british raj

  1. Sepoy mutiny stopped before it starts

    Sepoy mutiny was caused by annexation of Oudh under the doctrine of lapse. Oudh was very important because most of the soldiers i.e., Sepoys of the Bengal Army which ruled most of British India were recruited from the clansmen of feudal lords of Oudh. After it's annexation the estates of those...
  2. DragonballFan

    WI: The Sikh Raj?

    The Sikh Empire early on developed European Firearms and war tactics and almost won the First Anglo-Sikh despite all odds. But what if this Indian state decided to unify all of OTL British Raj and Sri Lanka by the end of the 1800s? How different would India be and how would this affect Britain...
  3. PachPachis

    WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    I can't remember where I heard it, but I remember hearing somewhere that the 1935 self-government act given to India by Britain would have sated the nationalists in 1919, while the self-government act they got then was too feeble; but in 1935 they wanted essentially independence. In OTL, of...
  4. The heirs of Alaungpaya-a Burmese chronology

    Hello everyone, I have been frequenting this site for a few years, reading and making some comments, but now I have decided to try to publish my personal chronology. I hope it will be appreciated and that anyone who wants to read it will like it. I decided to deal in particular with the history...
  5. EIC In A British Revolution

    Princess Victoria dies an infant then during the reform riots things get worse with King William assassinated causing Ernest to gain the throne and his unpopularity spuring on the British Revolution
  6. What if the Sikh Empire / Panjab Industrialized by 1846?

    So in this case let's say Punjab / Panjab/ the Sikh Empire realizes what is happening around the world and, quickly industrializes and westernizes in 15 years i.e. 1831 to 1846. How does this change history after that?
  7. The Sikh Empire endures?

    Following the death of its founder, Ranjit Singh, in 1839, the Sikh Empire went through a period of turmoil, with four Maharajas in just ten years and several assassinations. Thanks to this weakness, the British managed to fully subjugate it - with some difficulty, in spite of the Sikhs...
  8. PC/WI - Russians enact the Duhamel Plan (Invasion of India during the Crimean War)

    The Duhamel Plan was the proposed Russian invasion of India during the Crimean War. It is… ambitious to say the least. The idea was to threaten the British-controlled India by invading through either Central Asia or Persia. The invasion force would consist of nearly 30,000 Russian soldiers...
  9. ACH: Swap modern India and China

    After seeing the map below, I wanted to develop this scenario. How could India and China swap places after WW2? India becomes a powerful authoritarian nation. because it was expansionist at first, it controls the area of the British Raj + Tibet + Nepal + Bhutan. India claims Sri Lanka but the...
  10. Best case scenario for the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion?

    IOTL the Sepoy Mutiny was a huge but ultimately disorganized revolt that, lacking a clear leader or even a common goal, was eventually defeated in detail after the British retook Delhi in September 1857. Suppose that the rebels get a few lucky breaks in an alternate timeline, leading to this...
  11. Elphinstone's army isn't massacred?

    The Massacre of William Elphinstone's army during the 1842 retreat from Kabul was, relatively speaking, one of the worst disasters suffered by the British military: 4.500 British troops and more than 10.000 civilians were driven from Kabul and were either killed or captured by Afghan tribesmen...
  12. Consequences of Britain losing India in the 1850s?

    Suppose that the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny or whatever is TTL's equivalent of it is much more successful than OTL, completely expelling the British East India Company from the Indian Subcontinent by the end of the 1850s. The how is irrelevant here, only the end result and its consequences. So? India is...
  13. PODs for a more successful Sepoy Mutiny?

    Like it says on the tin. What PODs, from, say, 1830 onward could help the rebels score more victories or at least hold out against the British for longer? Two good ones could be keeping the Delhi arsenal from being blown up and getting John Nicholson out of the picture somehow, since he saved...
  14. Axis victory:Imperial federation

    Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and Japan puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. India,Oceania,French IndoChina and Dutch East Indies develop a siege mentality and join...
  15. Alister Sinclair

    This is my first real attempt at alternate history, any suggestions on how to improve?

    This is set in 1947 a few months after Britain leaves India, only this time the states they leave behind are even less well constructed than OTL, being split into 16 states (Including Myanmar) rather than 2 like OTL, and also split not only through religion, but also ethnicity and with...
  16. A Christian State formed during the Indian Partition?

    As Jinnah and the Muslim League were granted the nation of Pakistan, could anything similar have been provided for the Christians? It's a really interesting scenario which popped up in my head a while ago, and I'm guessing this Christian nation would most likely be carved out of Northeast India...
  17. British Raj if UK falls in WW1 No Independence

    what will happen to British Raj in India if UK falls to revolution or gets conquered by USA in WW1 like in Kaiserreich? ( they do not have Royal Navy stationed in India and Malaya is occupied by others) will colonial administration setup a stable hereditary dictatorship of governor general to...
  18. Is there any way to save the Princely States of the British Raj after independence?

    Is there any way the Princely States could survive Independence? If so how and what is required for this to happen? Maybe, a Malay style elective monarchy in India and Pakistan?
  19. What If Free India was led by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel instead of Nehru?

    In this scenario, Jawaharlal Nehru passes away on the eve of Indian independence due to some illness. It falls upon Patel to take the reins of the new Republic. Would there be any significant changes in Indian polity and foreign relations? What about the Kashmir issue and the war with the PRC...
  20. Delayed Indian independence

    Nevermind the reasons (which have been litigated at length here, please do feel free to add your thoughts there). Say the Tories win the 1945 general election. I think it's fairly obvious to everyone (with the possible exception of Churchill) that India will be getting independence in short...