
  1. Triple Assassination at Saqifah - An Islam alternate timeline
    Threadmarks: Succession to the Prophet Muhammad

    June 8th, year 11 after the Hijrah (AH). The prophet Muhammad has died after spending his last days bedridden in Aisha’s home. It is there, in his wife's bedroom, where he is buried. The Muslims and especially the Sahabah are shocked and distressed by the loss of the prophet. However, moves are...
  2. WI: Ali ibn Abi Talib won the Battle of Siffin?

    I've been a regular lurker on this forum for a while, and decided to pick this account back up again. Being a Muslim IRL, this PoD has always fascinated me, so I decided to post on the forum and see what you fine folk think, with the idea of maybe making a timeline if there's some interest in...
  3. What if Ali wasn't assassinated?

    On January 26, 661, Ali, the fourth and final Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, was assassinated by a Kharijite named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam, who struck him in the head with a poisoned sword. Ali's assassination remains a momentous event in the history of Islam, and the ramifications of what...
  4. SunKing105

    WI: Muawiyah assasinated by Khawarij, but Ali survives?

    In 661 AD, or around 40 AH, some disgruntled members of an extremist sect known as the Khawarij attempted to assassinate both Muawiyah and Ali for the grave sin of arbitrating the First Fitna, and succeeded with only Ali. What if Muawyiah had been assasinated, but Ali survived, having been...
  5. ERE reconquers Egypt in 646 AD?

    Four years after the fall of Alexandria to the Arab troops led by Amr ibn al-A'as, the young emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constans II made an attempt to recapture the rich province of Egypt, which grew the grain that fed the population of Constantinople. The expedition, led by an officer...
  6. IchBinDieKaiser

    WI: Ali violently resisted Abu Bakr's claim to the Caliphate

    After the death of the Prophet Muhammad IOTL one of his close followers, Abu Bakr, was chosen by a small group of leading Muslims to succeed Muhammad as the political leader of the Muslim Community. Muhammad's cousin Ali, however, was also favored by many to succeed the Prophet. Despite this...
  7. Eivind

    WI:Muhammad named a successor?

    First, who would be the most likely person he would name? Ali? Second, how would this affect the further development of the religion? Of course, the answer to this depends on the answer to the first question, but it would at least seem that there would be no basis for the split between Shias...