
  1. If Ronald Reagan didn’t exist who would become the conservative star in the 70s?

    as the title says I’m curious who you guys think in a world where Reagan doesn’t exist takes the conservative mantle in the 70s post-Goldwater
  2. Gukpard

    What if the Social Democrats rebuilt Germany?

    OTL Germany was rebuilt on a christian democrat fashion with social liberal tendencies, as the government kept social conservatism with worker's rights and adopted economical ordoliberalism. On another hand, we had the growing dirigism on most of the third world, with places like Korea, Japan...
  3. Gukpard

    What if the Social Democrats rebuilt Germany?

    OTL Germany was rebuilt on a christian democrat fashion with social liberal tendencies, as the government kept social conservatism with worker's rights and adopted economical ordoliberalism. On another hand, we had the growing dirigism on most of the third world, with places like Korea, Japan...
  4. Gukpard

    DBWI: What do you think of the second Bismarck?

    First of all, I must say that Herr Hugenberg is the closest a human being can come to a character of the Tin Tin stories by Hergé. Well, Alfred von Hugenberg was the german chancellor from 1933 until his death in 1946, and remains a usually positively figure who did some very negative points...
  5. WI: Roosevelt vs Taft in 1940

    In 1940, conservative darling Robert Taft was a strong contender for President - but he was ultimately passed over as the GOP nominee by dark horse Wendell Willkie. What if Taft had been nominated by the GOP in 1940?
  6. Gukpard

    Could a Bonapartist state be built in the 20th century and survives until modern day?

    Ok, first of all, the state must really be openly Bonapartist, not of a similar ideology. And if you think I'm creating this thread because of KR, yeah, you are right But what can be used to define Bonapartism? First of all the state must claim to be "Bonapartistic", and now to the...
  7. The Viscount: A French Conservative Revolution TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    J'ai servi la France avec Philippe de Villiers, c'était l'honneur de ma vie. J'étais son conseiller, son ministre, son ami et son confiant. Je connais l'homme à l'ombre du "vicomte". J'ai vu ses talents extraordinaires en tant que stratège politique. J'étais présent au début de sa conquête du...
  8. Luke_Starkiller

    AHC: Make Socially-Conservative Socialism popular in the present-day U.S.

    I was doing some reading on the Christian left, and honestly, I'm surprised that Evangelicals in America didn't take some of the crucial parts of Jesus's message- the whole "help the needy" part, for one- as literally as they took everything else. Inspiration aside, is there any point in...
  9. Jan smuts 1948: South Africa changes?

    One interesting idea I see is Jan skits winning in 1948. At this time, his views of blacks had begun to liberalize more. I would think South Africa would become more like Rhodesia, as in less protective of Afrikaner culture, and more focused on “western civilization” as a whole. It will also be...
  10. Miranda Brawner

    What would the right wing look like if it had not embraced nationalism.

    Since at least the 1930s, nationalism has been one of the core beliefs of right wing politics, perhaps the number one belief. It is hard to imagine what a modern right wing party would look like without at least a little racism. But what if the conservatives of the 1700s and 1800s decided that...
  11. Chapman

    AHC: Pat Buchanan as Republican Nominee

    With the POD(s) being sometime after 1988, your challenge is to have Pat Buchanan become the Republican nominee for President of the United States. The reason I say "nominee", is because he doesn't necessarily have to win the general election that follows; however, I do want to see which states...
  12. Had Hughes Won in 1916, Would He Have Any Chance of Re-Election?

    There's a general opinion on this forum that had Hughes beaten Wilson in 1916 and taken the US into WW1, he would most likely have lost in 1920 due to the bad economy, rioting, and backlash against internationalism that plagued Wilson and helped elect Harding by a wide margin. However, was there...
  13. President Reagan's Legacy if Struck Down in 1981?

    While serving two terms as US President, Ronald Reagan became one of the most monumental as well as controversial leaders of his generation. However, this almost wasn't the case. Reagan was nearly killed in an assassination attempt when a deranged gunman named John Hinckley Jr shot him in the...
  14. WI: No Goldwater

    Barry Goldwater, the architect of the GOP's turn to the far right, was first elected to the Senate in 1952 by a relatively slim margin. Had 2% been shifted to his opponent, Senate Majority Leader Ernest McFarland, Goldwater would have lost. The next chance he'd have at the Senate is in 1956...
  15. Political Flag Request

    I am looking into forming a localized political organization to run in local elections, we will follow National Conservative, Paternalistic Conservative, Right Populist, Nationalist and Regionalist ideologies. We are a mountainous region, heavily Conservative, and have a rich history. We have...
  16. PyroTheFox

    Chronicle of the American Whirlwind: Pres. James Garfield Survives
    Threadmarks: I: Ad Multos Annos!

    A Chronicle of the American Whirlwind The Legacy of President James Garfield The Baltimore and Potomac Rail Station in Washington, D.C. I: Ad Multos Annos! The scorching summer heat dawned on Washington. Commuters, rail-goers and the like shuffled all through and around the Baltimore and...
  17. Crying

    AHC: Strongest possible KKK

    Your challenge, should you choos to accept it, is to create the strongest possible KKK you can without dipping into ASB. I'm looking more for the 20's Klan than the 60's/70's Klan, but you can choose whichever 'generation' you want. If you can get it to become some sort of unofficial...
  18. TLIAW: The Second Era of Good Feelings

    Harry Truman was a very popular man going into the Presidential Election of 1952. With a booming economy and successful foreign policy, he was sure he could make his mark every bit as strong as his predecessor. Republicans had other plans. They had, they felt, missed their chance in 1948, and...
  19. The White House Run of '84

    It was January 10th 1984 when President Ronald Reagan was assassinated. He was no stranger to attempts, just 69 days into his presidency some nut in love with an actress had tried to shoot him, had gotten his then Press Secretary permanently disabled. However that didn't leave him in fear, that...
  20. Cascadia Libera

    WI: Neopagan/Folk Christian Right in America

    Suppose that by the early 1980s, a majority of white conservatives (Anglo-Saxons, Scots-Irish and other ethnic Western Europeans) are a combination of Heathenist, Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan, and folk Christian (that is, Christian with stronger "folkish" neopagan elements). This would be in...