butterfly effect

  1. What If Judas Iscariot is made/canonized as a holy saint in Christianity, especially by catholicism and/or other denominations?

    This question, idea and concept has been bugging me for a long while now ever since I've read this amazing graphic novel and it's different perspective/take of christian theology/story and lore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_(comic_book) https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Judas This...
  2. johnnybronzeage

    The Long Bronze Age TL

    Coming up on a year ago, I created and ran a project intended to "simulate" the history of a whole new world, from 3500 BCE to 1955 CE, heavily inspired by the nation battle royales that kind of dominated mapping Youtube a while ago. This would be the final project in a long line dubbed the...
  3. Oth Thakom

    Beyond Vinland

    Beyond Vinland is an Alternate History Project created on the Whatifalthist discord server where the focus is on the butterfly effect from Iceland's independence after a lightning strikes and burns down a Church in the year 1000, influencing Thorgeir Ljosvetningagodi's decision regarding the...
  4. kapten antartika

    How could a surviving kingdom of Brittany make Russia being united by another country than Muscovy?

    So I'm working on a TL where the assassination of Solomon of Brittany failed, so there isn't a civil war between contenders that would've greatly weakened the kingdom and Brittany remains independent. I'd like to make in sort that another country than Muscovy unites Russia and expands into...
  5. NyQuil

    The Miracle Man:The Presidency of John McCain
    Threadmarks: Iowa and New Hampshire 2008,NFL Playoffs and Barry Bonds’s return

    How can I remember the late 00s and the early 10s? Well many the presidency of one of the most unlikely presidental victories. A man who was running for a party that had one of the most unpopular presidents in recent history on his side and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression...
  6. Brian T Grabowski

    National Professional Baseball League (NPBL); 1887 thru 1900

    Pre-History up until league formation in 1890 Late-1840s to early-1860s: As more European immigrants began making their way into the United Sates through New York and other eastern ports, they pick up some peculiar traditions of sport. One of those was the New York style baseball (or what is...
  7. WI: Britain won the War of Jenkins' Ear?

    Wikipedia Article on the War of Jenkins' Ear Okay, so I'm not going to lie, this is a pretty minor conflict, but it might have interesting territorial implications if their had been a decisive victor instead of the conflict just sort of sputtering out, and the butterfly effect is not to be...
  8. Valdore Javorsky

    (Intensity of) alternate colonial borders with 1850s PoD?

    Hey alternate historians, I've been working on this certain timeline for a while (some people already know it) which has an 1852 PoD. The PoD, a magical awakening (oh did i mention it was a bit asb? probably not, because that doesn't really matter regarding this question) plunges parts of the...
  9. WI: Dunkeld Dynasty Doesn't Lose Power In Scotland?

    The death of Alexander, Prince of Scotland in 1284 led to the downfall of the Dunkeld dynasty ruling Scotland. His father, Alexader III, was unable to produce a new legitimate heir before being thrown from a horse and killed. The succession crisis changed the nation and eventually led to the...
  10. WI: Empress Yodit Restored Israel

    I found out that Empress Yodit of Abyssinia had plans to restore Israel under her rule and abdicate the throne of Abyssinia to become Queen of Israel. She never could because of constant uprisings against having a Jewish Empress by the Coptics in Abyssinia. But what if she'd quelled the...
  11. If Ireland gained independence much earlier, how unlikely is it that WW1 still happens?

    So, I'm working on an alternate history novel. If Ireland gained independence way early (I'm not precise on when, but before the Irish Potato Famine), how unlikely is it that WW1 similar to as we know it (with the German Empire, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, etc) would occur? I mean...
  12. Sam Biswas

    What would happen to Africa if Germany won WWI?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_East_Africa#World_War_I https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_African_Campaign_(World_War_I) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittelafrika https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/mittelafrika.268913/ German colonies in Africa 1922 (alternate history)...
  13. Plausible Differences in USA Constitution

    The American constitution has been the framework of its government for the entire existence, being amended only 17 times(not counting the bill of rights). What kind of differences could have plausibly been worked into the constitution that would have had big impacts of the balance of power...
  14. Zagan

    The "Butterfly Effect" at planetary / cosmic scales

    There is a problem that keeps bugging me... Is it possible that the "Butterfly Effect" produce any differences upon the Planet Earth at planetary / cosmic scales? I mean, of course, extremely little variations but which could add up and get noticeable over centuries from the POD. Let me try...
  15. GohanLSSJ2

    The Rise of a New World - Book 1: The Immortal Apu-Inca
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The Rise of a New World Book 1: The Immortal Apu-Inca Prologue: The year was 1742… The place was an area in the west of what was then known as the viceroyalty of Peru, known as “El Gran Pajonal” (The Great Grasslands), which was the entry to the Peruvian Amazon… And...