before the Norse? What effects would this have on history? How would they react to the Norse and how would the Norse react to them?
  8. Could the Greenlandic Norse resist or prevent Thule expansion into Greenland?

    Was the Thule(ancestors of the Inuit) expansion into Greenland inevitable or was it just a chain of events that led to it being the case?
  9. Beedok

    Canada Challenge: Maximum Native Population

    With a PoD no earlier than 1850, how would you maximize the population of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples? Bonus points if it can include improved living standards.