fall gelb

  1. Fall Gelb fails: What does the French army/war effort look like in 1941/2?

    Lets say the French army is able to hold Sedan for 24 hours, or after crossing the Meuse the German panzers temporarily halt to allow their infantry to catch up, or that Gamelin's proposed counter-attack isn't postponed by Weygand for two days - I'm not really asking about precisely how Fall...
  2. Fall gelb in WW1

    What if in ww1 instead of invading france through belgium Germany executed a feint attack in the north, to lure the Allied armies forward into Belgium and pin them down and then surrounded them by invasion through the Ardennes like in OTL WW2
  3. GauchoBadger

    How would Stalin have reacted to a botched German invasion of France in 1940?

    If Hitler's ordered invasion of France in 1940 had run into some big enough bumps as to make it lose the element of surprise and momentum, and result in a WWI-like stalemate, how would his nominal ally at the time, Stalin, and the USSR as a whole, react to such unfolding of events? 1: Actively...
  4. Laxault2020

    WI: Netherlands not invaded during WWII?

    What if Hitler, instead of invading, says he will keep them independent provided they allow certain amount of resources to go through their ports like in WWI or Sweden in WWII? While this won't be decisive, it could help alleviate supply issues and thus make the war longer. Hitler and the...
  5. Psmith

    Is the Mechelen Incident key to the Fall of France?

    From what I gather, the Mechelen Incident is what prompted German High Command to switch to the Manstein Plan since they were spooked that the original Fall Gelb had fallen into Allied hands, and that had the incident not occurred they would have activated what amounted to Schlieffen 2.0 – which...