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  1. What if the Boxer Rebellion was longer and more significant?

    Recently I have been interested in the history of the Boxer Rebellion, particulary if it had been a long and disastrous war rather then a “short, splendid little war”. If the International Legations had been stormed and the diplomats killed, China’s general had stood behind their empress and...
  2. What if there was a more extreme and longer Boxer Rebellion?

    Recently I have been interested in the history of the Boxer Rebellion, particulary if it had been a long and disastrous war rather then a “short, splendid little war”. If the International Legations had been stormed and the diplomats killed, China’s general had stood behind their empress and...
  3. AHC: American Army has Italian levels of competence in WW2

    With a POD no earlier then 1934, make it so that when the United States enters into war against Nazi Germany they have levels of military competency comparable to Fascist Italy.
  4. AHC: Have Appeasement be seen as good policy Post-1938

    Withba POD in 1938 or later, have the historical policy of appeasement be seen as the right course of action by people living in modern times.
  5. AHC: Have a Posadist lead a Communist Country

    With a 1939 pod of divergence have a Posadist or an ideology resemblism Posadism form the government of a country.
  6. AHC: American Invasion of Cuba Post-Cold War

    The challenge is with a POD of divergence after the fall of the USSR is to have the United States launch of Cuba. I’m assuming for this to occur someone other then Bill Clinton would need to be in charge. Bonus points if this scenario involves neoconservatives becoming more politicly prominent...
  7. AHC: Non-Democratic Japan after WW2

    With a point of divergence after the surrender of Japan and avoiding any military coups. Have Japan become a militeristic dictatorship rather then a democracy during the Cold War.
  8. WI: Andrew Jackson shoots Henry Clay and hangs John C. Calhoun

    what it says on the tin, what impact would this have on history and United States politics going forward?
  9. AHC: President Samual Huntington

    The challenge is to have Samuel Huntington become President of the United States in the Post-Cold War Era. If he had become president how would his administration have reacted to problems in the Middle East?
  10. AHC: Get a US President's approval ratings as low as Francois Hollande.

    The challenge is to get the approval ratings of a US President down to 4 percent or lower. Bonus points if the potential person is President after World War 2. The lowest a Presidents approval ratings have ever gotten were in the 20's.
  11. Wi: John Allen Muhammad had assassinated the President

    What if instead of committing the Beltway Sniper Attacks the shooter and his partner had decided to attempt to assassinated President George W. Bush. What impact would this have on history, the Iraq War and the future of the United States.
  12. AHC: Make World War 1 last as long as Iran-Iraq War

    what it says on the tin, make Ww1 last 10 years between the two sides. Extra points if it's still as bloody as in OTL
  13. Who was the craziest/wackiest Cold War dictator?

    What it says on the tin. By this I don't mean the most mentally ill, I mean most deranged to the extant where truth seems stranger then fiction in how comically, almost cartoonishly evil some of these leaders were. Feel free to vote and debate this, also feel free to suggest any leaders I may...
  14. What if Nixon had not been caught?

    Let's assume that the point of divergence is that Nixon either does not wiretap his opponents or more likely is never caught. How would this influence American policies if Nixon was able to finish his term uninterrupted by impeachment. How would a lack of a President Ford change things.
  15. AHC: Make Tom Tancredo President in 2008

    Now Tom Tancredo would have a good chance if he had entered in 2016 and Trump had not. However the challenge is to make his presidential campaign in 2008 successful in not only getting the nomination but also defeating the Democratic nominee. Once president what would be the results of his...
  16. What if HP Lovecraft became President of the United States?

    He would obviously be a fairly bad president and it would take some substantial divergences for it to occur. Would he have allied with Hitler, how would World War 2 have gone with an isolationist U.S with a president that might go insane under the pressure and think Elder Abominations are after him.
  17. What if Joseph McCarthy had been a Soviet Agent?

    What if in 1991 when the Soviet Union fell, records became uncovered that showed that Joseph McCarthy had been blackmailed by the Soviet Union to prosecute hundreds of people in an attempt to purge and weaken America. If this had turned out to be true how would Joseph McCarthy and congressional...
  18. DBWI: What if Nuclear Weapons had been feasible?

    In 1945 the first nuclear test took place, called Trinity took place. It was estimated that a nuclear test similar to it would produce an explosion that would dwarf any explosion mankind had ever seen. As we all know though that test failed, along with all other nuclear tests. Proving that the...
  19. Alternatives to Khrushchev for Premiership of the USSR

    What it says on the tin, after the death of Stalin what other Soviet leaders could possibly have consolidated power and become premier. Who are some potential candidates?
  20. If Gore had won in 2000 what would his presidency look like and would he win in 2004?

    What it says on the tin, assuming that he never enters Iraq and the economy was performing well I would assume he would manage to win the 2004 election. If Gore only entered Afghanistan and focused on that region, he might have been able to make much better gains. If he did win in 2004 however...