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  1. The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

    It contradicts itself. The entry for the US also says it's the worlds second largest economy still, behind China, but India's entry says its number 2 as well. Japan being four makes sense-it never had the lost decade and a crash, but China and India just boomed more. Imperial Federation would...
  2. The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

    Do we have a ranking of the world’s top 10 economies? I know 1-4 should be China, US, India, Japan. Iran I know is in the top 10, and I would think the imperial federation would like be 5, Germany 6, and probably Italy, Iran, Vietnam and France rounding out the 10 in some way order. Edit: I see...
  3. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    I know there isn't a threadmarks version, since I know PDF has said they would prefer to do that on their own, but does anyone have a link to the last update? I keep checking in on this every few months over the past few years and I just wanna know if I missed anything.
  4. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    got it so it was the reserves being held back that allowed them to cut off the Germans. Once they get to Paris it all makes perfect sense to me, I am just not overly familiar with both sides war planning to recognize the change. Things like building up the BEF and kicking the ADA in the pants to...
  5. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Also this sounds very stupid, and I think I've read this thread 3 times but I still couldn't quite parse it out from the maps, but why DID the French manage to repel the Germans in the TL? I know they made some changes, but I didn't quite understand it. I know once the Germans decided to let...
  6. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    I mean sure but then we have to be on thread 6 instead of 4. I didn't bother mathing it out lol.
  7. Fantasque Time Line (France Fights On) - English Translation

    So what exactly is going on in the Adriatic? I know we've got landings across Greece to push towards and clear out Attica, the Greeks are WAY overly excited and lacking discipline and are dashing to Athens perhaps quite fool hardily. I know they liberated the Dalmatian islands and landed a...
  8. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    The year is 2050. PDF has already had great grand kids. We're on thread 4. We continue to debate bananas. Calbear can't ban us because the post is still technically active.
  9. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Lol PDF is very very proud of how he killed Hitler and the people on the thread kept arguing about bananas instead.
  10. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    One huge difference is the US has been shown to be far less averse to massive infrastructure projects ITTL.
  11. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Well you could try hopping across the Aleutians and the like. There have been real world proposals for that.
  12. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Hi, not sure if this has been asked, but what do the cities in Western Alaska look like? How big are they, what do they look like, have there been attempts to connect them directly to Alaska proper via a bridge or train? I know the population is MASSIVELY bigger than regular Alaska.
  13. For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

    Yeah I recall that, I was just wondering if the original post was out there somewhere. I first read the timeline a few months ago, so re-reading it I can't find it
  14. For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

    I know this thread has changed multiple times with edits and updates, but I can't find the post that references the titular timeline title-the want of a sandwich and the circumstances leading to Franz surviving.
  15. If France is still fighting in 1940, what would WWII be like?

    In FFO Allies invade Sardinia in 1940 and still kept Corsica, Germans and Italians re-invade Sardinia and Corsica in 1941, but it's analogous to the invasion of Crete-incredibly costly for Germany and Italy that decimates their paratroopers, take huge aerial losses, and also guts their landing...
  16. If France is still fighting in 1940, what would WWII be like?

    This is the main premise of the France Fights on timeline, which is a French language project that is currently actively being updated with an English translation. Their view is that after pulling their forces back to French North Africa, they're able to kick the Italians out of Africa by the...
  17. The North Star is Red: a Wallace Presidency, KMT Victory, Alternate Cold War TL

    I mean the most recent update literally mentioned that LBJ stuck around long enough to write his memoirs, so we've got at least a few years, probably at least until 1974, if not longer (Johnson can run for two more terms since he served slightly less than half of Silers remaining term).
  18. Fantasque Time Line (France Fights On) - English Translation

    lol do you ever sleep, or is this semi automated?
  19. Fantasque Time Line (France Fights On) - English Translation

    This should say December 19th, not September.
  20. The North Star is Red: a Wallace Presidency, KMT Victory, Alternate Cold War TL

    Hey, just curious, what were the main changes of the great retcon? I started following this TL after the retcon so I don't know what was originally written before being changed.