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  1. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    Well the Football War was more the culmination of tensions between the two countries, with violence relating to the game being the catalyst rather than the cause. Here it's similar, with France simply using the game as an excuse to get into a spat with Germany and distract from their home...
  2. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    Well countries can be extremely petty. I mean, El Salvador and Honduras had a war sparked by a football match.
  3. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Devil's Chosen

    The Devil's Chosen Unlike what most civilians would assume, life in the Army, even during the Franco-German War, was mostly one of boredom. Soldiers deployed along the frontlines or on patrol deep in the Algerian wilderness had little in the way of entertainment as they performed rote tasks...
  4. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Chinese Great Game

    The Chinese Great Game The Fujian Government’s retreat took them into the interior, away from the coastline where the Regency Navy reigned supreme. Capturing Shaoguan on July 19, the Fujian army would receive an emissary from Nie Hongzhang, the governor of Guangdong. An ally of the Fajia...
  5. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    Thanks. It really means a lot to me.
  6. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Pacification of the South

    The Pacification of the South The China that entered the 1920s was a China far different from the one that had entered the 1910s. The status quo of internal tensions and de facto separate governments had been replaced by an empowered Regency, a gutted Nanjing Clique, and a Zhili Clique...
  7. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    It's mainly the confluence of two things: a complete misunderstanding about what the article is actually talking about due to it delving into a niche field and the Japanese population at large feeling that domestic politics is becoming less and less important. Japan's domestic situation is...
  8. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: Shinsei Nihon-Damashii: The Rebirth of Japanese Conservatism

    Shinsei Nihon-Damashii: The Rebirth of Japanese Conservatism Perhaps the thing most key to understand about the Japanese people during the Pink Revolution was that they in many ways had been extremely lucky. Their democracy, which had lasted for over half a century at this point, had never in...
  9. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    Yeah, with this Korean shifts mainly to an alphabetical writing system. As you said, Hanja is mainly used on official documents (and by some of the upper class).
  10. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Revival of Hunminjeongeum

    The Revival of Hunminjeongeum Much like the rest of Korean identity, the very language itself was torn between a local identity and its adulation of China. While the Korean language was its own, early in its existence it had adopted the Chinese script as part of the attempt at turning Korea...
  11. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: An American in Kagoshima's Ryukyutown

    “An American in Kagoshima’s Ryukyutown” - Sam Hawthorne Note: This article was written in April 1930 for the American magazine Foreign Life. As such, it contains language that is appropriate for the time. Random House has elected to avoid changing the text to provide a better window into the...
  12. Roland Traveler

    Would Japan Have Returned German Asia/Pacific Colonies Given A CP WW1 Victory?

    Vichy forces in North Africa were fighting for the legitimate(ish) government of France on French soil. And even then they threw in the towel pretty quickly. I don’t think you’ll find more than a token resistance among any colonial garrison told to die so that the Germans can have their new...
  13. Roland Traveler

    Would Japan Have Returned German Asia/Pacific Colonies Given A CP WW1 Victory?

    I fail to see how if, in this scenario, France has already signed the colony away to a nation that is openly hostile toward Japan. Coupled with France likely not having the fondest opinion of the Germans, they have no incentive to actually oppose Japan instead of going “Well, we tried. Sorry...
  14. Roland Traveler

    Would Japan Have Returned German Asia/Pacific Colonies Given A CP WW1 Victory?

    And why wouldn’t Japan just rush to the area and accept the surrender of French forces first? The telegram is faster than a boat, and Germany still has to organize and dispatch a force against a nation who, almost certainly having delegates at any negotiations to try and get their conquests...
  15. Roland Traveler

    Would Japan Have Returned German Asia/Pacific Colonies Given A CP WW1 Victory?

    How are they going to do that? Japan has occupied all their colonies, and even assuming they get the rest of their empire back, the nearest base is in Tanganyika. If they try your Siam plan, Japan has plenty of forewarning, and can either straight up invade or support a coup. They will also have...
  16. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    While I have given the region some thought, I haven’t plotted out anything in depth. I’ll give what broad strokes I have, though. In 1930 Ecuador, whose Liberal/Conservative elite democracy was first rocked by the interior becoming de facto independent under Cacha, then by an anarchist movement...
  17. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    Most Koreans practice a synergistic version of Buddhism and Musok, with the government slowly tampering down on Confucianist-driven suppression after the Officer’s Revolt, officially ending it with the Korean Empire’s establishment, and embracing Musok as the national religion (a term even they...
  18. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Land of Morning Pride

    The Land of Morning Pride Korean nationalism was by no means a new phenomenon. Centuries ago, the Korean people had unified against the Japanese, determined to defend their independence from the foreign invader. In the aftermath of the fall of the Ming and the rise of the Qing, Korea was an...
  19. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline
    Threadmarks: Maps for Africa, Andes, and Balkans 1922

    Here are maps for areas of the world where border changes are a bit fuzzy: With one of the great colonizers suddenly shifting focus due to revolution and the natives proving far tougher than expected, European efforts at colonizing Africa have failed to penetrate the interior. While they...
  20. Roland Traveler

    Jiyu Banzai! A Japanese Timeline

    France's fertility rate was actually touched upon in an earlier update and it's doing better than OTL. That's not a high bar, mind you, and it's still behind their neighbors, but Beaumont was able to drag it up by a mixture of incentives and propaganda. Any demographic hole is going to be a lot...