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  1. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    I think nukes have a limited shelf-life before they need to be reprocessed, so I'm not sure if that NPP with its massive stockpile would be viable.
  2. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Well, the professor should have known about that little flaw, he designed the contraption. Better get on it! That is quite the fascinating device. :-)
  3. The fate of Germany in my TL

    Well, this of course depends heavily on the actual order of events but by reading the description I assumed that the Soviets would not simply 'gift' Germany its 1914 borders back. After the armistice of Compiegne with the Entente, they'd probably declare the treaty of Brest-Litovsk annulled just...
  4. How can we stop the East Germany from abandoning their goal of reunification?

    This is misleading. It was not just a matter of 'abandoning reunification'. Before they changed the constitution, the GDR official stance was that it was the sole lawful government for all of Germany and West Germany merely an illegitimate NATO puppet regime carved out of its territory. This...
  5. How would the Morgenthau Plan have killed people?

    I don't follow your argument. Post-war Germany already suffered from a famine in OTL due to agriculture and the labor market being badly disrupted, with (belated) US food aid barely serving to prevent the worst. Destroying its ability to recover economically and import food on its own would have...
  6. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Another important issue is that landing on Titan is not trivial as it has an atmosphere thicker than Earth that is extremely cold. Not to mention the active methane-based weather cycle. Standard equipment built to operate in vacuum is not going to be up to the task. With heat convection in a...
  7. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Wait - Strauß already created an overheated economy. I'd have tought it would be pretty difficult to increase revenues even further.
  8. Worker coops own economies after eastern bloc falls

    The fundamental problem of East block industry was that it was not competitive with Western corporations after mismanaging its priorities and failing to modernize for decades. One has to remember that most of the industry was operating at a severe loss after they suddenly had to compete on an...
  9. How could Gorbachev's reforms meant to save the USSR have been successful?

    Computing was a prestige issue for the Soviets (and the GDR), but they had a problem with economies of scale - turning their R&D prototypes into mass producible products. Doesn't really matter if your transistor is theoretically just as capable as the equivalent US product if you are only...
  10. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Oof. Their days of being horrible human beings have certainly come to a middle...
  11. How could Gorbachev's reforms meant to save the USSR have been successful?

    It didn't help but to be absolutely clear: Soviet industry was increasingly decrepit and only survived due to its closed off captive market. Due to socialist ideology, there was an enormous mismatch between the value of the labor performed by the citizens and what it was supposed to provide...
  12. If the Central Powers win World War One, what did the Germans have in mind for France?

    The infamous September Program is indeed your best reference here since it is a list of possible peace negotation demands compiled by some government official when it still looked like the war might be over quickly. That doesn't mean every single demand would have been pressed, but it shows...
  13. How certain was the fall of communism and the USSR to people living in 1978(late 70s basically)

    It says something about how thorough and total the triumph of capitalism over socialism was that people now look at economic performance alone and conclude that the Soviet Union was doomed from the beginning. Back then that was not how people thought about this - alternative state ideologies...
  14. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Well, the description of their preparations did not fill me with confidence that they have considered this task from all angles. Let's see what they decide to do once they actually rendevouz with one of their target rubble piles. :D
  15. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    A virus is not a magic spell, so theoretically you only need to remove the reservoir of carriers it is coming from. There has been no mention of cross-species infection yet so we are talking about a very limited -and presumably still dropping- population of British survivors. However, a...
  16. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Well, experimenting with asteroid mining would certainly seem like what the industry and politicians would focus on next. Landing on Venus shouldn't be feasible unless the spacecraft is explicitly designed for it. Conditions on the surface are far in excess of what regular ship components would...
  17. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Well, evidently people are volunteering for one-way trips to the outer solar system just to get away from Dortmund, so the more things change the more they stay the same. ;-)
  18. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    The relatives I spoke to always explained the GDR in prison allegories. People just felt unfree even in times when materially everything was okay. It's little comfort to the prisoner that food, housing and even make-work jobs are provided for - it's still a life sentence. No wonder people...
  19. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    They are doomed. :D
  20. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    I'm pretty sure it makes no sense for a unit stationed in North-East Germany to use a military training area hundreds of kilometers away in South-West Germany. The Heer should own multiple training areas in Prussia itself this unit would exercise in. Of course it should - as mentioned in the...