cold war gone hot

  1. KuboCaskett

    PC: Largest Conventional 1980's WWIII Possible?

    With a POD of 1960, how large can a conventional kind of WWIII be on a global scale in terms of geopolitics? One way I can think of is having some South American countries (Chile and Argentina) go communist or at least pro-Soviet to the dismay of the USA and its remaining Latin American allies.
  2. KuboCaskett

    WWIII in a Nazi-US Cold War?

    I just thought of something that might interest those that want to do something with a Nazi US cold war: a third world war occurring in that time. Now obviously it would be closer to Calbear's excellent Anglo-American Nazi War than any other WWIII TL, be they conventional, nuclear, or in...
  3. KuboCaskett

    Aftermath of an early 50's WWIII?

    So after a little discussion on another thread, I have decided to create a new one that can be more specific. So anyway, when it comes to a mostly conventional WWIII, we usually think it would take place in the 1980's when well there's a lot of fancy new hardware that can play a role. However...
  4. CaekDaemon

    Collier's "Russia's Defeat and Occupation 1952-1960"

    So, many, many years ago, in 1951, Collier's magazine, now defunct, did a special issue about the invasion of the USSR following a failed assassination attempt on Tito, including information about how the war was fought, how the people of the USSR would react and how the country was rebuilt, all...
  5. KuboCaskett

    WI: WWIII starts in the Korean War? If MacArthur was allowed to nuke the areas in Manchuria (present-day Northeast China), inevitably...
  6. KuboCaskett

    Armored Warfare during and after a 1980's WWIII?

    If a (mainly conventional, no nukes please) WWIII were to break out in the 80's, how would armored warfare evolve? We know that NATO's strategy in regards to armor was defensive and the WP's strategy is offensive, but when they clash, their strategies are bound to change and evolve with time and...
  7. KuboCaskett

    Sparks to start WWIII in the early 1980's?

    Okay I'm getting hyperstumped as to how WWIII will start and develop in my TL without having much similarities with Giobastia's Able Archer 83 TL, I mean it's the best TL IMO that can show how that war can start off on a conventional scale as far as I'm concerned; so I'll ask if you can make...
  8. KuboCaskett

    PC: Able Archer leads to limited Nuclear exchange followed by conventional warfare?

    While working on how WWIII will develop in my TL while basing it off of Able Archer, I have been pondering about the possibility of a nuclear exchange upon NATO countries followed up by an invasion by the Warsaw Pact (similar to a certain situation in Giobastia's Able Archer TL). And before you...
  9. Slow Drift to War Europe 1984

    Yes yet another timeline involving World War 3, I will look a certain assumptions what would be targeted during a nuclear strike. I will look at targeting and what factors could drive that targeting. I also am going to look at the struggle that was going on behind the scenes of the Politburo...
  10. Ace009

    How to (Plausibly) start WWIII: Early Cold War Edition

    So, looking at MacArthur and his Korea situation, along with Cuba, I was wondering. What are some plausible ways to trigger WWIII in the 1950s - 1960s that avoids using Cuba as the trigger? What are some PoDs that would have sent the planet into a Third World War and NOT include Cuba as the PoD?
  11. For Queen And Country

    Discussion link for comments: This story runs