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  1. What if Nintendo and Electronic Arts teamed up in 1987 to make the Super Nintendo CD based?

    Electronic Arts was small potatoes in the console gaming world until they inked the Joe Montana Football deal with Sega and then bought out Maxis and Origin Systems. It would have been like inking the same sort of agreement with the likes of Codemasters, Dempa, or Mindscape way back then, too.
  2. A New Age of Atari

    The problem with using the Mindset project as-is is that the only successful not-quite IBM clone MS-DOS machines with their own chipsets and sometimes even busses, the NEC PC93/98, Phillips Diamond, Tandy 1000/5000, and Fujitsu FM Towns, all had one thing in common. They were all funded by big...
  3. WI the Philippines turned communist in the 1960s?

    It would require a POD of 1924, with Trotsky or Bakhurin succeeding Lenin instead of Stalin, and then Mao Zedong fleeing the White Terror for one of the middle Phillipine islands (not Luzon or Minandao) and meeting up with a bunch of disgruntled expatriate French, Belgian, and Italian Communist...
  4. WI: South Africa-Contra?

    South Africa by that time had a long, if slightly obscure, history of quality firearms by that time, with the likes of Vektor, MAG, and Wappen ZA already legends in the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia. Arms shipments to Apartheid South Africa would simply made no economic sense...
  5. What if Microsoft stayed in Albuquerque instead of relocating to Seattle?

    It would require the University of New Mexico, Santa Fe State College, New Mexico Institute of Technology, New Mexico-Las Vegas and Thunderbird of New Mexico have much larger and better computer science programs in the early-mid Seventies than OTL. Oh, and you also have Nintendo, Digital...
  6. What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    Pretty sure Ted Turner got his start ca. 1966. WTBS got its cable rebroadcasting license from the FCC in 1970, but before that, Turner did licensed cable rebroadcasting of local network affiliates and independent stations throughout North and Central Georgia that made good business in those...
  7. What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    MTV is theoretically possible by 1968, given a well placed television executive with the right vision, or a poorly placed one with a Howard Hughes wealth level sugar daddy. It would probably require cutting The Monkees a season short, though. Grunge Rock breaking through twenty-five years...
  8. A Game of Rats and Italians: an Atari Nintendo Merger TL

    I kind of liked the place early on. Then they cheaped out on the pizza and stopped maintaining the animatronics. As for a combined Mega Drive/Genesis and Neo Geo, such a console, if done right, would effectively be a Sega Y-Unit Lite: something Sega's first party studios and Japanese and...
  9. A Game of Rats and Italians: an Atari Nintendo Merger TL

    Well, if I were in charge of R&D at the new combined company, these would be my priorities for development in order: 1: An Atari 7800/Nintendo Famicim II that combines the best aspects of both consoles (Master Palette, 320 column horizontal resolution, and Monster Sprite generator of the...
  10. what if Pro Wrestling is real

    This What-if probably belongs in Before 1900.
  11. An alternate toonami history (pop culture timeline in the style of timeline 93)

    Hmm... What if instead of beating Mobile Suit Gundam Wing into the ground over the space of three years, Cartoon Network manages to get Sunrise to let them dub After War Gundam X, which becomes such a big hit that Sunrise lets Cartoon Network buy the unfilmed eleven episode scripts towards the...
  12. What if Nintendo Stays in the Arcades (Reboot)

    ...arena outside of PC clones. I could easily see Atari partnering with Hudson and Sharp to bring the X68000's chipset to North America and Europe*, and the Acorn Archimedes adopt the Motorola Raster Memory System graphics chipset. It's entirely possible for the likes of Sony NEWS, Canon CAT...
  13. WI: Rare was close partners with Sega instead of Nintendo in the 90s?

    Rare and Nintendo's first development joint venture was Baloon Fight, a Joust clone, in 1984. Neither Nintendo nor Sega had consoles fore sale in Europe at the time. Butterflying that project in a different direction that leads to partnership with Sega plausibly is going to take a lot of thought.
  14. "The Pure Arcadia" A Timeline of Alternate Arcades and Beyond

    Also, I'm pretty certain  Asteroids featured a 6502 as its CPU OTL.
  15. "The Pure Arcadia" A Timeline of Alternate Arcades and Beyond

    I find these sales numbers for certain arcade games to be somewhat... improbable. Consider that the world's bestselling pinball machine, The Addams Family by Data East, only sold Ca. 15,000 machines in its first run. Atari's TTL sales numbers in particular should propell it into the Fortune...
  16. WI: A world without HIV?

    Not certain how that would change things, considering that HIV-1 was a Chimpanzee virus and HIV-2 jumped species from the pet trade in smaller Macaques that was an artifact of habitat destruction in the Niger River basin. The biggest issue is the bushmeat trade. Is there any way to steer it...
  17. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)

    Well, I suppose that's a logical development after a previous Disney animated film riffing on the Popol Vuh...
  18. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)

    Mel Gibson also has an Australian passport, and had since before the POD.
  19. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)

    So Cap sounds like Bugs Bunny? Instead of facepalming and shaking my head, l would be screaming with laughter and slapping my knee. This sounds like the most comedic mistcasting concept since Jean-Claude van Damme, John Candy, or John Belushi as Wolverine, Eddie Murphy as Black Lightning, or...
  20. Mississippi: The Seventh Cradle of Civilization

    Well, we have little barley, wild rice, and sea oats as available domesticable grain crops, with corn (maize), ammaranth, chia, and quinoa coming in later.