alternate america

  1. Pax Britannia: The (potential) Alternate History of Code Geass

    Disclaimer I want to point out that I am in no way affiliated with the creators or distributors of Code Geass, nor is this meant to be in any way official lore of the show. This is simply my own interpretation based on the information provided by the show. I have no intention to profit off...
  2. AstroRangerBeans

    A Divided Shores - The Two Nations of North America
    Threadmarks: Opening Post and World Map as of 2023

    A Divided Shores Since the old thread is considered to be deprecated or no longer in use after four years that we're building on a worldbuilding project where we took over a year to build the world of where the Confederate States won the civil war/independence through joint Anglo-French peace...
  3. Southern-Less USA 2.0: A Nation Torn Apart

    Hello, I had previously abandoned TL-1828: A Southern-Less USA because I felt like it was just a proto-CSA TL, and I was mostly interested in what a CSA victory would look like at the time as my primary topic of interest on here. However, now that I've moved past that and found that the colonial...
  4. Alternate Names for American States

    Hello All! This is hopefully going to be a collaborative thread where we can share alternate state names. I guess I'll start, more submissions are always welcome! Tennessee East TN - Franklin, Nickajack, Scott Middle TN - Jackson, Nashville, Cumberland West TN - Memphis, Jackson (I guess)...
  5. A Land for All Seasons
    Threadmarks: Chapter I - The Birth of a Nation - 1535

    A LAND FOR ALL SEASONS CHAPTER I The Birth of a Nation "The circumstances of the conception of Utopia remain an enigma. What we do know is that it was most likely a conversation that occurred behind closed doors in Whitehall. We don't even know the identity of who convinced Henry VIII to go...
  6. TunguskaStorm

    The Book of Mormon as an Alternate History

    The Book of Mormon tells of a world where four main groups of Hebrew refugees from Palestine (the Nephites, the Mulekites, the Lamanites and the Jeredites) take an ark, built by a prophet Nephi, from West Africa to Brazil around the year 1500 BC. They take with them Old World crops, animals, and...
  7. Brian T Grabowski

    National Professional Baseball League (NPBL); 1887 thru 1900

    Pre-History up until league formation in 1890 Late-1840s to early-1860s: As more European immigrants began making their way into the United Sates through New York and other eastern ports, they pick up some peculiar traditions of sport. One of those was the New York style baseball (or what is...
  8. Ed of the Pueblos Libres

    Ideas of division / balkanization of Brazil and Canada?

    Hello, I am interested in knowing possible divisions of Canada and Brazil in different states before 1900. It is not for a timeline or something like that, but for a world of role playing with friends. We already have other states such as the First Mexican Empire, an autocratic Gran Colombia, a...
  9. Ed of the Pueblos Libres

    A place in the Sun in 1919: Anthology of the Great War
    Threadmarks: 1-A Tsesarevich should not go to a quadrilateral.

    While the civil war in the United States and other problems in Europe developed Ivan wondered what he was doing. He took the Tsesarevich away quickly while he protested. That quadrilateral was not a place for someone who would inherit an empire sooner or later "Paskevich what the hell are you...
  10. Zyobot

    Reverse Cold War: Differences In Capitalism and Communism

    Every Reverse Cold War scenario that I've seen features one main, overriding theme: a communist United States combating a capitalist Russia in a global, decades-long standoff marked by proxy wars, realpolitik, and an apocalyptic nuclear arms race--all along the lines of OTL's Cold War. While...
  11. Dustin

    Love, Hope, and Optimism: The Story of an American Commonwealth
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: America Day

    My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. -Jack Layton Love, Hope, and Optimism: The Story of an American Commonwealth Chapter One: America Day July 1, 2017...
  12. ronaldo

    Alternative locations for the United States

    I have always thought that a country similar to the modern US could emerge somewhere other than North America. Here are some features of the US that I'm looking for: - founded by European settlers at the expense of the native population - Geographic isolation (the rest of the world did not...
  13. Woody Ypres

    Alternate American History/ German Settlement

    Hello there! So I think I've got an interesting scenario coming to my mind. Feel free to comment your thoughts about it. It's in the first half of the 19th century. The USA aren't found yet and the country is rarely populated. After the failed German revolutions of 1848-49 there was a...
  14. How could an American monarchy come about in a world w/failed ARW?

    Hi, folks. I've recently been thinking about starting a new project, and I'd like to ask a question: How could an American monarchy, of any kind, be set up in a world in which the American Revolution failed? What might it's head of state be called, if not a King(or Queen)? Would the monarch be...
  15. Create a country with More Native American influence that exists on USA/Canada territory.

    So, is a country with heavy Native American influence able to exist in the present day USA and or Canadian territories? If it is possible your challenge is to create it. The rules are The nation must be descended from a European colony(s). But, it can have laws and structure inspired by...
  16. Medvedev warns America not to recognise Georgias Breakaway States

    I have just heard on the radio that Bush has signed a decree, in which the American Federation has recognised the independence of East Alabama and Savannah. Medvedev has been on record as saying that the Union of Russian States does not condone this sort of unilateral secession, and that the...