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  1. nepcotevalley

    Malaya What If

    The Title " Perfidous Albion " has been very well earned over the years.
  2. nepcotevalley

    Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    ObsessedNuker is entirely correct about the attitude of the average British service man and service woman for that matter. During the Second World War. They had exactly the same attitude as their American counterparts . To do what had to be done. So that they could finish the job and go home...
  3. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Sorry to hear about your accident Allan . Don't worry about updates. Just concentrate on your recovery . We'll all still be here when you feel more able to update. Regards.
  4. nepcotevalley

    The most competent IJA and IJN officers

    For IJN generals I would go with this gentleman. Tomoyuki Yamashita The Tiger of Singapore
  5. nepcotevalley

    Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Congratulations on your win EnglishCanuck . Very much deserved. Best Wishes .
  6. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    This gentleman would expect nothing less than this outcome.
  7. nepcotevalley

    Custodians of the World: Ottoman Grand Viziers of the Third Constitutional Era

    looking forward to this. We need more Ottoman stories on this board . Regards.
  8. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    The old Gods demanded a somewhat belated blood sacrifice.
  9. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Well you'd certainly know all about it wouldn't you . You evil Bocagist fiend ! :) :cool: :p
  10. nepcotevalley

    For God And For Ulster

    You could always ask Calbear to move this thread . Either to the writers forum or to ASB . it would enable you to carry on with it . Rather than having to end it too abruptly. Regards.
  11. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    As Napoleon famously pointed out " An Army does march on it's stomach " Regards.
  12. nepcotevalley

    Sealion attempted and failed. Consequences?

    Check out the glossary of Sealion threads at the top of this sub forum. All the answers to your questions lie within. Regards .
  13. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    How about some lovely delicious Spam instead ?
  14. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I think Percival should go home . His talents as a staff officer would be a definite asset to the War Office. Particularly when it comes to planning out the eventually return of the British armed forces to Western Europe.
  15. nepcotevalley

    What if Stalin's wife had shot him dead?

    Looking at his picture you could be forgiven for thinking that he and Stalin were related somehow. I'm not sure his accession to power would do much to change things for the better. He seems every bit as brutal and cold - hearted as the " Man of Steel " himself .
  16. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I have no issue with the main discussions about tanks . Only with this threads tendency to end up in some very strange places where tanks and other pieces of kit are concerned ! :)
  17. nepcotevalley

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    You're the only one who can save us from food and tanks ! o_O
  18. nepcotevalley

    Hilarious Ways for Mussolini to Die

    Benito is giving one of his infamous interminable speeches when the balcony he's standing on gives way sending him plunging to a somewhat messy death.
  19. nepcotevalley

    Napoleon killed by rabbits in 1807, what then?

    Damn you Fabius Maximus ! I was going to post about William of Orange and " The little gentleman in black velvet ! " Beaten to the punch once again curses ! :)
  20. nepcotevalley

    Why the Chinese play cricket (The Pax Imperialis)

    Delighted to see that you and your epic tale are back. Eagerly awaiting your new and improved story. Regards and Best Wishes.