desert storm

  1. What if Saddam died during Desert Storm?

    During the Gulf War, Coalition aircraft flew over 100,000 sorties and dropped more than 80,000 tons of explosives. Let's say that during one of these raids, an airstrike happens to hit where Saddam Hussein is by chance or design and kills him. Would this end the war sooner? Who might succeed...
  2. Commissar_Alfsky

    How would Desert Shield/Storm proceed without Egypt & Syria?

    Let's say that Secretary Baker is unable to convince the 2 Arab states to deploy troops as part of the Coalition. Would the Iraqis suffer slightly less? How does this affect American and International opinion?
  3. What if Saddam takes it further or gets peace?

    I read that, during the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein deployed about 100,000 troops for the initial invasion of Kuwait and an additional 600,000 troops in the following weeks/months (about 700,000 troops in total!). It seems like that would have made Iraq the fourth strongest military in the world...
  4. DBWI: No President Dukakis:

    As we know, Michael Dukakis narrowly defeated then Vice President George Bush in the 1988 Presidential election. Internationally, President Dukakis is remembered for overseeing the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the end of the Cold War two years later, working with the International...