
  1. Sevarics

    WI: Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz as a wife for Czar Alexander I

    Basically as the tin says, are there any potential impacts of Czar Alexander I having Louise of Mecklenburg-Sterlitz (OTL Queen Consort of Prussia) as his wife instead of Elizabeth Alexeievna (Louise of Baden). While Alexander and Elizabeth loved each other at first, they did grow out of love...
  2. Koprulu Mustafa Pasha

    DBWI: Catherine of Russia not assassinated?

    Catherine, wife of Czar Peter III (1762-1804), was assassinated in 1762. Rumors tell that Czar Peter III was behind this and it is no secret he hated his wife Catherine. Now Peter III was not a bad Czar. He fought and beat the Danes in 1762-1765. He formed an alliance with Prussia (God knows...
  3. "Three Emperors' League" monarchist bloc established before WWI

    What if the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Russian Empire formed a stable alliance before WW1? Reforming the League of Three Emperors, they come to an agreement on the Balkans, Baltic, and Black Sea, redirecting their ambitions outward at the expense of Romania, Serbia, the...
  4. GauchoBadger

    WI: Konstantin Pavlovich becomes Tsar of Russia?

    IOTL, there was a significant movement within parts of Russia's elite to put Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich as Tsar of Russia, by deposing his more reactionary brother, Nicholas, in an armed uprising, now known as the Decembrist Revolt. The revolt, however, mostly foundered, because Konstantin...
  5. Moltke

    Russian collapse, yet not official Russian defeat in WW1

    Looking for potential butterflies of World War 1 peace negotiations in which the Russians were allowed a seat at the table. So presume a collapse, as IOTL leading to same Provisional Government that was recognized by the Allies (March 1917). But inserting a POD that does not forestall the...
  6. GauchoBadger

    WI: Tsar Alexander II survives

    IOTL, Tsar Alexander II Romanov of Russia was assassinated by anarchists in 1881. He was planning to turn Russia into a constitutional monarchy. After his death, his successor Alexander III curbed any further plans for democratization. Alexander II's Russia was in an uneasily friendly...
  7. AHC/WI: Russo-American War in 1912

    I've decided to forego the usual 'PC' because I know full well it isn't very plausible at all... I read recently about American public outcry over the Russian treatment of minorities inside Russia, specifically the Jews. In fact, the U.S. government in 1911 cancelled the U.S.-Russian Treaty of...