
  1. Queen of the Winter,Lydia I and the Empire of Americas

    1st PoD:Maria Leopoldina of Austria never dies and Replace its Husband(Pedro I) as Regent Empress of Brazil,so no Craps like Republican Coup(due to her Reform of the Brazilian Army into a Prussian Like One and of the Navy into a British like One due to the European Help) and the Praniti...
  2. AHC: Make the U.S. Civil War as close to WWII as possible

    Inspired by @Admiral Bloonbeard's thread in "After 1900" about making The Troubles similar to the Syrian Civil War. I know people like to joke about how the TL-191 series turns out to just be "20th Century Europe in North America," but Admiral's AHC inspired me to suddenly come up with this...
  3. GauchoBadger

    WI: Balkan War in 1868?

    Across the 1860's, there was apparently an effort by quite a few political entities in the Balkan peninsula (mainly Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, and anti-Ottoman Albanian tribes) to form a diplomatic alliance with the ultimate goal of creating a large-scale revolt against Ottoman rule in the...
  4. Fries

    WI: Confederate States get support from European powers?

    When the American Civil War was raging on, a series of diplomatic projects (both at home and abroad) were made to prevent European powers, namely Britain (who fought their own war with the US from 1812 to 1815) giving recognition to the Confederate States. One of the men who fought against...
  5. GauchoBadger

    Delayed/prevented ACW: Effects on the partition of the Union territories?

    IIRC, after victory in the American Civil War, the dominant Republican party of the United States provisioned for the reorganization of the western territories and their admission into the Union as pro-GOP states (after some gerrymandering, of course). So, assume that the ACW is delayed for...
  6. GauchoBadger

    WI: Garibaldi marches on Rome in 1862?

    What if Giuseppe Garibaldi, hero of Italy's unification (and an ardent anticlericalist), had not hesitated to order his republican army to fire on Papal and Piedmontese troops at the Battle (more accurately a skirmish) of Aspromonte in august 1862, thus effectively declaring war and splitting...
  7. GauchoBadger

    WI: Anglo-Brazilian War in 1863?

    IOTL, an example of gunboat diplomacy perpetrated by Britain, known in Brazilian sources as the "Christie Crisis", erupted against the Empire of Brazil in the early 1860's. The catalysts for the crisis revolved around the issue of extraterritorial justice: -The marooning of the HMS Prince of...
  8. WI: Karl Marx moves to America and becomes part of Lincoln's cabinet

    What if Karl Marx moved to America and became part of Lincoln's Cabinet? Would socialism become more popular even earlier than Jello's Reds! TL? How would this effect the Civil War?
  9. What if Russia entered the Austro-Prussian War on Austria's side?

    In 1866, Austria and Prussia fought with each other and victory ended for Prussia which eventually united with German states and fought France too. But what if in this alternate scenario, Russia joins the war to help out Austria due to fear of Prussia's power. How would that turn out...