
  1. DBWI: The “Tom Cat Film-iverse” Never Happened?

    Tom Cat Films was a film company founded in 2007, that eventually became popular for producing and distributing hit superhero films such as “Captain Battle”, “Rise of the Black Bat”, “Avenging Force: The Scarab”, “Metal Man”, and “Agent Beetle”, which all became recognized for being clever mock...
  2. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Earlier DreamWorks

    So, your challenge here is to have DreamWorks Pictures be founded at a plausible date earlier than 1994.
  3. WI: Bond crew dies in BOAC Flight 911

    According to TV Tropes, Albert R. Broccoli, Harry Saltzman, Ken Adam, Lewis Gilbert, and Freddie Young were in Japan finishing scouting for You Only Live Twice, when they learnt of a show they wanted to see so much they cancelled a flight. That flight was BOAC Flight 911, and it crashed near...
  4. AHC: Better Matrix sequels

    General consensus is that, while the first Matrix film was good, the other two were... not so good. There's another movie in production, but as of right now, none of us can know if it'll be good. Your challenge is to improve the other two films of the trilogy.
  5. More Fake Trailers For Alternate History Stories

    So, I was looking back on the "Alternate History Movie Trailer" thread (, and I was wondering if anybody on this site wanted to make a few more. I say this being a fan of Hearts Of Iron IV Mods, both...
  6. BCATR

    Cross-Pollination - A YouTube TL

    This timeline technically begins with some extra island archipelagos and land masses that came along hundreds of millions of years ago. In terms of Eurocentric history, not much is different. The POD lies in the Crowns of Aragon and Castile never uniting in 1469. A few years go by where...