bourbon france

  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    Effects of Revolutionary France Losing the War of the First Coalition

    Supposing that the War of the First Coalition ends in the French Revolution being Crushed and the monarchy being restored, how would this affect French and European geopolitics? Would France be made cede territory? I know there were discussions of it in otl, but I'm not sure what exactly what...
  2. Sons of Flanders, Sons of Bearn: A 7YW Timeline
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Walk the Line

    ‘It would require a greater philosopher and historian than I am to explain the causes of the famous Five Years’ War in which Europe was engaged; and, indeed, its origin has always appeared to me to be so complicated, and the books written about it so amazingly hard to understand, that I have...
  3. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Louis XIV Becomes Holy Roman Emperor

    Your challenge should you chose to accept, is to craft a scenario Louis XIV become Holy Roman Emperor. I remember reading somewhere in 1656 that Cardinal Mazarin tried to have Louis XIV win the election in 1656, though that may have been a facet of some sort of diplomatic scheme as he was only...
  4. The Franco-Dutch War lasts a few months?

    The Franco-Dutch War began with a French offensive into the United Provinces' territory that advanced with barely any opposition, until they were on the borders of Holland itself. Fearing that the situation could become even worse if the war went on, the Dutch offered Louis XVI control of the...
  5. PC: United Kingdom of France and Spain

    Ever since Henri's death in 1883, the Spanish Bourbons have held one of the claims to the French throne. In an atl where France avoids it's disastrous 18th century, was it likely for the French Bourbons to die out? If the main line does extinguish, does the throne go to the closest French...
  6. Can pre-revolutionary France reach the Rhine?

    Having the Rhine as a border was a longstanding goal of French foreign policy for centuries, but it only reached said goal in the days of the Revolution and, even so, only retained it for a decade. With a POD after 1526, could the Valois or Bourbon dynasties get a Rhine border, provided several...
  7. Neal Caffrey

    What If: Bolivar agreed to the French Proposal for a monarchy in the Gran Colombia?

    So in 1829 Charles Joseph Bresson was sent as the ambassador of France to the Gran Colombia, one of his explicit goals was to secure French influence in the country, with this goal in mind he proposed to many influential and wealthy Gran Colombian elites a deal in which France would lend 20...
  8. WI: Looming seventeenth-century French succession crisis

    Assume the following: 1) Louis XIII's streak of stillborn offspring does not abate in 1638, and he dies childless. 2) This does not butterfly away the battlefield death of the Count of Soissons. 3) The Grand Condé has a daughter rather than a son in 1643; he and his wife, as IOTL, have no...
  9. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Louis XVI As One Of France's Greatest Kings

    to say that louis xvi was a weak king and a poor ruler would be a giant understatement, considering how quite literally everything collapsed under his watch. But, ultimately, France was one of the most powerful states in Europe and arguably the world, especially under the right leadership (case...