first world war

  1. What if Switzerland joined the central powers in 1916?

    What if for some reason the Swiss government joined the central powers in 1916? What would the reactions be in Switzerland, the entente and central powers to Switzerland joining the war as part of the central powers? How would this affect the war with the western front and Italian front...
  2. Byfrosts

    ¡Viva la Gran Colombia!: The Miracle of the East Asia Squad

    Hello everyone, I'm going to start posting here about my Viva la Gran Colombia story on this site of detailed topics and interesting events from the Alternative Universe. I'm going to tell the naval campaigns in my universe's World War I in several interesting settings.
  3. What if China joined the central powers and entered the Great War in early August 1914?

    What if in early August 1914, China had joined the central powers? What would need to occur for this to happen? Would China’s entry affect the actions of the German navy’s East Asia Squadron and the battle and Siege of Tsingtao? How would the entente handle China joining the war? What would...
  4. WI The Imperial Regiment of Foot guards

    The British Army's regiments of Foot guards are perhaps the most famous military units in the world. Instantly identifiable by their red tunics and bearskin hats the five regiments of guards are famous for both for their ceremonial roles in London and for their legendary battlefield successes...
  5. mspence

    No Belgium And World War One

    WI Belgium remained part of France, or under nominally Dutch control, how does this affect the region when World War One begins?
  6. REDUX: Place In The Sun: What If Italy Joined The Central Powers?
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    KAISER WILHELM THE TENTH PROUDLY PRESENTS: I must begin by thanking all the readers and commentators who made the original Place In the Sun what it was! Well over two hundred people actively participated in the original thread, and countless more read and liked without commenting. With your...
  7. The_Persian_Cat

    WWI: was German defeat inevitable after the US entered the war?

    Hello all, So, the US entering the First World War in 1917 on the side of Britain and France is often considered the deciding factor in Central Powers' defeat. However, after the US had entered the war, Russia would surrender and collapse into civil war. In the West, Germany would launch a...
  8. Petike

    Petike's photogalleries of WWI commemoration events in the 2010s

    This thread is a recreation of a compilation thread I originally posted on the 31st of October 2014. I consider this a historical reference and visual inspiration thread for writing about the era of the First World War, specifically the eastern front between Austria-Hungary and the Russian...
  9. artificialCartographer

    House of the Rising Sun - The German Eagle takes Flight.
    Threadmarks: Official Timeline of WW1 ITTL.

    Chapter 0 - Prologue and Timeline of WW1 So before I begin, I'd like to mention this is far from my first time posting to However, it has taken me quite a while to actually commit to a timeline on such a level as what you're going to read through, and without spoiling too much, I'd...
  10. The Qing Dynasty defeats Japan. Consequences to WWI?

    The First Sino-Japanese War, which confirmed the transition of the Empire of Japan from what was once an isolated country to one of the great powers of the world, was a closer affair than the numbers suggest. At the Battle of the Yalu River, for example, four Japanese cruisers were severely...
  11. What if Germany fought to the bitter end in WWI?

    Would it have been possible for Germany to have fought to the bitter end in WWI (like it did in WWII)? How would that have worked? Would they have been able to slow down the Allies at all? What would have been the impact on the German civilian populace? What would have been the result? Would the...
  12. Leninmir: an Early Twentieth Century Timeline
    Threadmarks: Pruit Igoe and Prophecies

    ______________________________ "He dreamt of good but created evil." --Raymond Moley ______________________________ "The fortune of Europe was changed by the terrible sickle of death in the closing days of the Great War. People unfelled by bullets were felled by modern plagues. Those who would...
  13. WI: No Kiel Mutiny

    As it says on the tin - let's say that the Wilhelmshaven and Kiel Mutinies never occur or are suppressed in their early stages. The Naval Order of October 24th is carried out, and the High Seas Fleet sets sail to meet the Grand Fleet in a final battle. Who would win this confrontation...
  14. Germany wins the First World War: Speculating about its political future

    I don't know if this particular subject has been discussed at length in other threads speculating about a Central Powers victory in World War One, but I've often wondered about what political direction Germany itself would move in if it were to come out on top at war's end. No matter how the war...
  15. AHC: No Trench Warfare in World War One

    How could World War One have still occurred, yet the Western Front never results in trench warfare? Would technological changes have been necessary?
  16. In a CP victory scenario, will there be a WWII?

    Most CP victories involve a German victory in Europe and an Entente victory in the colonies, so let's start with that as our set-up. The war is over by 1919, the Septemberprogramm has been enforced in Europe, establishing German dominance on the continent, yet, in Africa and the Middle East...
  17. Marc

    That Belgian-Dutch alliance in 1905...

    Never happened, of course. But for a little while, there was some consideration given to the notion of establishing a customs union and military alliance between the Low Countries. From what little I learned browsing about when the what-if idea came to me, it was, not surprisingly, mostly the...
  18. AHC: More battles in WWI take place outside of Europe

    World War I was one of the deadliest wars in human history, but apart from the campaigns against the Ottomans and a few minor battles in southern Africa, the vast majority of the fighting seems to have been concentrated in Europe. How can that be changed? What POD might lead to a WWI with...
  19. WI: Russia wins WW1

    What if Russia had not collapsed during World War One, and had instead made it to the 11/11/1918 as a victor, while being ruled by the provisional government? In this scenario, no Bolshevik revolution occurs before the 11/11/1918.
  20. Linbot

    Nineteen-Eleven: A different First world War
    Threadmarks: Outbreak of the Great War

    Hello, everyone! This is a timeline I worked on a while ago before I joined I recently looked it over, and decided it needed to be redone, since in retrospect it seems very poorly researched. So... welcome to Agadir War 2.0, renamed Michel's Victory since I needed a (slightly) less...