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  1. DirtyCommie

    WI: Maoist-Lumumbist DRC?

    As most people here, I think, vaguely know, the DRC underwent a series of catastrophes after independence, beginning with the murder of Patrice Lumumba, the first leader of the Republic, in 1961and ending with Mobutu's coup (which led to a long period of terror and mismanagement) in 1965. One of...
  2. DirtyCommie

    Favorite and Least Favorite pre-1900 People?

    So, what are you guys' favorite and least favorite historical figures? Personally, I'd have to say that ONE of my favorites, at least, is Giuseppe Garibaldi for, first of all, his global republican crusade and second of all, his impeccable style. I mean, look at the man. As for least...
  3. DirtyCommie

    AHC/WI: OGAS actually developed?

    OGAS was an attempt, or more accurately one of a series of attempts, to create an information network similar to the Internet in the Soviet Union. However, the network, which would have been aimed at assisting central economic control, drew the ire of Vasily Garbuzov of the Ministry of Finance...
  4. DirtyCommie

    Muentzer survives: longer Peasant's War?

    I've been thinking of a TL based on having Thomas Muentzer escape after the Battle of Frankenhausen, but I'm unsure of the effects on the Peasant's War. I'm going to go ahead and assume the peasants lose, given the odds against them IOTL, but might revolutionary fervor last longer and maybe even...
  5. DirtyCommie

    Plausibility check: Total Polish victory against the Soviets?

    In the Polish-Soviet War following right on the heels of WWI, Pilsudski's Poland attempted to establish the "Intermarium", an federation envisioned by Pilsudski as including Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, and a host of othet Central-Eastern European states. While the Poles...
  6. DirtyCommie

    Alternate dominant revolutionary ideology?

    As I assume we all know, Marxism(-Leninism) became the dominant revolutionary ideology in the Left after the Russian Revolution and arguably earlier in the late 1800s. What if a different ideology like mutualism (for instance) had taken hold? Which ideologies could have replaced Marxism? When...
  7. DirtyCommie

    Pre-1900 TLs you've never had the time to write

    Based on some similar threads I can remember, this is a place to share those TL ideas and PODs that you always found really interesting, but never had time to write. For me: what if the English Levellers were able to take political control over the Commonwealth? What if Thomas Müntzer had...
  8. DirtyCommie

    Interest in a Modern Zambia timeline?

    In 2010, two protestors were shot and killed when police opened fire on a crowd in Mongu, a city in the West Province of Zambia (known as Barotseland by the Lozi-speaking locals). The crowd was protesting that the 1964 agreement which had bound Barotseland to Zambia had been abrogated years...
  9. DirtyCommie

    Interest in something of a micro-TL?

    Hey, guys. I dunno if y'all know this, but I'm from Tulsa, Oklahoma originally, and my mother is full-blood Creek; I'm a registered member of the tribe. With that in mind, it makes sense that I'm interested in aspects of Native history, especially in Oklahoma. Recently, I was reading about the...
  10. DirtyCommie

    More Successful Umayyads?

    This is inspired by the thread World Religions Without Islam; let's have a more successful Islam instead! So, Al-Samh ibn Malik wins the Battle of Toulouse in 721; it's more or less the exact reverse of what happened IOTL, with the Franks suffering immense losses. What happens now? Full-scale...
  11. DirtyCommie

    To Dwell Together In Unity: A West Indies Timeline

    Forged from the love of liberty In the fires of hope and prayer With boundless faith in our destiny We solemnly declare: Side by side we stand Islands of the blue Caribbean sea, This our native land We pledge our lives to thee. Here every creed and race find an equal place, And may...
  12. DirtyCommie

    The Last Embers of Daylight: An Irish Timeline

    Prologue “We sat grown quiet at the name of love; We saw the last embers of daylight die, And in the trembling blue-green of the sky A moon, worn as if it had been a shell Washed by time's waters as they rose and fell About the stars and broke in days and years. I had a thought for no one's...
  13. DirtyCommie

    Interest in a fascist Ireland TLIAW?

    Long moons ago, I was involved in a little collaborative project called Peace In Our Time. Some of you may have heard of it. One of my favorite parts of the project was the rise of a fascist, ahem, corporatist Ireland (as the parlance would have) in the mid-1930s. The major player in this drama...
  14. DirtyCommie

    Let Us Die To Make Men Free: Garibaldi's America

    "...and having thus chosen our course, without guile, and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear, and with manly hearts." --President Abraham Lincoln of the United States of America “I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger...
  15. DirtyCommie

    Begiratu Mendebaldean, Han Gezurrak Paradisu. (Basques in the West 2.0)

    (For those of you who are wondering, the title means Look to the West, for there lies Paradise.) The diary of Ganix Luken Aznar(1) 90th Day of Our Journey The Year of Our Lord 1070 Inigo is dead. Last night, I watched over him as he lay tied and thirst-mad to his cot below deck...
  16. DirtyCommie

    AHC: Keep China Maoist

    With a POD no earlier than 1970, eliminate Deng Xiaoping and his entire party of reformers and keep China a traditionally Maoist state up to the modern day.
  17. DirtyCommie

    Peace in Our Time, Part 2: A Collaborative Timeline

    When last we visited the world of PioT, the miscellaneous Great Powers of Earth faced a crucial turning point in the planet's history. For the first time in recorded memory, every major power had put aside their differences and joined together in an effort to ensure global peace, no matter what...
  18. DirtyCommie

    More extant ancient civilizations as modern nations?

    By this, I mean more modern-day civilizations/nations that can be traced more-or-less directly to ancient civilizations while keeping more-or-less the same basic internal structures (i.e. China or Thailand up to the 20th century). I'm looking for, basically, a present-day Indus Valley...
  19. DirtyCommie

    Lands of Ice and Mice: An Alternate History of the Thule

    The Lands of Ice and Mice A Scientific Romance by Guy Deschamps and DValdron With thanks to the good folks of for their always lovely ideas and especially to Jared for his wonderful timeline, Lands of Red and Gold Part One: In Which An Emperor Is Crowned Issorartuyok, Hey...
  20. DirtyCommie

    A Great Day for Allah

    Sanaa, Yemen, Ottoman Empire 1910 “He is dead.” The Young Doctor looked up from the Dead Man with sorrow etched on his face. The Wife, draped in a hijab, reached out for her dead husband with a trembling hand. “How can you be so sure? It is…it is as though he is sleeping.” The Young...